Bloomberg just updated it's excellent Covid Vaccine tracking site for the end of day Friday (6PM Eastern time).
On Friday, California remains in dead last place for the percent of its given vaccines actually administered.
I'm adding in the raw numbers for doses distributed to each state, because all states received more doses this week. California received just over 1 Million additional doses from the Feds this week, and that's reflected in Friday's tally.
#2 West Virginia = 231,800 Doses Distributed, 182,460 Doses Given, 78.7% Doses Used
#12 Texas = 2,884,425 Doses Distributed, 1,644,781 Doses Given, 57.0% Doses Used
#21 Florida = 2,616,250 Doses Distributed, 1,389,149 Doses Given, 53.1% Doses Used
#50 California = 4,714,625 Doses Distributed, 1,803,679 Doses Given, 38.3% Doses Used
So going into this weekend, there are currently 2.9 Million of unused doses sitting in freezers across California.
For the per capita rankings of shots in arms, California is #48. We are eeking out a win over two states that are worse; Nevada and South Carolina.
West Virginia = 10.18 Shots Per 100 Citizens
Florida = 6.47 Shots Per 100 Citizens
Texas = 5.67 Shots Per 100 Citizens
California = 4.56 Shots Per 100 Citizens
South Carolina = 4.45 Shots Per 100 Citizens
Nevada = 4.11 Shots Per 100 Citizens