Well-Known Member
Interesting that you did not hear this news from Al lutz about 10 days ago when he posted the same info. I am suprised as a DL fan you do not read him more.
TDO had to wait for the DLR to get all its ducks in a row which they finally have.
I read Lutz all the time. What did I miss?
Lutz has been talking about the new Tomorrowland E Ticket since June, but he hasn't delved into the TDO angle like wdw1974 has. It is nice to hear another source beyond Lutz confirm bulldozers move in to Tomorrowland just after Christmas. Good news!
Of course, Lutz throws out his typical one or two sentence barbs at TDO about every four to six months and then his readers east of the Rockies throw a tizzy about "how dare he criticize Florida!". But when an insider like Lee or Martin or wdw1974 says the same type comments about TDO or WDW it's generally not challenged and taken solemnly as useful info.
Back to the news of the day.... It sounds like WDP&R is basically stagnant on all the important numbers for the fiscal quarter, and the two weeks of Cars Land and DCA 2.0 operation included in the 3rd fiscal quarter (June 15th to July 1st) was able to boost overall American attendance by the very low single digits. It should be interesting to see the same numbers three months from now covering Disney's 4th fiscal quarter that took in the bulk of summer (July 1st to September 4th).