Based on this...
Disney - Building 800 - Dining Conversion/Pkg 1 - Modification 410 s.ft to existing wood deck and extension 150 s.ft with guardrails, stairs. Interior remodel of existing unisex restroom 60.51 s.ft, two existing restroom into one companion 63.6 s.ft, with mechanical, plumbing and electrical. Demo exterior wall to create access for new 4' wide x 50' long concrete ramp. 31' Long x 8' high cmu themed wall <<
The general consensus is reworking the restrooms accessible to guests next to the Tiki Room entrance, and that the west exit area for Tiki Room will be rebuilt to include a wheelchair accessible ramp, allowing the removal of the wheelchair lift in the entrance plaza.
But the city doesn't place maps online that are part of the permit.