Well-Known Member
We can track this per capita if you'd like. Shots in arms, per capita, which levels the playing field whether your state has 40 Million people like California, or 30 Million people like Texas, or 10 Million people like Michigan, or less than 2 Million people like West Virginia. See those per capita vaccination stats below.Actually it would make a difference if per capita was used.
Also I've never said California is doing outstanding in terms of administering the vaccine.
That's good. Because California currently sucks. On Wednesday, January 20th it fell further down to very last place. #50 of all 50 states, in that Bloomberg tracking tool you were quoting a week ago. We're in last place. Behind even Alabama now.
Point is there have been hiccups, which should be expected when an endeavor of this magnitude is undertaken. So I'm cutting them a lot of slack right now.
That's very kind of you. Sacramento needs someone to cut them some slack. They work so hard, and they have so many press conferences to give. Their hard work has currently earned them last place at #50, where for the last few weeks they hovered around #45. Everyone in Sacramento deserves a hug and to leave a little early this Friday. They earned it. #50!!!
Daily vaccinations:
1. California 92,018
2. Florida 77,321
3. Texas 70,361
4. New York State 60,112
5. Michigan 36,558
What this means is that California will likely have more of the population fully vaccinated a lot quicker than most other states.
Again, we run into that pesky Per Capita thing. Where a state with only 10 Million people (Michigan) will have a better result with lower daily numbers than a state of 40 Million people (California) who has higher daily numbers.
Based on those daily vaccinations you quoted above, here's the date each state will be fully vaccinated if rates stay unchanged in each state (which they won't, for instance Michigan just started giving out Covid shots in 120 Meijer supermarkets yesterday, ramping up to 256 Meijer supermarkets in the weeks ahead, etc., etc.):
1. California, Population 39.5 Million, 92,018 Shots Per Day, Fully Vaccinated 429 Days From Now
2. Florida, Population 21.5 Million, 77,321 Shots Per Day, Fully Vaccinated 278 Days From Now
3. Texas, Population 29.0 Million, 70,361 Shots Per Day, Fully Vaccinated 412 Days From Now
4. New York, Population 19.5 Million, 60,112 Shots Per Day, Fully Vaccinated 324 Days From Now
5. Michigan, Population 10.0 Million, 36,558 Shots Per Day, Fully Vaccinated 273 Days From Now
So really when you look at the overall picture California has sped up administration by a lot over the last week. And over the next couple of weeks that number will just continue to go up as more capacity comes online. Once that happens, then the per capita will skyrocket as I've been saying it will.
Great. Because as you can see from those stats I posted directly above, California is far behind other large states. Sacramento desperately needs some skyrocketing right about now. We're in dead last place.
I was particularly shocked at Florida and how well they are doing, which is good because they have such a large population of senior citizens there. But still, I make fun of Florida just as much as the next Disneyland fan. But they are kicking California's behind right now, beating us to full vaccination by 151 days. That's five months.
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