Disneyland officially reopening April 30th


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think there is a snowball’s chance in H the outdoor mask requirement will be lifted in CA at Disneyland by the end of summer? Just outdoor.
I think Newsom will shift into "victory lap" mode in the months leading up to the recall election and get rid of the mask mandate as it would be a reminder to everyone who is angry with him over his covid policies. I think he'll want quite a bit of "normal" buffer time before the election so that people forget how frustrating things have been and reconsider their recall vote.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think there is a snowball’s chance in H the outdoor mask requirement will be lifted in CA at Disneyland by the end of summer? Just outdoor.
Loosened? Quite possibly. Lifted fully? No. I also know it’s an unpopular opinion but I still don’t think masks are “going away fully” for the foreseeable future.

Like a dimmer switch, masking and health-related social distancing (at maybe 3 feet) may be a way of life in seasonal fits and starts with Spring/Summer being the most “traditionally open” in the new normal with temporary health measures returning during the traditional flu season.

If there’s a silver lining, flu-related deaths particularly among children were down dramatically last flu season. So with cratering vaccination rates, some local/state/federal policymakers may study this and decide there are benefits to keeping some of the health/safety protocols around (even on a seasonal basis) for the longer haul.


Well-Known Member
Probably not happening.

Just read that LA County is calculating herd immunity around the end of July. But that is completely conditional on vaccine rates staying at current levels, and only applies to adults and teenagers. Who really knows where Orange County is at.

I do agree though that whether there are any official recommendations, Disney is likely to enforce their own mandate for some time still. They have shown no sign of dropping the mask requirement in Florida, and as they look to lure back international visitors, they may keep the requirement longer than the CDC recommends.


Well-Known Member
Just read that LA County is calculating herd immunity around the end of July. But that is completely conditional on vaccine rates staying at current levels, and only applies to adults and teenagers. Who really knows where Orange County is at.

I do agree though that whether there are any official recommendations, Disney is likely to enforce their own mandate for some time still. They have shown no sign of dropping the mask requirement in Florida, and as they look to lure back international visitors, they may keep the requirement longer than the CDC recommends.
I’d consider allowing masks off for pictures and some CMs not having to wear face shields now as signs.


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Original Poster
"Disneyland plans to test a virtual queue on Indiana Jones Adventure as the Anaheim theme park tries to reduce the length of the socially distanced standby queue for the popular Adventureland attraction.

Disneyland will begin testing the Indiana Jones Adventure virtual queue on Tuesday, May 11 as a temporary measure to alleviate foot traffic pinch points in front of the attraction that returned when the park reopened last month at limited capacity after a 13-month coronavirus closure."

(Editing to add this note also in the article) - "Don’t expect the Indy virtual queue to be in use all day like the Rise virtual queue. Disneyland anticipates using a hybrid of virtual and standby queues for Indiana Jones Adventure."

"Visitors will have to be inside Disneyland to access the Indiana Jones Adventure virtual queue. Parkhopper visitors starting their day at Disney California Adventure won’t be able to get in the Indy virtual queue until they’ve hopped to Disneyland after 1 p.m. The Indy virtual queue also will not open at 7 a.m. before Disneyland opens like the Rise of the Resistance virtual queue does.

When the Indy virtual queue is turned on, visitors will be able to get a return group number via the Disneyland app — just like booking a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance.

Since this is a test, Disneyland could turn on and off the Indy virtual queue at any time. There will be no set times for turning on the virtual queue like there currently is for Rise of the Resistance.

Disneyland visitors can be in both the Indy and Rise virtual queues at the same time, but they can only use each virtual queue once per day."

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Well-Known Member
If it is using VQ for the entire day, then just once a day.

That's sad. :(

I'm no "major" Indy fan so I'd probably be fine with riding it once and being done. But I love to ride other things like Mansion multiple times. Limiting folks to "you get to ride this thing once" is something I'm willing to forgive while managing the popularity of a brand new attraction everyone's trying to get on like RotR but Indy?

I understand it's popular but just imagine going on vacation, riding something for the first time, loving it, you or your kids wanting to go again but then being told you can't ride the 1995 attraction again because you've already done it once. Yeah, yeah, I know Disney isn't open to out of state folks just yet but all I'm saying is if someone told me I'd only be allowed to ride Mansion or Pirates once per day, I wouldn't pay to get those kinds of restrictions imposed on what I can enjoy in the park.
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Well-Known Member
This makes sense. Disneyland just doesn’t have the (outdoor) queue space available to maintain <50% attraction capacity with 6 feet+ of distancing in line. If park capacity starts increasing and ride capacity stays stagnant, expect more virtual queues in the future.


Well-Known Member
It's so sad that Indy had this really detailed queueue that you can't wait in due to fastpass (now covid because of the no indoor lines mandate).

I'm glad the park backtracked from adding fastpass to pirates recently, they even had equipment installed and everything.


Well-Known Member
I think using the virtual queue for something like Indy is fine (given the outstanding circumstances and restrictions on the park), I just think you should be able to queue up virtually for it more than once in a day, if that's what you want to ride. Heck, even Fastpass would let you do this if enough time had passed between your first one.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read everything yet, so I can't confirm, but I am being told that the VQ for Indy will not be turned on all day. Only when the attraction queue is expected to hit a physical capacity.

So while you can only do the VQ once per day, if the VQ is turned off later in the day, you could hop in the standby lime and ride another time.


Well-Known Member
I haven't read everything yet, so I can't confirm, but I am being told that the VQ for Indy will not be turned on all day. Only when the attraction queue is expected to hit a physical capacity.

So while you can only do the VQ once per day, if the VQ is turned off later in the day, you could hop in the standby lime and ride another time.
Yep, that's what I had read as well. I'm guessing they understand peak times and will utilize it during those only.


Well-Known Member
Virtual queues suck the fun out of it. I miss the days when you would just explore the parks and take in the theming in each area instead of choosing your D and E tickets from a list on a screen and then moving from one to the next.

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