Disney's America....Will It Be Built?


Well-Known Member
NSCMC said:
I read ME's autobiography several months ago (published in 1997) and he talked all about how they thought they had the green light for Disney's America, but then some anti-Disney activists got all hot and bothered about what a disgrace it would be to turn American history into a theme park, blah blah blah. Even though the governor and lots of people at high levels in the state were in favor of the project, it got so much bad press that they pulled the idea. I wonder how the people who were opposed to Disney building on land next to Civil War sites feel now that they've got strip malls instead??

And the reason Virginia was chosen is because Washington DC is such a popular tourist destination already. I got the feeling from reading the book that Disney's America would have been much more of a World Showcase type park than a ride-based park.

BINGO!! You hit it right on the nose, but you forgot to add the parts about the Ches Bay Foundation and Seirra Club getting all bent out of shape about the uncontrolled run-off and the uncontrolled development that would follow the park. Call me silly, but the last time I checked, Prince William County is running amok with uncontrolled development.


Well-Known Member
And why do you think i moved from Prince William County to Orlando?

I like the movie theater they build right next to the battlefield. Stadium seating - very nice :D

And traffic there sucks. Long story short, they greased the wrong palms....


Active Member
FutureCEO said:
Disney wont build a park where it snows

But it will build one where there are hurricanes/tornado's; and another where there are earthquakes..

So why not snow....Just make a majority of attractions indoors...How many are outside now at MK...not that many.


Well-Known Member
chucknstuff said:
But it will build one where there are hurricanes/tornado's; and another where there are earthquakes..

So why not snow....Just make a majority of attractions indoors...How many are outside now at MK...not that many.

The biggest problem with snow is getting it cleaned up. Think about how long it would take to clear the parks and then the parking lots. And then finding a place to dispose of that snow.


Active Member
I understand the snow issue...VA does not get that much snow, I know because I live in jersey and have a house in Hampton Roads. Snow is not that big of an issue.


Premium Member
chucknstuff said:
I understand the snow issue...VA does not get that much snow, I know because I live in jersey and have a house in Hampton Roads. Snow is not that big of an issue.

Correction. Hampton Roads doesn't get much snow. PWC, Fairfax Co, Arlington Co gets plenty of it. I know this fact because I have relatives living in Newport News (living there year round) that tell us how they get nothing. (They may get half an inch of snow when Northern VA gets maybe 6; the same goes for DC and Maryland.)


New Member
umm...I live in Northern Virginia and go to school in DC.

We DO get snow! It may not be on the scale of a "Chicago" snowfall, but it's usually on par with what you find in the mid-atlantic region.


Well-Known Member
chucknstuff said:
I understand the snow issue...VA does not get that much snow, I know because I live in jersey and have a house in Hampton Roads. Snow is not that big of an issue.

You apparently weren't here in 1993, 1996, 2003. We got dumped on. What's worse is the wonderful ice storms that come through in bewteen the snow storms.

And as stated before, it may not be on par with northern winters, but this state just cannot deal with snow. I've seen some snow, as a transplanted Chicago native i did experience the blizzard of '79.


Well-Known Member
FutureCEO said:
thats funny....didnt think comment require a negative comment
Two things: One, you rehashed a long dead thread about a subject that you clearly know very little about. Two, you were wrong; Disney does build parks where it snows.

Snow had nothing to do with Disney's America failing. It had everything to do with local Politics. Apparently you can build a golden corral within a 100 yards of the Manassass Battlefield but Put a theme park 5 miles from it, and everyone gets in an uproar.

Dennis Miller said it best about this, that its screwed up when more people were afriad of Mickey Mouse than Oliver North. (North was running for Senator at the Time)


Well-Known Member
PhotoDave219 said:
Two things: One, you rehashed a long dead thread about a subject that you clearly know very little about. Two, you were wrong; Disney does build parks where it snows.QUOTE]

\One, this thread wasnt dead and two, the french park sucks


New Member
To put an end to it all...

...the Boy Scouts of America held a groundbreaking ceremony yesterday (October 1) at the site where Disney's America was going to be built.


Well-Known Member
celticdog said:
The biggest problem with snow is getting it cleaned up. Think about how long it would take to clear the parks and then the parking lots. And then finding a place to dispose of that snow.

Well, it snows at both TDR and DRP.

FutureCEO said:
the french park sucks.

Are you kidding. Have you ever been to DLP. While WDS may not be that great the Disneyland park is great. Almost everyone will tell you that it is the best of the Magic Kingdom parks in terms of theming, landscaping, and just overall aesthetics.


New Member
I use to live in Fairfax County in Northern VA. I remember in the early 90's when the local news would have something on everyday about the possible park. A lot of well-organized people were pushing real hard not to have the park built. The main issue was traffic. Disney even offered to build their own roads leading to the park. Finally Disney folded and left. Now every time I go to visit my relatives in Fairfax and PWC all you have is traffic jams. They should have built the park anyway; at least it would have created a large number of blue-collar jobs that would have paid better then most in N. VA. Also the amount of tax revenue the state could have made off Disney probably would have been a nice. As far as the weather in N. Va, some winters are milder then others, but the weather would have forced the park to close at the end of Oct. and reopen in mid April. Pretty much all the parks in the surrounding area do that anyway (Paramounts KingsDominion, WB Six Flags, and Bush Gardens). Also, doesn't it snow in Paris and in Tokyo?


New Member
imagineer boy said:
Wait, wha? Where's your info on this?

I'm from Manassas, near where they were going to build the park and it was front page news of our newspaper today. In fact, it actually mentioned that the groundbreaking was where Disney's America was to be built. Unfortunately, they did not update the newspaper's website, so I can't post a link to the article. When they do, I'll let ya'll know.


Well-Known Member
Wahoo2424 said:
I'm from Manassas, near where they were going to build the park and it was front page news of our newspaper today. In fact, it actually mentioned that the groundbreaking was where Disney's America was to be built. Unfortunately, they did not update the newspaper's website, so I can't post a link to the article. When they do, I'll let ya'll know.

I'm sorry. I'm unclear on this. They're breaking ground for what?? Are you saying they're breaking ground for a non-Disney park in the exact location where Disney was to build their park? I think we're unclear on this because there are no plans to build a park in that area. As far as I know.


New Member
cherrynegra said:
I'm sorry. I'm unclear on this. They're breaking ground for what?? Are you saying they're breaking ground for a non-Disney park in the exact location where Disney was to build their park? I think we're unclear on this because there are no plans to build a park in that area. As far as I know.

Sorry about that. The Boy Scouts bought the land after Disney decided not to build a park there. The Boy Scouts are building a campground and scouting "facilities," such as a swimming pool, dining hall, youth hostel, and technology center.

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