These are not mutually exclusive ideas. I've attached a short video that explains how the economy impacts people's lives. There's another really good one from the same channel that dives into the effects of the lockdowns on the population.
It was never a question of whether the economy would be impacted by the lockdowns. There always was an issue about the negative effect the situation would have on people's lives and mental well being.
And it's never been the case that restrictions would be around Forever, or that they were the result of some sort of power play by the Governor of California, or any other state that had them.
It's my belief that it's that same push to get completely back to normal as quickly as possible, that's brought us to where we are today. And make no mistake, that "push" to normalcy has been around since March 2020. It has Never gone away, and it's presence has been felt throughout the last 15 months.
One thing is certain. Not everybody feels comfortable with the Rush, Rush, Rush now underway. Which by no means is there an interest in going super slow, or continuing severe measures, given the availability of vaccines. Somewhat of a more measured approach would have been better in my opinion.
All of these things happened instantaneously as of today:
1. Out Of State Visitors Welcome
2. 100% Capacity Allowed At All Venues - Indoors Or Outdoors
3. No More Social Distancing
4. And The Biggest One - No Masks Indoors Or Outdoors
I really expected #1 & #3. I also thought there would be a more phased move to 100% capacity, since that combined with No Social Distancing, is a recipe for disaster. But add in the No Masks Required Indoors, and I absolutely believe it's several weeks premature.
But of course, it's a personal choice now, so I will respect that, but continue to wear a mask. For myself, I'm not ready to spike the football yet. I'm going to ease into loosening my own restrictions, even while others talk about holding mask bonfires and pretending that as a nation, we've touched home plate. I've seen how many have behaved since the beginning, and have no illusions that America has performed intelligently enough that we can suddenly say we've got it all figured out, just like that.