Trip Report Disneymoon Report

The Brickers' Disneymoon Report (10/21 Update: Wedding Photos Added)


Welcome to the Disneymoon Report. For those of you who have been following our Saga in the Pre-Disneymoon thread, thank you for bearing with us as we have delayed in getting this report posted. Hopefully it lives up to at least some of the expectations.

If you make it through this trip report and are hungry to read the others, here is a catalog of our past trip reports:
Engagement Report
August 2008
November/December 2008
August 2009
October 2009

Worth noting is that this report report is 44 single spaced pages of text. I don't point this out because I want to warn you before you make the time commitment to read it, but because at this length, and given my schedule, much of the report was written very hastily. I hope that it’s somewhat coherent and not rife with grammatical errors, stylistic faults, and misspelled words, but such may be the case.

Along the same lines, there are approximately 500 images among the first set of posts. The way I take pictures, my camera produces a “digital negative.” This is unlike most P&S cameras, which give you a usable .jpg file right out of the camera. This means I have to edit each shot. Normally, I spend 20 minutes or so editing an image that I post on Flickr. Given the time constraints and the volume of images to edit, I edited most of these in batches, grouping similar pictures together and performing quick edits. Consequently, some of the shots may be less-than-stellar.

If you're interested in the photography here and would like EXIF data for the pictures, it can be found on the Flickr page for each image that is on Flickr (denoted by little watermarks that read “Bricker”). To access said data, click the picture, which will take you to Flickr. EXIF data can then be found by clicking the "More Properties" link in the lower right hand corner.

Finally, as promised in the Pre-Trip Report, I will be posting a wedding report as well. However, we do not yet have our wedding pictures, so that will have to wait until a later date. This report thus begins on the morning of the Honeymoon.

Alright, enough with the disclaimers, warnings, and other miscellaneous opening remarks. On with the show!

The Brickers’ Disneymoon Report

Waking up at 4 a.m. is never fun. But, when it's the day after your wedding and you're heading to Walt Disney World, you don't complain. Such were the circumstances when Sarah's parents came into our suite to wake us up the “morning” after our wedding. We were already thirty minutes late; apparently, the AM/PM mistake happens outside of the world of of Seinfeld.

So began the whirlwind process of getting ready for the day. If our lives were set to music, the same John Williams' score that plays during the beginning of Home Alone, where the family rushes for the airport, would be played here. Much like that film, we forgot a few things. We both knew this would occur, so we weren't too upset. Contrary to the film, we did remember each other, which I considered highly positive. We wouldn't be starting the marriage on the right foot if we forgot one another.

In addition to being late to heading to the airport, neither one of us—individuals who had gone to a Chicagoland school for 5 and 7 years, respectively—could give Sarah's father adequate directions to the airport. James and Andrew, although it's unlikely that you're reading this, sorry for calling you in the middle of the night. After driving 20 miles out of our way, we did arrive at the airport. At this point, you can probably queue the John Williams score again. We rushed to check our bags, at which point we realized we were fine time-wise. Then, as we walked up the concourse towards our gate, the most glorious moment of any trip to the Midway airport occurred: the Golden Arches came into view.

I believe I have stated this before, but I am a huge McDonald's fan. Even with all of my love for McDonald's, I only eat there a few times a year since I generally attempt to eat healthy. However, I always eat there the morning we leave for Walt Disney World. McDonald's breakfast is, unequivocally, the best way to start any trip to Walt Disney World. No matter what the circumstances, two Sausage McMuffins will prepare you for the day. This day acted no differently, as they again prepared me for the day.

I might as well get this out here now since it will be a theme of the trip report; for those who don't know, photography is a hobby of mine. I normally include my photography-related thoughts in my trip reports. Most of the time, I don't really know what I'm talking about, and really just ramble on about nothing, so skipping these segments is highly advised.

I always take an inordinate number of photos at the airport. This is because I really am not wild about photography, except for at Walt Disney World, so I don't practice much outside of the parks. As with anything, you get rusty if you don't practice. While this particular trip was definitely not about photography, I had two new lenses on the trip that I had used for a grand total of about two hours (almost all of which was use with one of the lenses), and I needed to get familiar with the lenses and get rid of the rust.

This is all much to Sarah's chagrin, and rightfully so. I can't imagine anyone being too happy with me taking pictures of them eating breakfast after only two hours of sleep (and that's being generous—it was probably more like an hour and a half). Sarah has a way of being gorgeous no matter the circumstances, but I still think pictures of her eating are off limits. Still, she's a good sport while I attempt to figure out what the heck I'm doing with the camera. Luckily or unfortunately, I had a lot of rust, as I hadn’t really used my camera much in the previous month.

After breakfast, it was basically time to board the plane. In all of the hustle and bustle of the wedding, we had forgotten to check in early. Well, at least really early. Normally, I refresh's check-in page until it will let us check-in on the day prior. This trip, that was not the case. Consequently, we were not seated together. Strolling down the aisle of the plane, I always chuckle to myself to see two people clearly together who are situated window and aisle, as if to ward off stray single riders (don't know a better term for this, so I'll use the Disney term), who approach. If you ask to sit next to them, begrudgingly, they allow it (as if they have a choice), but they always move. I guess Sarah and I do the same thing when we are the earlier ones on the plane, so it's not a knock against everyone else, but it really does seem silly.

This was not the case with the people between whom I chose to sit, unfortunately for them, as it would be. Luckily for them, Sarah was seated directly in front of me. You see, I have a tendency (to put it lightly) of falling asleep while traveling. When this started to occur on the flight, the man next to me took on pillow status in my unconscious. Yep, I'm “that guy.” I always have been that way. My grandpa used to say that there was no point in me getting a driver's license, because I always fell asleep in the car, so I'd have no idea where I was going, and would always be lost. I really don't have any explanation or excuse to offer; I would hate it if someone started leaning their head on me, but yet I do the very thing that would irritate me. From my perspective, the man would have had every right to give me a good shot to the head.


To save money, Sarah and I had chosen a flight that had a layover. This was also the same reason that we chose such an early flight. A direct flight that left 3 hours later would have been $70 more per person. Without hesitation, if we could do it over, we would buy that flight. Although Sarah and I are cheap, we do understand the value of time. When you're on your honeymoon and it's the day after your wedding, $140 for three hours is a bargain.

During the layover, we moved forward to the second row. There, we were directly behind some people from one of the Disney forums (hi, if you're reading this, hope the vacation was magical!) who recognized us when we got onto the plane. The husband and wife were taking their kids (they told us the ages, but I've forgotten since), probably ages 7 and 5, to Walt Disney World as a surprise. They kept giving the kids opportunities to guess where they were going. The daughter (the older child of the two, I think) thought they were going to Washington, DC to visit their grandma. I can only imagine how the kids reacted when they realized they were at Disney. Something I imagine the kids and the parents both will never forget. I can only hope that Sarah and I are able to do the same for our kids when we're older. What a great surprise.

Although I was running on only a few (more now, given my sleeping arrangements on the flight preceding this one) hours of sleep, I couldn't sleep during this flight. I was excited not only for our honeymoon, but for the little morsels I could hear from the folks in front of us. I really am a sucker for that type of thing. I really can't wait for Sarah and I to have kids so we can do this. At the same time, there is no way we could continue our “style” of touring with young kids, so we will embrace the next few childless years.


Arriving at the Orlando airport (I know it has a memorial name or a sponsor since it's abbreviation is MCO...and there is no “MC” in “Orlando airport”) is always fun. Sarah and I are always elated. Add tired this time to the mix. Tired and elated, we ran off the plane towards...somewhere. We are getting better with this, but we still seem to get lost at that airport every time we go there. Not this time. We boarded the fake monorail like clockwork, went to the CORRECT floor of the car rental/accommodations area, and got in line for Disney's Magical Express.

I have a love/hate relationship with DME. Okay, mostly love. Although I do hate it when they want to pick me up and make me leave WDW. I wanted to test out another new toy, my neutral density filter, so I stepped outside and took some pictures of the DME bus. Unlike the lenses, I had used this before, but just for a few shots. Apparently, I had a decent handle of it, because a shot I took using it won me a iPad. Still, I wanted to hone my skills with it. I can be lazy with contest pictures. Disney pictures require precision and perfection.


After a couple of shots, I came back inside to return to Sarah's side. She really deserves a lot of credit for allowing me to be a “kid in a candy store.” After we waited a bit, it was finally our turn to board the DME bus. If you're thinking this is a lot of nothing thus far, I promise, it'll start to get interesting, eh, maybe.
Okay, so nothing all that interesting happened on the DME bus, besides seeing new segments of the video that I absolutely love. Why this isn't on Mousebits, I don't know. Passing through the gates was, as always, magical, and I really don't even mind doing the loop around the resorts before getting to ours. It builds anticipation and this time, allowed us to see “home,” Saratoga Springs.


Then, we arrived there. Stepping out of the bus, I felt somewhat like royalty. As we strolled past freshly minted Beemers and Lexuses (Lexi?) I thought to myself, “how did they allow two poor college kids to stay here?” Well, college kids were we no more. Poor, yes, though. The lobby was as grand as the exterior, and instantly, I knew this was going to be one heckuva stay. Not to stick our noses up to the value resorts, where we usually stay, but this was completely different. It's not just as if the resort were in another league. It was playing a different sport.


We tried to sweet talk our way into the “best” view out of the crappy view rooms (as I've read some can see the BoardWalk...a little; or at least the pool), but the Cast Member assisting us was unable to do anything. We were rarely on the balcony anyway, so the parking lot view wasn't that bad (although I think we would've been a lot more had we had a better view). I think Online Check-In hurts you in this regard. Sarah and I never have had issues having room requests fulfilled with regular check-in; they never happen with online check-in.

After check-in, we stopped at the sundries store to get a snack, then headed to our room. I am in no way “on staff” for Disney, but I'll give the sales pitch anyway. If you're our age, or anywhere around our age and in similar circumstances, buy DVC. I did the whole cost/benefit objective analysis (assuming 2 kids, “second best” use of money at ROI of 7.5%, 32 years of use, etc.) and thought it was a good idea for us given that we'd be spending nearly the same amount to stay at the Poly for our time-frame. However, I didn't fully account for the feeling I'd have when stepping into the room, when getting up in the morning, or a whole host of other externalities. Additionally, I don't think I accounted for the feeling I THINK I would've have had waking up at the Poly thinking, “all we did was sleep here on this particular night, and gee wiz, we spent $300+ on it?!” Despite what Disney says, DVC does not pay for itself after one use (our break-even point for comparable on-property locations is around 15 years), but it is worth it. In an instant. We will definitely be adding on as soon as funds allow. Oh, and Bay Lake Tower, we'll see you in 2011!



Glad I got that little DVC advertisement out of the way (hey, someone has to fund this thing—am I wrong?). Unlike me, Sarah is not so amenable to falling asleep on the shoulder of a strange man (thankfully). She implored me to take a nap, but I could not. I slipped out of bed and wandered the room before waking her up. We agreed to thirty more minutes of nap time, after which we'd head to the Studios. We also decided that getting me out of the room was the only way to facilitate that nap, so I headed out with the camera and tripod to play.

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I don't think these two were thrilled with the prospect of me photographing them.


It was another day for Cosmic Ray's—this time I'd be able to get the delicious burger. Some Brazilian tour groups were seated all around us, which I only mention because we often visit in the summer, and yet we've never had any negative experiences with them. I think the whole “problem” is a bit overhyped, personally. In any case, it's likely no different than the hordes of American kids the same age who descend upon the MK together for Pop Warner. Suffice to say, there were no Hamburglars in the group at the restaurant at that time. Although if anyone had tried to steal my burger, I might have bit off their hand.





Sarah makes a little prayer to the outer-space burger gods to ensure the deliciousness of our meal. It worked! Praise Sonny!


After lunch it was time to avoid the heat by heading for another air-conditioned attraction. PhilharMagic is one of our favorite attractions, yet we only seem to experience it once per trip. I think the big issue is that it's difficult to tell how long, exactly, the wait will be, and we don't want to be stuck waiting 40 minutes if we time things incorrectly.


Luckily, we did manage to see it twice this trip. I don't need to gush over this attraction; (using my best Ellen voice) you know it's great, I know it's great. Especially for people of my generation who experienced all of these films (except Peter Pan) as theatrical releases). I always had thought my favorite scene was the Beauty and the Beast scene, which included my favorite Disney song, Be Our Guest. Not the case. Unexpectedly, during the Aladdin scene my eyes began to water up. A Whole New World was playing. As my princess slept soundly next to me, I just had to smile. The song I flippantly suggested for our first dance, a song to which I was previously indifferent, suddenly had meaning. It totally snuck up on me, but it made perfect sense. I kissed her forehead and enjoyed the moment before the show ended and we continued on.

On occasion, I am critical of Team Disney Orlando, and whether they are actually working in the best interests of the parks. Experiences like this make me realize that I over-analyze this. No matter what snide remarks people make insinuating that others' judgment is clouded because of “pixie dust,” I don't think anyone is obligated to base all of their opinions of a theme park on pure or sound rationality. I have an emotional connection to the parks. Certainly that is going to prejudice my opinion a bit or minimally, be the basis for some opinions. While I am normally a highly analytical person, there are sometimes when you just need to “turn it off” and realize there is no reason to nitpick (or if it really is so terrible, cut your losses and move on). Walt Disney World is amazing. Barring a substantial departure from the status quo, it will be amazing for years to come.



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After PhilharMagic, we met up with one of our friends from Flickr, Cory Disbrow, for a little while. Cory is from New Jersey, but he has managed to overcome this crippling ailment and somehow be a good person. (Kidding New Jersey...ites(?)) We headed to Carousel of Progress and TTA with him before making our way to the Hall of Presidents. When we got the Hall of Presidents, Cory and I had an awkward conversation with a father and son. Cory and I both had our largest lenses mounted, which undoubtedly have the “paparazzi look.” I could sense people starring at me throughout the trip when I used this lens and for the most part, it gave me that “badass” feeling. That is, so long as they just starred. A few, such as these people made awkward conversation, which was, well, awkward. I normally don't mind talking to people in the parks (in fact, we often strike up conversations with people in line), but when the conversation starts out with, “so that's a big lens,” I don't really know what more to say beyond, “yeah, it is.”


After Hall of Presidents, we meandered around the park for a bit, passing through the hub and interacting with some ducks before finally arriving in Tomorrowland. Prior to our trip, I solicited suggestions from my Twitter friends (I have no idea what stupid cutesy name these people are supposed to be called, “Tweeples,” “Twittles”?) about what new snacks we should try. I am a pretty big Dole Float fiend, and Sarah usually gets one as well if we're in the neighborhood. Besides Dole Floats, we often seem to find ourselves at Auntie Gravities. However, with 9 snack credits each, I figured we could branch out.



Branching out didn't go as well as expected. We did try some new things, but Aloha Isle and Auntie Gravitie's won out. On this particular day, after ordering our smoothie (Sarah) and sundae (Tom) from Auntie Gravitie's we headed to the tables near the Speedway. I am not overly fond of these tables because of the noise from the Speedway, and come to find out, Sarah isn't fond of them, either. However, we had been going to them because we each thought the other wouldn't want to travel to a better location (I know you don't care, but it's one of those things that incidentally came up and we found funny!). Almost immediately after we got to our table, a gentleman at the table next to us lit up a cigarette.



I am not the Disney police. I see smoking in places where it should not be all the time and I don't mess with these folks. However, if you wrongly impact me during consumption of my dessert, you damn well better believe you're going to feel my wrath. Well, wrath is a little strong. I politely said to the gentleman, “sir, this is not a smoking area, would you mind putting that out or heading over to the smoking area, please?” Under his breath, as he pressed the butt into the table, he responded, “a____________.” Whatever. I'd rather be an a____________ eating a delicious dessert than a nice guy eating one tainted with the taste of tobacco (sorry smokers, I don't arbitrarily dislike you, I just don't like involuntarily being subjected to second-hand smoke).


With the gravity defying, and presumably calorie-defying, desserts floating in our stomaches, we headed for Space Mountain. I mentioned above that this would be our first time riding it since the refurbishment. Space Mountain has always been one of our favorite rides, so it’s only natural that we were most excited about experiencing it this trip, as it would be our first time since the refurbishment. I followed the rumors regarding the refurbishment closely prior to the actual refurbishment, but once I accidentally saw the first Disney Parks Blog post with post-refurbishment pictures, I avoided any reviews, pictures, etc., concerning the refurbishment. I wanted to experience it for the first time in person.


When we first walked through the queue, we were both impressed. It looked better, but more importantly to us, it had retained the “windows” on the right hand side of the queue that we love. As we progressed through, we saw the games, which appeared seamlessly integrated, rather than awkwardly wedged in. Emerging from the queue tunnel, we saw the newly installed ceiling. It looks great not only from the queue, but also on ride, in that it makes Space actually dark again!

My only complaint, and I think this is more about queue management than the refurbishment, is that about half of the days we rode Space, the queue diverted us back into hallway right behind the far walls of the queue that didn’t see like it was on-stage. The paint was pealing, it was well light, and was generally just unthemed. The oddest thing about this was that we experienced this when the main switchbacks weren’t even in use. It wasn’t as if we had to be diverted back into the hallway because more queue was necessary.


I’ve never had any problems with the ride itself, but it did feel smoother. Definitely darker as well. It seemed to me that the red re-entry tunnel was longer, but it’s quite possible that my memory deceives me on that one. Following the attraction is where the coolest changes, in my opinion, were made. The photo viewing area is always fun, as we’re (mostly me) those immature people who make funny poses. Then there’s the new post-show. Starting with the Horizons nod in the Mesa Verde luggage, this post show is cool. Rather than being a (former) advertisement for FedEx, it actually continues the Space Station theme very well, especially with the final scene in the home of the future, and the cameras and TV sets that I used to abhor have been modernized with a cool green screen effect that is really fun.

Overall, I would give the refurbishment a B+/A-. The only reason it losses any ‘points’ are because I think, overall, despite all of the great things that were done, a little more could have been done. Honestly, I don’t know what, but that’s probably part of the reason I’m not an Imagineer. I wouldn’t want to see a total overhaul a la Disneyland (at least I don’t think I would, let me get back to you in a few weeks on that one), but more of the elements there could have been incorporated into the attraction. That said, what was done was done very well, and the ride definitely feels new again. We were both very pleased. Sarah gave it especially high marks for the smoothness of the ride itself.


After Space, we used our Splash Mountain FastPass. Then, my perseverance paid off. I convinced Sarah to a place we'd never been together: Tom Sawyer Island. I have to admit that I was skeptical as well. It just didn't sound all that interesting. The one thing I was really excited to do was the barrel bridge. When we finally found it, I started bouncing on it, much to Sarah's chagrin. As I've alluded to, she has a bit of motion sickness, and I don't think she was too thrilled with me jumping up and down bouncing a bridge like a 6 year old all jacked up on Mountain Dew. I had an awesome time jumping up and down. Some little kids started doing it while I was doing it, and that's when it was the absolute best. Certainly made moving on the bridge more interesting!



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I was surprised at how cool I found the island to be. There was a lot to explore, poke around in, etc.. I really can't describe what was so neat, but I think part of it was the new (to us) experience of it all. In discussing it, although we both really enjoyed it, we did figure it would be one of those things that we couldn't do every trip. I am somewhat surprised that there isn't a quick service restaurant or at least a turkey leg stand over there (it looks like there might've been one at some point, is that the case?). All in all, we were very glad we made the trip over.





This makes the perfect segue way into a soapboax of mine. One of my absolute least favorite threads in the General Discussion forum requests people to list the attractions they should skip. As discussion point thread, I don't really see a problem. However, there is no discussion (for the most part). It's just a bunch of lists that will undoubtedly be used by someone (perhaps not the other poster, but I guarantee someone will base their decisions of what attractions to skip off the general consensus of that thread). I think basing the attractions you see off of suggestions like that is a terrible idea. The thing is, we each have unique likes and dislikes, different senses of humor, etc.. I am sure there will be people who will read this report, and disagree with every opinion I've interjected. Likewise, there will be some who agree substantially. It would be foolish to base your touring plan off of my opinions, just as it would be foolish to base it off a consensus thread such as that. Three of my favorite attractions, Country Bear Jamboree, Hall of Presidents, and Carousel of Progress, frequently appear on the others' lists of “attractions to skip.” Skip?! We visit each of these multiple times per trip! The point is, I think it's important that everyone go in with an open mind, experience as much as they can, and determine what they like. You may find that you think the consensus of people have lousy opinions. I'm glad we have adopted this policy in recent trips and have visited new attractions that we otherwise overlooked because of our preconceived opinions of what it'd “probably” be like.

Sarah really wanted one of the taco things from Pecos Bill's, and we had to split our meal anyway, so we agreed to go there and split it. Sarah had her half of the salad first, then I went and loaded up my half with all sorts of crap from the toppings bar. The salad was okay, but Pecos Bill's doesn't have an awesome singing audio animatronic, so the experience is sort of lame. I suppose the theming of the restaurant is okay, but I really don't know how people prefer Pecos Bill's. I mean, come on, Sonny Eclipse lives at Cosmic Ray's!



We then headed back over to Tomorrowland and played around in the dance party before heading to Space Mountain. Yes, we rode Space Mountain way too many times. It's just so fun that we couldn't resist! I honestly think the hours we've logged in space rival even the most senior NASA flight team members. If my experience at Mission: Space tells me anything, it's that I know how to pilot a spaceship. Given my abilities and my experience, I am a bit surprised NASA hasn't contacted me yet. Maybe I need to put my resume on



It was fireworks time after that! I opted for the fisheye lens this time, wanting to get full coverage of the perimeter bursts. I didn't quite have the success I wanted, and probably should've used the ND filter one less day and the fisheye one more day, but oh well. Perhaps they'll bring back Nightastic next summer. The crowd was terrible in the hub, so we headed for the nearest land: Liberty Square. Haunted Mansion had limited wait, so we figured we'd get a ride in before the Main Street Electrical Parade. In the queue for Haunted Mansion, I used Sarah's phone to send a tweet to Henry from TouringPlans that we'd be watching the second showing of the MSEP from the hub area. Cory was planning on meeting up with us there, too.


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Cory was waiting for us when we exited the Haunted Mansion and we headed with him to the hub and met Henry. After the parade, the park wasn't open for much longer, so we just rode TTA a couple of times and chatted. With four people including a tall person, the cars can be a little cramped; we still had a good time. I know I'll be monitoring the permits thread for TTA car expansion, though! After the couple of rides, the park closed and we started shooting. We went on a tear. For the first time, we shot a land outside of Tomorrowland, heading to Adventureland, where the skies looked awesome. From there, it was on to Tomorrowland, the Hub, Main Street, the upper level of the Train Station, and the front side of the Train Station. I was shocked no Cast Members approached us, actually. When we finally made our way toward the exit, we had to share a bus! This is something that rarely happens, and was somewhat surprising given that there were plenty of other buses there idling. I guess they couldn't spare any more than two buses!



The next morning I got up a little earlier than Sarah to do some morning shooting around OKW. After getting some shots around the Hospitality House, I headed back to our room right as she was finishing up getting ready. Perfect timing!








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We arrived at MK pretty early, but we were both already hungry. I suggested that we get snacks first, and Sarah wanted something from the Sunshine Tree Terrace, so I went there as well, and got a “fake Dole Whip.” After picking up Big Thunder Fast Passes, we headed back to the Adventureland area, doing Tiki Room and Pirates before picking up Jungle Cruise FastPasses. It was then almost time to meet up with Cory and Susan & Bill, other friends from Flickr at Cosmic Ray's. When we arrived in Tomorrowland, we had about 15 minutes. We thought Carousel of Progress was about 12 minutes long, so we did it. Somehow, even though we've seen the show hundreds (no joke) of times, we thought it was that short. I guess we're bad judges of time.









Eating lunch with them, I minded my Ps and Qs. I didn't load with a ridiculous amount of toppings, and I didn't consume my meal like a Lion devouring a Wildebeest. I figured it might ruin their appetite if I consumed my meal in the normal manner, so I refrained. I hope they appreciated that. I consider it my good deed for the year. It was an odd feeling leaving Cosmic Ray's not waddling around gorged beyond belief, and I don't think I'm comfortable doing it again.

Next, we headed to get Space FastPasses, then went over to one of the Magic Kingdom's best new attractions, the Hall of Presidents 2.0. I won't dwell on the ways this attraction has improved, but jeez, if you haven't seen it since the new president was added, you haven't seen it. It is a totally different attraction. The only thing that could make it better would be better is if Ronald Reagan broke the Fourth Wall with a forty-five minute aside on EPCOT Center. Perhaps it's a good thing I'm not an Imagineer.




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A visit to Grizzly Hall was next on the agenda, followed by a climb up into the Swiss Family's Treehouse before we descended to watch the Pirate Tutorial. This was a really bad idea for me given the heat. About halfway through, I had to go sit in the shade and take a rest. I guess I am not so invincible after all. The Flickr gang left around this time, wanting us to be able to enjoy the waning hours of our Honeymoon by ourselves.




Realizing that the end was near, we kicked it into high gear. We boarded Jungle Cruise for one of our worst treks deep into the jungle ever (talk about a Skipper who was just “reading” the spiel from her head) before heading to Splash, Big Thunder, MILF, and Space. Using a couple of Space FastPasses, we rode that twice.



After all of these years, this sword is still stuck in the stone. I assume we won't encounter the same issue out in Cali. I can't imagine the Governator would allow that to stand.




As we exited into the Arcade/Pop Culture gift shop located in Tomorrowland, I noticed some new Space Mountain t-shirts that weren’t there earlier in our trip along with a new coffee mug. This made a grand total of four different Space Mountain shirts, which was a drastic increase from the 0 that were available prior to the refurbishment. Plus, these shirts were really cool! I wanted to buy two of them, but I thought I’d wait until Christmas, when I anticipated being able to get a nice discount on them. Over the course of the entire trip, I noticed a definite increase in the quality and design of merchandise, as well as an increase in unique attraction and park merchandise. I was a little shocked about this because I’ve read a lot of recent complaints about the cessation of unique resort merchandise (both BoardWalk and Old Key West had resort merchandise) and a reduction in quality. While I agree that merchandise wasn’t great in 2006-08, in the last couple of years I think it’s improved, this year especially. I have plenty of merchandise that I’ve purchased on eBay from the 80s, and for the most part, the new stuff is of much better quality. Perhaps it’s not of the same quality as the stuff released in the mid-to-late 90s, but it’s not the worst ever, as claimed by some, and it’s definitely improving.

I am not a t-shirt person (I usually just wear them around the house or to workout), but I found 6 shirts I wanted, among other things. I was also very pleased to see that most of these have a more modern cut. In years past, no matter how nice the unique merchandise, the sizing was with deference to linebackers, and not slender folks. I know there has been a trend towards more trim fits in the vintage looking shirts, but I noticed it this trip with even the “normal” shirts. I was quite pleased with this. My parents will definitely be doing some Christmas shopping for me when they’re with us in December! With a fair amount accomplished in a reality short span of time, we headed over to the Poly for dinner at Ohana.


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We had eaten at Ohana for breakfast a few years ago, and we really enjoyed it. We knew it wouldn’t be at all the same for dinner, but one of our favorite things about the restaurant is the ambience. This should be no surprise, as I don’t think I’ve ever written or spoken a negative word about the Poly. We got a window seat, which made the experience all the better. The food was delicious, especially the meats brought around on skewers. We didn’t get quite as many shrimp as we wanted, and we both were itching to get back into the MK so we didn’t want to wait around for more to be brought to us, so we decided to make it a relatively short dinner (it was still around an hour, but were it an earlier night of the trip, we would’ve paced ourselves better and eaten for twice the amount of time). While eating, we saw a gorgeous sunset develop—the kind that are only visible from the Poly, it seems—so we decided to take a boat to the Magic Kingdom to really ‘bask’ in the soft glow of the sun. We snapped some pictures while waiting for the boat, and then boarded.






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At dinner we had strategized a bit of what we would do on our final night in the MK. Since we always fail to fulfill our lofty objectives in situations such as this, we decided to take a more realistic approach so that we could actually meet our expectations. The plan worked fairly well. We managed to ride Peter Pan, Space, Splash, and Big Thunder all in only a few hours. We knew in order to do all of that, we’d have to plan on skipping the parade, so that was cut. Not a big loss, as we had seen it several times over the course of the trip. We did not cut the Nightastic! Fireworks, however, as those were simply too good to miss.

Everyone else must have had the same thought as us because Main Street was packed when we arrived there 15 minutes early for the show. We got spots near the outer edge of the Hub; so close to the edge that people a few “rows” behind us were constantly being told by CMs that they had to move, because they were outside the Hub, which was a ‘traffic lane.’ I wanted to take in the show, so I didn’t even bother setting up the tripod (doubt I would’ve been able even if I wanted to). About 2 minutes before the show started, out of nowhere two kids went on shoulders right in front of us. We were irritated, to say the least. I understand that kids need to be able to see the show, but that doesn’t mean they need to block the views of 10 other people. I’ve heard Tokyo Disneyland has a rule against this. I wouldn’t mind seeing it adopted state-side. Rather than letting it spoil our view, we asked if we could stand in the areas vacated by the kids. The men obliged. It’s not like we’d block their view, anyway, as we’re both rather short, and these guys were pretty tall. The show, of course, was awesome. I think it must’ve been in a test and adjust phase, because I noticed a new special effect: it seemed as if somehow there was a large volume of body odor being emitted from somewhere (perhaps the speakers?). Not my favorite special effect, but I guess it’s good that they’re trying to make the shows total sensory experiences.

After the fireworks, we had roughly an hour and a half left in our last night. We hit more of our favorites, using the FastPasses we accumulated during the day to cut through the lines. At close, we found ourselves exiting Big Thunder—just as we planned it to slowly make our way through the park taking pictures. We finished taking pictures at Big Thunder (I don’t even know why we bother, it’s so dark over there that rarely does anything look decent), when we heard an announcement that the MSEP would be showing in 10 minutes! I don’t know why it was running after the park closed, but my bet was that because of the unexpectedly huge crowd there that day, the park added a performance. We were unaware of this, so it was a nice surprise! I set up and took a few pictures in front of Splash while Sarah got us spots—not that getting spots would be necessary, as very few people were still around, at least in Frontierland.







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When the parade ended we began slowly making our way to the front of the park. The last night is always bittersweet for us. We’re sad for the obvious reason that we’re leaving, but we have a whole host of memories from the trip and the “See Ya Real Soon” mentality that, while it stinks to leave, we’re already looking forward to the next time we’ll be experiencing nighttime alone together in the Magic Kingdom. This trip, that “next time” was Christmas. With a year absence from WDW at Christmas, we were already really excited for that trip. Even with all of the upside, the bitter side of bittersweet always wins out. No matter what spin you put on it, leaving the Magic Kingdom stinks. After the final other guests cleared out, we made our way to the very front, waving goodbye to our Kingdom one last time.




The disappointment of leaving on our last day would be blunted a little by the fact that we were having pre-opening breakfast at Crystal Palace. We were really excited about this, thinking we’d finally get some awesome empty park shots during the daylight hours! We quickly got ready, packed up our suitcases, and headed out. Rather than calling Bell Services to come pick us up with our luggage, we walked to the bus stop and boarded a bus to the front. At first, the bus driver was reluctant to take us, saying they weren’t supposed to, but then I asked how we get to the front (honestly forgetting Bell Services was supposed to take us from the room) and he said he’d drop us off there. It’s not like we’re trying to circumvent the rules or gain some advantage by doing this; it is far less convenient than just calling Bell Services and having them pick us up at our room. It was a good thing he did agree to take us, as we would have been in poor shape time-wise if not.

When we got to the front, we saw the MK bus entering the resort. We dropped off our bags without a hitch and made our way to the bus stop right after the bus passed. We still had some time to spare, so we were only slightly worried. Each passing moment was eating into our picture time in the empty park. At the time, I didn’t think of the obvious solution: walk to the last bus stop, which is right near the second to last bus stop, which would easily allow us to catch that bus given that it would have to turn around and come back to the stop. As we waited, we took pictures of one another before a gentleman offered to take a picture of us together. Normally, when people do this, if they get a poor shot, I don’t bother to ask them to take another when they inevitably ask, “is this alright?” but this time I thought, what the heck, and asked if he could get a shot with the lighthouse in the background.

I didn’t realize I was speaking with a photography expert who would be given me a lesson in photography. He proceeded to explain why that wasn’t a good idea, because of the location of the sunlight. Although I was uneasy about whether we’d arrive at the park in time, I wasn’t in a bad mood, so I maintained my cool, and responded that we didn’t care about light, we just thought the lighthouse looked cool. He obliged, and composed the picture as requested. Perhaps I don’t know much about photography, but I much prefer the individual shots Sarah and I took to the one of us together that he took.



Shots Sarah and I took.



Shots the gentleman took.

Finally, a bus headed for the MK came. Just our lucky day, it was a training bus! Right as we were about to board our bus, a second MK bus pulled up behind ours. By the second bus stop, I was heavily contemplating getting off, and boarding the other MK bus. I really wish we would have, as it passed our bus shortly thereafter. During the trip, we realized that I forgot Sarah’s AP. I really have a terrible track record with this type of thing; luckily, this time, we weren’t out any money, she just had to get it reprinted. After the long ride, we made it to the MK, and booked it inside. I was supposed to go ahead and check into Crystal Palace, but Sarah got her new AP with such lightning speed (to this day, I don’t know how she got it so quickly), that she was able to catch up to me. We stopped for a couple of quick pictures on Main Street, both of us already sweaty and tired, before heading to CP.


Thirty minutes late, the check-in kiosk at the Crystal Palace informed us that the tardiness was no issue (phew) but neglected to tell us that once we checked in there, they wouldn’t give us an estimate on time, and if we weren’t there when our names were called, we would lose our ADRs. This meant no pictures in front of the Castle. While we really wanted that breakfast, we really wanted those Castle pictures, and really didn’t think our names would be called in 5 minutes or less. We thus ran over to the Castle, found a PhotoPass photographer, and had him take a few pictures of us. I was disappointed I couldn’t get any cool shots of my own, but the pictures of us were far more important. When we returned to CP, we asked if our names had been called. The hostess said no, but then immediately said our table was ready. It was sort of odd.




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Once inside, we realized why it wasn’t a big deal that we were thirty minutes late—half the restaurant was empty. I was under the impression that this was an extremely popular breakfast location. I was shocked to see it that empty. It was 8:30 at this point, and we realized we wouldn’t be making it out of the CP by the time the park officially opened. Oh well, we thought, we didn’t need to make it out in time for the park opening. We were paying out of pocket for this meal (not that we didn’t pay indirectly for the others), so we wanted to get our money’s worth. Plus, we wanted plenty of character pictures.




The food at Crystal Palace is delicious. I’m not sure what’s different from Cape May Café, but for some reason, CP seems better. In any case, they’re both delicious. My one complaint is that neither offer breakfast sandwiches (e.g. Sausage McMuffin with egg), but I think that’s an unrealistic expectation given the complexity of a breakfast sandwich. It also might be a good thing; if they had breakfast sandwiches, I’d probably never leave.




Pooh, Piglet, and Eeyore came around to us by the time we finished our first plates. Tigger was still nowhere in sight so we figured it would be safe to go get our second plates. Upon returning, we ate the food at a leisurely pace. Tigger was still on the far side of the room. We asked our server when Tigger would be making his way around, and he went to talk to someone else, and the server told us that it’d be around 10 minutes. Five minutes passed and it was clear that it would be an easy 20 before Tigger made it to us, so we decided to cut our losses and go. We have a plethora of Tigger pictures already, so it wasn’t like he was some unconquered character that we absolutely needed, so neither of us were too upset.



Attack of the deranged mutant killer monster trash can goons!

First on the agenda was getting FastPasses for Space Mountain. Yes, I know we had already ridden it like 15 times by this point, but we just couldn’t resist. From there, we determined our priorities, as we knew we wouldn’t be able to experience too many attractions. Obviously Pirates and Haunted Mansion were musts. Time would preclude other favorites such as Country Bears, Carousel of Progress, and Hall of Presidents. I also said I’d prefer to ride TTA only once, as to me, it didn’t hold the same allure during the day.

As we were heading towards the front, we saw Princess Tiana for the very first time ever. Seeing the insanely long line for her, we knew there was no way we’d be able to get our picture with her. Still, we wanted to get a couple of pictures of just her. As I started to take a picture, a woman moved in front of my camera. Now, what follows here is, I’m sure, going to be a divisive subject, but please bear in mind that I myself am not even sure how I feel about it. I am just soliciting feedback.

I moved and started to take another picture, when a woman positioned on the other side of the exit gate said, “excuse me, I don’t want you taking pictures of my son.” I responded that we weren’t taking pictures of her son, just the character. She said, “don’t take them while my son is there.” Not wanting any issues, we waited until she left (and to her credit, she thanked us) to take the pictures. Now, I don’t completely understand the cause for concern here, but I realize there is cause, and it’s not just limited to her. I’ve been told the same thing by Cast Members before (I must look like a creep, huh?), so I imagine there have been complaints by other parents in the past to occasion Cast Members saying this type of thing.

That said, and while I respect concerns about a child’s safety, I don’t really think this is realistic. Well, perhaps I should put that differently as I realize people can do inappropriate things with pictures: I think taking your kids to WDW is very inconsistent with having concerns of people taking pictures of your children. If you really have that concern, taking kids to WDW is a terrible idea since you can’t control every picture taken in the parks. While this mother could prevent us from taking pictures of her kid when we approached the gate and made it patently obvious that we were taking pictures, there is no way she could prevent all pictures of her kid from being taken, especially any intentionally taken in a clandestine manner. In fact, I’m sure many pictures were taken of her son that trip inadvertently, just where he happened to walk into the background of a shot someone else happened to be taking. Don’t get me wrong, I think the potential kinds of abuses people could make with pictures of children are abhorrent, but short of never letting your children go out in public, it’s not at all preventable; since it doesn’t directly cause harm to the kids, maybe it’s not worth effort as a parent to protect-against. Does what I’m writing here make sense, or is this unreasonable on my part? Am I just bitter because I had to wait to take my picture. I really don’t think so, but I’m also not a parent, so perhaps I’m only seeing this from my perspective. I really am not sure of what to think.


After waiting to get pictures of Tiana, we headed towards the front. We each got spontaneous ideas to do “one last thing,” before leaving, but ultimately we realized we had better get going or else risk having to fork out money for a cab to the airport. That was definitely not on the agenda. Plus, for some reason or another, cabs don’t play the cool Disney video as you leave (although most of the time we both sleep soundly through that).

I mentioned above that there were several shirts I wanted to purchase, but that I’d be waiting to get them all until Christmas discounts were available. Well, not entirely. One of the shirts I wanted was a Summer Nightastic shirt. Something told me that would be available during Christmas, so I bit the bullet and paid full price. Now that I think about it, cool new Christmas shirts should be available when we’re there in December, so I’ll bet I’ll want even more toys! If clothes can somehow “pay for themselves,” the Nightastic shirt definitely has, as I’ve worn it for around 25 days since returning. Since I didn’t go outside (except to let out Walter E. Dogsney) at all while studying for the Bar during the month of July, I didn’t think it much mattered if I wore gym shorts and a Nightastic tee shirt everyday.

Reluctantly, we dragged our feet to the front entrance (after getting a last minute fix of pictures) and said goodbye. Even with the December trip planned, it was really difficult to leave. We quickly schemed of how Sarah could get a job as a nurse down there, I could withdraw from the Indy Bar and take the February Florida Bar, before ceasing, realizing that perhaps the dream, in this situation, is better left as an unfulfilled one. After all, anticipation is part of the fun—for me, at least.


The bus returned us to OKW where we met up with Nick again to return him a point and shoot camera we borrowed for Jellyrolls, to say goodbye, and thank him again for being in the wedding. We requested our bags, wandered around the gift shop, and finally boarded the bus. We were both so tired at that point that I can’t quite recite what happened, it was all a blur. All I know is that suddenly we were in the car with Sarah’s mom, who was picking us up from the airport. In Indiana. Walt Disney World and the Disneymoon were over. Luckily, even now, the Honeymoon continues.

When we returned, I tried to get in contact with DVC about the issues with the OKW room I mentioned above. After some initial difficulties with getting ahold of the right person, our guide gave us an email address to contact. The email I sent best sums up the communication, so rather than remember what I said, here it is verbatim:


After a few initial issues finding someone who was the "appropriate contact" to deal with the issues, I spoke with both a member of Member Services yesterday (who informed me that she was passing along my problem to, I believe, Member Satisfaction), and later, our Guide, XXXXXX, returned a message a left for him and also encouraged me to personally email Member Satisfaction anyway, as he indicated there was absolutely no reason for us to have an experience like this (thus, this might be duplicative).

For our honeymoon, my wife and I stayed at BoardWalk and Old Key West (we are Member Number XXXXXXX for reference). The BoardWalk portion of the stay was fantastic. We have stayed at many Disney Resorts, but BoardWalk is easily our new favorite. Everything from upkeep to general ambiance to the friendly demeanor of the Cast Members was great. However, when we transferred to Old Key West we had some issues with the room.

The entire room smelled of must or mold. Not just a little, but a lot; to the point where it seemed like it might have serious mold issues. We actually found visible mold near our door (see the attached picture). While I find the smell of mold inexcusable, the visible mold was even more aggravating, as that is something that seems like it should have been spotted by housekeeping and immediately taken care of. Additionally, our sheets smelled and were visibly dirty, and our shower curtain was dirty. Separately, I don't believe any of these conditions should have been occurring, but together, they gave the impression that our room had been neglected for a while. Had we been staying for anything longer than three days (however, given that we didn't arrive in our room until after 3 a.m. of our first night staying there due to Extra Magic Hours in the Magic Kingdom, we felt it wasn't an efficient use of our time), we would have requested a different room, as it was that bad.

Upon returning, my wife contacted Disney Vacation Club (a non-Member Services line) and was re-directed to Old Key West. Upon contacting the Resort, she was given a, what I believe is, lame answer regarding construction and 'continued improvements' to the resort (there was construction at Old Key West, but none of these issues related to it in any way) and was re-directed to Member Services. Unsatisfied, I thus left a message for our Guide about it and called Member Services. I am hoping you can resolve this problem for us.

Although this is our first trip as DVC members, we have stayed at Saratoga Springs previously and many other "regular" Disney resorts, and have never had anything less than wonderful room-amenities. While this did little more than put a slight damper on an otherwise amazing honeymoon, it is a situation that we believe needs to be addressed.”
Approximately 10 minutes after sending this email, I received a call from a member of the Member Satisfaction team. He was very cordial and emphatic, indicating, as our guide had, that the condition of the room was unacceptable. He said Old Key West should not have even had the room open for guests.

I read a lot of negative experience comments around here wherein people say, “honestly, I wasn’t expecting Disney to give me anything, I just wanted the company to know about the problem.” I’ll be honest, while DVC knowing about the problem was a big part of me contacting DVC, I also expected something. Frankly, we felt shortchanged for our points/money. When the Cast Member indicated that he’d be returning the points for the Old Key West portion of our stay, I was shocked. We didn’t expect that much. While the stay there certainly was less-than-stellar, it was still not worthless. Still, I wasn’t going to complain or demand less, so I thanked him and reiterated how great our stay at BoardWalk was, saying that I didn’t want to dispense only the criticism and not the praise.

As silly as it may seem, given being, in our opinions, being overcompensated by DVC, we decided not to contact Disney transportation about the issues we had there. We figured we would minimally be sent a gift card for the amount of the taxi, and possibly more. Since DVC had already given us too much, we felt it wouldn’t be fair of us to complain about that negative experience. Not contacting Transportation would “balance” things out a bit, in a way. Like I said, it might sound silly, but if that’s the case, then it’s our silly rationale.

With that contact as somewhat of an epilogue, the only loose strings to tie up were editing pictures and writing this trip report. Of course, with us there is never a time when we’re not preparing in some way for a Disney trip. Even before I got done with the Bar we were getting our ducks in a row for our late summer Disneyland trip and our Christmas-time Walt Disney World trip. Although the Disneyland trip is in the immediate future, the planning has really been geared towards the Christmas trip, and that’s the one we’re both heavily anticipating at the moment. Still, even almost two months after the fact, we still reminisce about the wonderful Disneymoon. Something tells me even two or twenty-two years out, we’ll still be discussing it.

I think it’s fairly obvious that it was a great honeymoon. I know there is no point in second guessing decisions, so I’ll file this under the category of “advice” for similarly situated individuals: if we had to do it again, and could change one thing, it would definitely be paying more for a later (direct) flight after our wedding. Other than that and being tired on a few days, it was wonderful. I got to spend 11 days with my new wife enjoying our favorite place in the world right after our wedding, which I can only describe as pure bliss. We found a new favorite resort, had wonderful dining experiences, and all the while, had the wonderful company of one another. It really was the perfect honeymoon.

There is an old line that goes, “all good things must come to an end.” In the last couple of months, I’ve learned that whoever thought up that line must not have married his or her best friend. I was lucky enough to meet my soul mate about five years ago. I’ve been lucky enough to have a wonderful time with her thus far, rekindling a love for Walt Disney World with her, raising two beautiful little kids (pets) together, and forging the absolute best friendship I’ve ever had. I was lucky enough for her to accept my proposal for marriage on the beach of the Polynesian Resort at our favorite place in the world, Walt Diseny World. Then, she was patient enough to plan our wedding and tolerate me as I went through three years of law school, often spending inordinate amounts of time away from her at the library. Finally, I was fortunate enough to have her say “I do” beginning our lives together with a whirlwind Honeymoon, which continues to this day.

So, while some good things must come to an end, I now see how it’s asinine to think that all good things must come to an end. But, like I said, the saying is right that some good things must come to an end. Such was the case with the Disneymoon, and such is the case with this Disneymoon report. Well, hopefully it has been a “good thing” (although I don’t think you would have read this far if it wasn’t). With two more trips to Disney resorts in the works for this year, rest assured that it won’t be along before we have another one of these written. See ya real soon!


I cannot wait! Have a great time!


Karyn and I couldn't really afford a whole Disney honeymoon, but we are staying 2 nights before our 7 day cruise out of Port Canaveral!


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You guys are a riot. When I got home fro
From work our net was down. The TR is totally done, just a matter of getting it posted now. Going to BMV w/ Sarah; will post it when we return (even if we have to go to her mom's to use the net).


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In the Parks
You guys are a riot. When I got home fro
From work our net was down. The TR is totally done, just a matter of getting it posted now. Going to BMV w/ Sarah; will post it when we return (even if we have to go to her mom's to use the net).

Sweet I got something to do all night after fishing. I was gonna shave my chest, back, and throat for Blizzard Beach but...priorities!!

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