Disney Negotiations Start
On Thursday, June 17, 2010, the Service Trades Council Union (STCU) began the process of renegotiating the contract covering 20,000 full-time workers at Walt Disney World. The session began with spokespersons from the Union and Company making opening remarks. The Union stated its position of increasing wages, making healthcare more affordable, protecting Union jobs, improving the pension plan and addressing issues with scheduling. The Company spokesperson said that the Company’s proposals would focus on flexibility to run the business more efficiently and remain true to the 4 key values of the Company: Safety, Courtesy, Show and Efficiency.
The Union held true to its word and made opening proposals that reflected its goals. In contrast, the Company made unfaithful proposals that would drastically change the working conditions at Theme parks and Resorts. What Disney management said, and did, were two different things. Those proposals included:
Eliminating the Pension plan for new hires
Eliminating Arbitration except for grievances involving institutional issues
Allowing the use of more Casual workers (CP, CT, ICP, etc.)
Eliminating the selection process for Coordinators
Changing all Coordinators to be “Relief” Coordinators
Allowing the Company to change scheduling methods and the payroll week without agreement from the Union
Eliminating a guarantee of hours when the Company changes your job classification
Drastically changing and adding restrictions to the call-sick free day policy
Addressing safety by invading your personal life with random drug tests without reasonable cause
Negatively modifying the Holiday procedures
Eliminating health insurance if employees utilize a government option or exchange
If agreed to, these proposals would allow the Company to dictate to you the working conditions of your job. None of these proposals come remotely close to addressing the 4 key values of the Disney Corporation. All of these proposals are serious take away proposals that will adversely affect you and your family. It’s important that all Disney workers stand together for a better future.
The day before negotiations began, almost 100 Local 362 members, in eight different properties, did just that. These leaders of the Union went to the VP or GM of their work area and demanded a fair contract. These workers are leading the way. Disney workers must continue these types of actions to send the message to Disney management that: it’s our hard work and loyalty that makes this Company succeed!
All of these proposals will be addressed at the next “main table” bargaining session scheduled for Tuesday, August 31, 2010. In the meantime, the 6 affiliate Unions, including UNITE HERE! Local 362, will be meeting with the Company to address specifics surrounding job classifications in “Side Letter” bargaining sessions