Again, let's not carry things to extremes. I am stating general observations about a lot of posters, not just you. You are, however, continuing this conversation as if I am personally attacking you. It all started by saying that if I, or someone like myself, liked the addition to PoTC that I, or they, were Fangirls. I appreciate the addition of Capt. Jack because it made the great attraction a little more relevant to today's consciousness. You said it ruined the mood. I do not understand how. The new additions were still pirates and other then the fact that they look human and not cartoonish, to me just added to the theme. You do not see it that way, I understand that. However, to me it hasn't been a negative anymore then the stuff in the queue had one iota of an affect on Haunted Mansion, in my opinion. It's still the same mood inside. Those little gadgets on the outside are quickly forgotten when actually in the attraction.
To me that is creating a problem that just doesn't exist and thus the looking for a negative aspect to be part of this discussion. My return discussion is that to me it doesn't and why it doesn't. That is still a discussion, it just isn't an agreement. It's point/counterpoint!