Disney World unfairly slammed for wages.

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Original Poster
of course... who is even arguing that? no one is arguing in favour of anarchy here.... we are arguing in favour of government and the people over corporations.

The only way to run this society is through capitalism. With that said there needs to be regulation but not to the extreme that some people want.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
of course... who is even arguing that? no one is arguing in favour of anarchy here.... we are arguing in favour of government and the people over corporations.

Because after all, the corporations are secretly running everything and will be the ruination of us all....

Yet another member of the aluminum-foil helmet club, I see.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
You are right but imo the only way to support a socialist society is through the government. So one way or another in a Socialist nation the government directly or indirectly will control most asspects of society.

In a perfect world it would work (see Star Trek) I just don'e ever see it working :shrug:

No. The only way to support a socialist economy is through the cooperation of both public and private sectors, and a balance of both. Citizens and Businesses pay a bit more in taxes (or possibly less, like friends who have emigrated mention to me), but get more for what they pay.

One thing that I don't understand about Americans is the "freedom TO" mentality. I'd much rather have "freedom FROM" in many aspects.

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Original Poster
Because after all, the corporations are secretly running everything and will be the ruination of us all....

Yet another member of the aluminum-foil helmet club, I see.

I don't get it, everday I see people that want to make this country more like Europe. I don't see anything wrong with it for the most part. For those of you that want a system more like Europe look at where Greece is at and get back to me.


Well-Known Member
of course... who is even arguing that? no one is arguing in favour of anarchy here.... we are arguing in favour of government and the people over corporations.

Just a few things to think about from one of my favorite thinkers.

There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.— Robert A. Heinlein

Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. — Robert A. Heinlein

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded- here and there, now and then- are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as "bad luck." — Robert A. Heinlein

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Original Poster
No. The only way to support a socialist economy is through the cooperation of both public and private sectors, and a balance of both. Citizens and Businesses pay a bit more in taxes (or possibly less, like friends who have emigrated mention to me), but get more for what they pay.

One thing that I don't understand about Americans is the "freedom TO" mentality. I'd much rather have "freedom FROM" in many aspects.

My taxes are high enough no thankyou to them going up anymore. Why should everything be equal? Why should Bob Iger make the same as I do? Different jobs are worth different ammounts of money. This is how I feel :shrug:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I don't get it, everday I see people that want to make this country more like Europe. I don't see anything wrong with it for the most part. For those of you that want a system more like Europe look at where Greece is at and get back to me.
Look at Scandinavia and Germany; then get back to me.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
My taxes are high enough no thankyou to them going up anymore. Why should everything be equal? Why should Bob Iger make the same as I do? Different jobs are worth different ammounts of money. This is how I feel :shrug:
When did I mention equality in salary, as is implied by your post? You earn what you deserve.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
You stated "It's all about the bottom line." as if that is a negative. The BOTTOM LINE is Disney is a BUSINESS, not a social service or government organization....

That's the whole point.

Disney knows they can pay someone close to minimum wage, and they will take it. Disney is in the business to make money, at the expense of others unfortunately, but as a shareholder myself, I expect, no demand a return for my investment.

Jimmy Thick- Show me the money.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Maybe I misunderstood you but again my taxes are high enough and I would want them raised for pretty much anything. :shrug:
As are mine.

But doing the numbers, if I were to get health insurance and cheaper tuition, I'd actually come out ahead paying higher taxes.

And that's IF my taxes were to increase. I know of several US citizens living abroad that end up paying the same (or less!), while getting access to a full range of government benefits that you don't get stateside.

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Original Poster
As are mine.

But doing the numbers, if I were to get health insurance and cheaper tuition, I'd actually come out ahead paying higher taxes.

And that's IF my taxes were to increase. I know of several US citizens living abroad that end up paying the same (or less!), while getting access to a full range of government benefits that you don't get stateside.

I don't know it is a complicated issue, but I didn't have a problem with my healthcare or student loans :shrug:

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
I think the bigger problem for many Disney employees is not so much the pay, (because as you said they know that going in) but the work environment. Most people realize what they're going to be making before they start and fall into one of two categories, either they love Disney want to be able to work there, experience it for themselves more often, and share it with others or they just can't get a job anywhere else and while they know they can't make it on the pay rate provided by Disney they have no alternative. This creates a real bad work environment, obviously the second category hates their job and probably isn't qualified for it (yes there are people who should not be operating a Dumbo ride). Meanwhile the other category of employees enters their dream job to find themselves working alongside Walmart level employees who could care less about providing quality work and soon realize that the company itself doesn't care about the level of product they put out. Then eventually these employees will start to wonder why they care themselves and either reduce themselves to that level or leave. It's a horrible cycle, I've seen some really good people work their way through these scenarios, it's just not a good experience all the way around.

I have to ask...

If people know working for Disney is such a negative experience, why would anyone work there?

Your job is what YOU make of it. If you feel the need to hang your head in depression and follow along with the negativity pervading the workforce, then you deserve what you get. I work in the most negative work environment humanly possible, with the thought of getting killed running through my head every minute of every shift, but I refuse to be a negative person or take it out on others, what would it accomplish?

Nope, you can't blame Disney on this, the work environment is all about the employees who want more than they deserve.

Jimmy Thick- Smile, its contagious.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I don't know it is a complicated issue, but I didn't have a problem with my healthcare or student loans :shrug:
I have no issues with my healthcare either. And I made no mention of student loans, only the tuition costs (but I should also add the associated costs of higher education to this list as well). School is too expensive in the US


Well-Known Member
I have to ask...

If people know working for Disney is such a negative experience, why would anyone work there?

Your job is what YOU make of it. If you feel the need to hang your head in depression and follow along with the negativity pervading the workforce, then you deserve what you get. I work in the most negative work environment humanly possible, with the thought of getting killed running through my head every minute of every shift, but I refuse to be a negative person or take it out on others, what would it accomplish?

Nope, you can't blame Disney on this, the work environment is all about the employees who want more than they deserve.

Jimmy Thick- Smile, its contagious.

Well most don't know this going in. Many mistakenly hold out hope that it will get better. A few are able to make the best of it. Most just leave after a short time. I'm not complaining about this it's just the way it is, this is the reason Disney has a hard time finding people to hire. If it wasn't for the college program (which is huge now) the whole place would have collapsed by now.


New Member

"These employees, who typically get on-the-job training and are expected to have good customer service skills"

I no for a fact that Disney CM go through a ton of training so this is false.

Why would the wages be really any hireer unless you are management?

I don't really get the point of this thread...Disney is not being 'slammed' in the article. The article is not an opinion piece. It simply states facts of what Florida theme park workers make as opposed to what theme park workers make in other states. They did the numbers to figure out the 8 lowest-paying jobs in America, and their numbers showed that theme park workers were number four.

What exactly is wrong with the sentence you quotes. It's true that Disney workers typically receive on-the-job training. How do you know that ALL Disney CMs go through 'tons' of training. The fact is that training has been greatly reduced in recent years.

And I made more at my high school ice cream scooping job than I did running a ride at Disney. But even if you are in management, you will typically take a gigantic paycut to go work at Disney rather than a management job at just about any other corporation.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
I'd like to bring a point...

for this being a thread that's essentially ventured into "things you don't discuss in polite society" territory, I am amazed by the amount of restraint shown by those participating.

*golf clap*


New Member
For anyone who says that Disney has slacked off on their training is wrong. I had to go through EXTENSIVE training as a Cast member. When anyone asks what it was like working at WDW I always say...it did not pay very much but the training was incredible! I learned SO much about everything from customer service, work ethic, product knowledge, protecting a brand and how everyone should conduct themselves at all times at every level no matter where you are. My husband and I say (because of the wadges) That we should have worked there when we were in college, we need to work there when we retire or work seasonally. This is a hard job when you have a family. Two small children (even when they gave us a scholarship for the girls to go to the YMCA on property) and a 45 min drive to work (a place we could afford on those wadges) was too much of a strain on us to stay. The memories, cast members looking out for one another and what we learned there was priceless though.At the end of the day I was so thankful to be apart of the magic and even though this was a hard time I appreciated all i learned and emersed myself in the parks for free when able <3


Well-Known Member
I’ve been trying very hard not to get involved in this discussion, but now I can’t help myself. Currently America is a Representative-Democratic form of government. We vote on our officials and they make the daily decisions that effect our society. We as Americans do not vote on evert single decision we leave that to our politicians, and hope by electing them they vote for your same ideals. That is our form of government. We live in a mostly capitalistic and socialistic economic model. All economic models(capitalism, socialism, communism) can work in a Democratic government system. Conversly totalitiarian, monarchies, and other forms of government can exist in all the existing economic models.
For exampled; we , as a representative democracy have capitalism in our free market, but also have many socialistic programs. Social security, welfare, public schools, medicare, medicaid, veteran benefits, subsidized farms,hospitals etc. Some are working well some not so much. A purely capitalistic free market would be almost Darwinistic. If you are not able to survive in that society that would mean death or banishment.
Within our society there are fragments or sects or people who engage in communism. A commune, for example would be run democratically for the beneift of everyone in their society(communism).
Much of the world right now is a mixure of economic models within a different government structure. Most of Europe is represtitive-democratic with varying degrees of socialism/capitalism. There are higher taxes in many countries but with many more benefits available for the citizens. Is Italy wrong to give their citizens 5 weeks of paid vacation and free health benefits and still allow them to retire at the age of 62? Maybe? Most of the strongest economies right now are in Northern Europe and Scandanavia. They have the highest educational, health , social liberty statistics in the world.
Most of South America right now has a booming economy but are far reaching towards a socialistic ideal. Veneuela has an almost dictatorship(Chavez), but has a democratic voting process, and very “friendly”socialistic ideals. Are they wrong? Maybe?
China, is well.. whatever China is they are doing pretty well(economically).
On the idea of living wage. Are the companies responsible for your welfare in society? Not in a pure free market. Morally, could these companies forego some of their bottom dollar to give their employees a better life? Certainly. Does tha average CEO need to make an average of 300 times more then their average employee? Opposed to 40 times more just 30 years ago.
To conclude, no Disney does not have to pay their employees more than minimum wage. Can a family of 4 support themselves on minimum wage? No. Of course Disney employees know what to expect when choosing to be employed as a CM. Same as a Walmart employee. But don’t be surprised that these citizens will become the working poor and will need government aid for food and health care.

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