Disney's Hollywood Studios testing mobile app pre-ordering at restaurants and during Fantasmic!


One Little Spark...
As much as I'd like to hope they'd integrate this into MDE, the app is specifically for Walt Disney World, no one else and nothing else. So if Disney went through the trouble to have a separate app developed, why would they intergrate it
Um...MDE is only at WDW, last I checked...did they expand it to other parks?


Active Member
Cel Phone GPS only gets you, in an ideal connection state, about an 30 - 40 foot diameter of accuracy.

Wifi can improve that (with massive triangulation algorithms running) or bluetooth LE as the bands long range capabilities use (again with lots of readers and triangulation)...but, it's far from seat delivery.

So, basically, instead of me flagging down the dude with the flat of popcorn, now I tell the dude with the flat of popcorn to wonder around my general area and it's my responsibility to still flag him down, and instead of quickly short range RFID paying with my band (or how we used to do it, cash or a quick swipe of the KTTW card), now I have to whip out my cel phone, while he whips out his iTouch, looks up my confirm number to confirm my purchase, finish the transaction (oh wait, CC declined!?!?!)...all in a stadium environment with bench seating and crowds?


I'm not seeing this test going well.

The QS stuff though I think is more intriguing.
You pay through the app, card only. When the girl came with my water, they just handed it to me and that's it.


One Little Spark...
You pay through the app, card only. When the girl came with my water, they just handed it to me and that's it.
First, you don't "pay through the app". You must forgive me, I am being very technical here because it's what I do (and before this I ran restaurants for a fortune 500 chain for 11 years, so I see an odd blend of the tech and operations sides)...

Anyhow, I'm being technical, but it's worth noting, you don't pay "through the app"...technically...you pay through the payment gateway Disney uses. The Nack/Ack must come from that. The app is merely the GUI.

I apologized in advance cause I don't want to make it seem like I'm being obtuse or attacking your experience (rather, the latter, I love that you've experienced it and have first hand knowledge as a user!)

As far as operations...perhaps I'm confused...

They didn't confirm it was your order?

I thought you said they did?

And, I thought you said you were not charged until AFTER your order had been delivered, which means that a call has to be initiated after delivery (though, that doesn't have to be done from a handheld device they use, rather could be done from a system back a "main base")...

A pre-auth, then final charge setup is inefficient for cost reasons regarding payment gateways. It's better to just charge outright for low dollar, high volume, transactions, and Disney easily knows this.

The point is, I was going off your specific description of how the system "works"...


Premium Member
Original Poster
So, we are down (up?) to pre-ordering hot dogs, pretzels and popcorn at a show? Right? I'm not missing something?

This isn't how WDW is supposed to work. This is insanity at play for lazy people and people who use tech for everything except wiping their tushes. Really. Just really.
I think there is a realization on Disney's side that an awful lot of sales are being lost in the show due to people not wanting to head through the crowds and then to find themselves in another long queue with a risk then of missing the start of the show. Seems a good option to offer.


Premium Member
Original Poster
So this is like when The MCI Center started offered food delivery to your club level seats in 1997?
Not familiar with that setup. Does it use p
First, you don't "pay through the app". You must forgive me, I am being very technical here because it's what I do (and before this I ran restaurants for a fortune 500 chain for 11 years, so I see an odd blend of the tech and operations sides)...

Anyhow, I'm being technical, but it's worth noting, you don't pay "through the app"...technically...you pay through the payment gateway Disney uses. The Nack/Ack must come from that. The app is merely the GUI.

I apologized in advance cause I don't want to make it seem like I'm being obtuse or attacking your experience (rather, the latter, I love that you've experienced it and have first hand knowledge as a user!)

As far as operations...perhaps I'm confused...

They didn't confirm it was your order?

I thought you said they did?

And, I thought you said you were not charged until AFTER your order had been delivered, which means that a call has to be initiated after delivery (though, that doesn't have to be done from a handheld device they use, rather could be done from a system back a "main base")...

A pre-auth, then final charge setup is inefficient for cost reasons regarding payment gateways. It's better to just charge outright for low dollar, high volume, transactions, and Disney easily knows this.

The point is, I was going off your specific description of how the system "works"...
From the user perspective, which is all that really counts here, they pay through the app. Everything is handled inside the Express Order app.

On delivery, the CM confirms the order with the guest.


Keep Moving Forward
So here's what you can order to your seat during Fantasmic



Well-Known Member
So, we are down (up?) to pre-ordering hot dogs, pretzels and popcorn at a show? Right? I'm not missing something?

This isn't how WDW is supposed to work. This is insanity at play for lazy people and people who use tech for everything except wiping their tushes. Really. Just really.
What happened to IMMERSION? WDW used to be a way to leave the rest of the world behind. Now everyone has to stay connected through a device. I realize that I am in the minority, but how can I enjoy a THEME park when I don't bother to notice the theme? I do bring my phone with me to the parks now to utilize FP+ out of necessity, but ONLY for that.
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Premium Member
Original Poster
What happened to IMMERSION? WDW used to be a way to leave the rest of the world behind. Now everyone has to stay connected through a device. I realize that I am in the minority, but how can I enjoy a THEME park when I don't bother to notice the theme? I do brig my phone with me to the parks now to utilize FP+ out of necessity, but ONLY for that.
It is optional, so no changes if you don't wish to use the system.


Well-Known Member
I am all for this. It sounds just like what Panera Bread has been doing recently. You load up their app or go to a browser, set a time when you want the food, choose what you want to eat and confirm. Then, when the time you set comes, you walk to the Panera bread and walk past the long line (especially during the lunch rush) and grab your to-go bag (it has your name it).

This concept works IMO. More money for them, less wait time for you.


Well-Known Member
What happened to IMMERSION? WDW used to be a way to leave the rest of the world behind. Now everyone has to stay connected through a device. I realize that I am in the minority, but how can I enjoy a THEME park when I don't bother to notice the theme? I do brig my phone with me to the parks now to utilize FP+ out of necessity, but ONLY for that.
Yeah the parks really shouldn't adapt to changes in society or advancements in technology. There should be no cell service at all on property just large banks of pay phones, and while we are at it they should be cash only. I don't want to use plastic at all in the parks. Who wants to be reminded of such modern conveniences while on vacation.

Vacation should be like spending time in a world where progress doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
What happened to IMMERSION? WDW used to be a way to leave the rest of the world behind. Now everyone has to stay connected through a device. I realize that I am in the minority, but how can I enjoy a THEME park when I don't bother to notice the theme? I do brig my phone with me to the parks now to utilize FP+ out of necessity, but ONLY for that.

Except I don't think waiting in a long line to get food is immersive. Unless they somehow add an interactive queue line to these restaurants (germs anyone? lol). Plus, most people standing in line will just be glued to their phones until they are next to order.

With this system, guests can spend more time with their family and friends (instead of being in line) and Disney will be able to distract and sell more of those flashy light toys/merchandise (ooo look at that Buzz Lightyear flashy light spinny thing)


Well-Known Member
I love this idea and hope they do expand it to all the restaurants and include being able to order something while sitting on the curb waiting for the parade. I can see this being a much calmer dining experience, more like a table service, if people just sat down and ordered at the table through their phone. That would be less people (especially little kids) running around the restaurant. I am all for it.


Well-Known Member
I speak only for myself here, but I am at least interested in anything that's going to potentially reduce the time I have to spend standing in a quick service line. It's not like they're some great guest experience that you're missing out on by skipping. I'd try this -- although, to be fair, I can't remember the last time I went to Fantasmic OR ate at a Quick Service in the Studios, so I'm not an ideal candidate here. I see the draw though.

I don't mind a lot of these changes. I do understand why people have issues with them and I can definitely see how some would look at this and go "Good grief, what next?"

I work in IT and I'm often on the other side of the equation (I do a lot of end-user-focused work, so I'm frequently in the line of fire for people's dissatisfaction when we make changes,) so I also admit that it's hard for me not to feel empathetic towards Disney's IT staff in many ways. I'm in the same boat as them often. Speaking of which, I'm off to do a consultation for some clients who hate our new system right now...;)


Premium Member
Original Poster
Love the idea but is it a separate app from MDE? If so, I'd love to know the cost of it. Great way to spend 2 billion and then have to create another app to just order food. I do like it though so please save the flames. Disney can afford it.
It is a third party service from VenueNext, so I would imagine there was very little setup cost involved. VenueNext already have the app written for other venues, and it has just been rebadged for use at the Studios.


How the final version will look is anyone's guess. They may stay with VenueNext, or integrate it in with MDX.

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