I caught on to it about three weeks ago, but for the first week I was too shy to say anything about it because, for Godsakes, it was Barbie.
Then after the first week of being in love with the Barbie movie trailers, I was confident enough that this was a pop culture phenomenon and I went on record here in another part of the forum saying as much.
Luckily, just over a week ago, I convinced my extended family to all go see it with me in late July. It only took one viewing of one of the trailers for the women in the family to say "Hell, yes", and then it took the men in my family watching the second trailer to say "Oh, geez, this is awesome. I can't wait for this one."
After several years of all of us being pitted against each other by politicians and alleged "leaders", there's something about Barbie that hits at all our shared humanity. This is a movie that's going to do very, very well. I knew it the moment I watched the trailer. Barbie is going to be the hit of the summer, financially and socially.
I'm going on record saying Barbie will likely have a bigger global box office than The Little Mermaid did this summer.