Disneyland / Walt Disney World - get it right!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Never cared, never will.

If somebody really cares about the parks, they'll know the right names. If they don't care, then what's the point in correcting them?


Well-Known Member
Yup, it's definitely a peeve of mine. Don't call WDW "Disneyland." Don't call WDW "Disneyworld" (one word.) Don't call The Magic Kingdom either "Disneyland," "Disneyworld" or "Walt Disney World."

It just annoys me. It's one of those things that aggravate me because it's so prevalent these days. People are just too lazy to bother referring to things properly. Try to educate them and they get offended. When did it become acceptable to disdain knowledge? Or, you know, to actually want to know what something is, and is called?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Yup, it's definitely a peeve of mine. Don't call WDW "Disneyland." Don't call WDW "Disneyworld" (one word.) Don't call The Magic Kingdom either "Disneyland," "Disneyworld" or "Walt Disney World."

I'll play devil's advocate a bit for laziness. Some people (myself included) don't care for using the full name of something every time you refer to it, as long as it's clear what you're referring to.

You don't call a familiar friend by their full name, so what's wrong with calling WDW "Disneyworld" or just plain "Disney"? Likewise, I'm not going to say "Let's ride The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh" or "Let's go on Spaceship Earth, sponsored by AT&T" (not a current example, but that once was the full name of the thing).


Premium Member
I'll play devil's advocate a bit for laziness. Some people (myself included) don't care for using the full name of something every time you refer to it, as long as it's clear what you're referring to.

You don't call a familiar friend by their full name, so what's wrong with calling WDW "Disneyworld" or just plain "Disney"? Likewise, I'm not going to say "Let's ride The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh" or "Let's go on Spaceship Earth, sponsored by AT&T" (not a current example, but that once was the full name of the thing).




New Member
it is one of my biggest pet peves. I meen, i dont yell and screme if they mix them up cus not everyont knows it. i will correct them cassually, well if i know them, im not gona correct a random person


Well-Known Member
I feel the same! I actually read the original post this morning and when i was on the public bus going to school there was a yound woman sitting behind me (maybe 20 or so) talking about how she went home and saw pamphlets on the table she told her parents they were too old to go to disney and then her parents said they were taking her and her siblings to disney world for vacation in the spring after final exams. She then began to tell the girl who she was sitting with that they were going to do all the parks in two days, and she was going to walk to the beach and spend a few days there, and the rest she was going to drive allll the way to orlando to shop... I dont know where people think disney is but you cant walk to a public beach and your already in Orlando... I wanted to turn around and tell her she needed more then two days!


Active Member
I feel the same! I actually read the original post this morning and when i was on the public bus going to school there was a yound woman sitting behind me (maybe 20 or so) talking about how she went home and saw pamphlets on the table she told her parents they were too old to go to disney and then her parents said they were taking her and her siblings to disney world for vacation in the spring after final exams. She then began to tell the girl who she was sitting with that they were going to do all the parks in two days, and she was going to walk to the beach and spend a few days there, and the rest she was going to drive allll the way to orlando to shop... I dont know where people think disney is but you cant walk to a public beach and your already in Orlando... I wanted to turn around and tell her she needed more then two days!
Perhaps you are in no place to criticize, considering that you've made a mistake yourself in the post above. When in the WDW Resort, you are not "already in Orlando," in fact, you are in Kissimmee. SO next time you want to correct another... remember you're not always correct either.


It bugs me but not enough to correct anyone. It's a BIG difference in my mind, and I'm thinking, "What. no. wrong park" sometimes I might mention the difference but in a nice way.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Yup, it's definitely a peeve of mine. Don't call WDW "Disneyland." Don't call WDW "Disneyworld" (one word.) Don't call The Magic Kingdom either "Disneyland," "Disneyworld" or "Walt Disney World."

It just annoys me. It's one of those things that aggravate me because it's so prevalent these days. People are just too lazy to bother referring to things properly. Try to educate them and they get offended. When did it become acceptable to disdain knowledge? Or, you know, to actually want to know what something is, and is called?

Not trying to cause a flame war, but if it bothers you that people refer to things incorrectly, or not by its full and proper name, why is your screen name just MissM and not MissM(plus whatever M stands for). Also, why do you sign your posts just "-m" and not the full signature?



Well-Known Member
Yup, it's definitely a peeve of mine. Don't call WDW "Disneyland." Don't call WDW "Disneyworld" (one word.) Don't call The Magic Kingdom either "Disneyland," "Disneyworld" or "Walt Disney World."

It just annoys me. It's one of those things that aggravate me because it's so prevalent these days. People are just too lazy to bother referring to things properly. Try to educate them and they get offended. When did it become acceptable to disdain knowledge? Or, you know, to actually want to know what something is, and is called?
Is there anything that does NOT annoy you?
Not to be rude but you seem to complain about alot of things....is it really that important to you what people call places?

So much more in the world to worry about then simple little things..Lighten up people...geez....:wave:


Well-Known Member
Though I'm all for proper terminology, I could really do without the "Resort®" tacked onto the ends of both "Walt Disney World" and "Disneyland"... Gives off a really undesirable, corporate vibe... Oh well...


Well-Known Member
I planned this slip-up in order to prove a point...
See people, even I make [little, tiny, not really important] mistakes! :lookaroun
I enjoy when people lambast other posters' spelling or grammar, and in the process commit several typographical errors themselves!
People confusing WDW and DL is one of my pet peeves. I don't yell at the person who made the error--(after all, when I get excited and talk really fast about my trips I may accidently say the wrong name, but quickly correct myself)---I just tell them "DL" or "WDW".

As for DL and WDW confusion on a major scale:
If anyone out there watches ABC's World News Tonight eariler this week they were doing a story about over working and at the start of the segment they were talking about Orlando and showed a clip of people riding the Matterhorn.

I pointed out the error to my parents and contemplated writing to ABC about their error. (I decided against writing because of my full schedule)


Well-Known Member
Is there anything that does NOT annoy you?
Not to be rude but you seem to complain about alot of things....is it really that important to you what people call places?

So much more in the world to worry about then simple little things..Lighten up people...geez....:wave:
Anytime someone says the phrase, "not be rude but..." they're willfully being rude. (And they know it.) Why you felt th need to single out my reply to a topic I didn't even start is beyond me. If you don't agree that it's a peeve, that's your right. But it's not your place to play mommy to what other people chose to feel or reply to a subject. I happen to be annoyed by it as is the original post author and about 50% of the people who chose to reply to the topic.

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