Not sure on Florida's Statute, but it's probably 12 months. The parents are just probably protecting their interests, should they need to file suit before the statute runs. My guess is that they have been working with Disney (who administers claims through a TPA), in settlement before it gets that far. Another guess, is that they're having issues with trying to resolve amounts for permanent disability, possible permanent scarring, etc. Or, that there's a good liability argument on Disney's side, that the report isn't privy too. Perhaps the cheese is within the manufacturer's recommended temperature for serving, and it's been tendered to the manufacturer for defense of the claim, and they're sitting on settling. Trust me, I've been there before, and handled too many claims like this. Nothing is black and white. It's all varying shades of grey. And that's without putting monetary limits on anything.
There's some serious flawed thinking on both sides of arguments posted here. Unless you have full knowledge of the legal liability system, and all aspects to the's best to sit back and remain an observer.