Do You Encourage Others to Go to Disney?

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's funny there is a forum where there are so many of you fine people, just like me. Love Disney and can't wait for your next trip. However, I don't seem to meet anyone like me in every day life. I find myself explaining to people why I go 3-4 times per year rather than discussing how much another person enjoys Disney.

I find most people I interact with don't even know Disney World is different than Disneyland. I always end up telling people to get the family down to Orlando and see for themselves. I even offer to help them with suggestions.

Lately, I've grown tired of explaining my love for Disney and have largely stopped encouraging others to go. I realized they just don't get it. :)

Do you recruit others or just change the subject if it comes up?


Well-Known Member
I definitely encounter the same reactions you get. If they don't get it, they don't get it...and they are clearly missing out. I've convinced a few of my friends to consider a Disney vacation, and guided them through planning their trips. It was so much fun!

However, I will say that I have little interest in going on a trip with someone who isn't a fanatic...being the people pleaser I am, I would wrestle with trying to make sure they are enjoying themselves, while also fighting my desire to go all out.


God bless the "Ignore" button.
I encourage everyone who comes to Florida to check out Disney and Uni (but more so Uni ;)). If you've been to one and not the other, I suggest that people visit the other. Really, though, I think that anyone who can afford the trip to either resort should go at least once. The challenge is censoring myself from making trip-ruining, critical assessments of either resort (yes, I can criticize Universal as well as Disney).


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I encourage people to go other then to say... Go at least once in a lifetime. Early on I used to encourage people to go that I knew would like it if they only gave it a chance. I would never discourage someone from going based on perceived lesser quality then 30 years ago. To them it is brand new and they will find the magic just like we did before we all became jaded by constant Disney put-downs.

What amazes me the most is the massive misinformation that still exists concerning Disney. It does now require massive planning if one feels that they have to stay onsite to enjoy it. I didn't fall in love with any resort, I fell in love with the parks which still exist and to a newbie they are fresh and new. I try and explain the planning required to stay onsite especially if they buy into the Magic Express and leave themselves with no option but to rely on Disney for their every need. In my 43 trips I have only stayed onsite once and have no plans to ever do it again. I still basically tour exactly the same way I did on my very first visit in 1983. Almost nothing has changed for me. A lot of my favorite "old" attractions are gone, but, I enjoy the new ones, the modified ones and the thought of the pending ones. I tend to also look at the place in a more realistic manner then a lot of people. I look at Cinderellas Castle and I see a neat looking thing made out of plastic. I enjoy it, but, never would I have gotten all weepy eyed over it. Characters? You have got to be kidding me. A bunch of college students dressed up in costumes depicting characters that exist only in ones imagination, would not be worthy of over 3 minutes of my time. A 5 hours wait time for Frozen characters? Seriously? Are these people brain dead. They can say no to the kids and they will get over it.

If anyone were to ask me if they should go... I would first inquire what they think they would like to do concerning where they stayed during their visit. I tend to discourage staying onsite, at least without independent transportation. I also ask when they plan to go and definitely discourage them from attending at certain times. Otherwise I feel everyone should experience it at least once. Love it or hate it, it is still worth going.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I find ourselves not only encouraging others to go but we try and help them plan so they know what to expect and so that they will not be overwhelmed their first time. Most of the people we encounter that say they do not enjoy Disney they say so for 2 main reasons:

1) price
2) they tried to do everything in one trip

Not much I can really do about the first one other than tell them when the offseason is but the second one is easier to resolve. We just tell them to relax and know ahead of time that you will not get everything done in your first visit so don't even try. Just enjoy the park and the family time that you have together and the rest of the trip will take care of itself.

We have not given up on encouraging people to go as this place is just too much fun and way to magical. Every time I walk into the Magic Kingdom I feel just like a kid again and that feeling is priceless. That may make me a lifestyles or something like that but I simply love this place. Forums like this allow me to share that love and I am so thankful for this website.


Well-Known Member
I occasionally get the "you're going to Disney? AGAIN??" from coworkers (friends have given up :) ).....but I usually chalk it up to their loss!

On the flip side, one of my coworkers took her daughter to Disney for the first time and asked me for planning advice knowing I go so much. I think when I pulled up interactive maps (plotting how to sneak her daughter into MK so she wouldn't realize where she was before the castle was in view) she maybe regretted asking advice!

Chef Mickey

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I preach Disney to everyone. I've had quite a few coworkers and friends ask me for Disney advice. I've also been the subject of many jokes to!
Haha, mee too. I'm known as the Disney guy at the office and some of them (most of them) just don't get it.

My friends just think it's funny. I'll always sprinkle in a different trip and people are all surprised when it's not Disney.

I find the majority of people were deprived as kids so Disney didn't get into their blood at a young age. :)


Well-Known Member
the short answer...yes

the long of it, when i persuade people to go and they say something like "ehh, i was thinking mexico instead", i literally can fathom a response...

I too am known as the disney guy to my coworkers and friends, and some do their best to not bring up a topic that has anything remotely to do with disney, because they know that means they just invested about 20 minutes of talking disney with me.


Well-Known Member
If someone approaches me about it I am more then happy to talk disney, help with their trip, answer questions. Otherwise I tend to keep it to myself. I know not everyone is all about Disney.

I've also had people ask me, "don't you realllly like Disney???" with the obvious view of it being dumb. If I sense that, I usually say, " My H and I do enjoy going there, but I know it's not for everyone." Sort of cut them off at the pass.

Also, I know quite a few of my friends really want to go but can't afford/want to wait for their kids to get older. In that case I only talk about it if they bring it up because I don't want to make them feel badly.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Not anymore, however if some one is going to go Ill try and help them maximise the trip. Its not for everyone, I wouldnt do a beach holiday.


Well-Known Member
Since I only carry Dooney & Bourke Disney purses I got people saying they like them and where did I get them. I find that 8 of 10 who say something are Disney fans. My DH hates it cause I could talk forever. I have also help several friends and co-workers plan trips or answer never ending questions. I love planning and talking Disney. But it does get old when you find that person who just does not understand why Disney is the only place we vacation. I counter with why is the beach the only place you go???

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
If some one asks me about Disney, then I gladly tell them what I can about it, our experiences etc. I got tired of the people who 'don't get it' asking why we go each year etc., so we decided long ago that unless we are asked we keep mum.


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to my family and friends. Not one other person is a "Disney person," like myself. Practically every time I tell someone we're going back to WDW I get a reaction like, "REALLY??!! AGAIN??!!" I think other people just think it's a one-time thing and that's it and they don't get why people would return. I also have friends that will know I'm such a Disney fan and still say negative things about Disney in front of me like, "UGH, it's always so crowded there and we had such a bad experience. We're never going back." It's a rarity to find another Disney person, actually and when I do find them I am SO happy!


Well-Known Member
Back in Sept. Of 2012 I got my friend, and his family to go. Now this guy is my best friend, and our families know, and love each other. At the time his lil girl was 5, and lil boy 4. Now Omar, his name, has always broken my chops about going to Disney World, it was always something like, "Oh no, Mitch needs to get back to Disney to get a hug from Mickey", " Mitch ... You do know there are other places besides Disney?" I always told him he needs to go check it out, it's amazing. Well I was telling him about the trip I was planning in 1202, and he said, " let other people go to Disney " I didn't know what he was talking about, so I said, ok how about you go! and he said, I am! the same time as you.... So I'm still confused, and asked if he wanted me to help plan his trip. He replied that's exactly what I want. I was more excited for his trip then my own. I booked his room, tickets, and all his dinning. We all had a great time, for the most part my lil girl was only 1 1/2. Omar's wife was so impressed with all my Disney knowledge. We spent most of the time together, but when they were on their own, they would always be calling me asking where this, and that were. I would say ok look in front of you, what do you see, oh the big ball, ok, go under it then take a slight right to the land, or make a hard right to the Seas. I always encourage people to's magic!


I'm definitely in the minority when it comes to my family and friends. Not one other person is a "Disney person," like myself. Practically every time I tell someone we're going back to WDW I get a reaction like, "REALLY??!! AGAIN??!!" I think other people just think it's a one-time thing and that's it and they don't get why people would return. I also have friends that will know I'm such a Disney fan and still say negative things about Disney in front of me like, "UGH, it's always so crowded there and we had such a bad experience. We're never going back." It's a rarity to find another Disney person, actually and when I do find them I am SO happy!
Do you really love Disney world what is best thing to do there are going back to Disney

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