Disney World Jokes


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Original Poster
Anyone have any good Disney World jokes? I'm pretty sure I'm going to get some eye-rolls or something for posting this but I'm in the need for a good laugh.. I found this online

GUEST: I just want to take my grandson to Disney World. I don't want to go to Epcot or anything. Just Disney World.
CM: Well, Disney World is the name of the whole resort. I believe the park you're thinking of is the Magic Kingdom.
GUEST: No, I don't want to go to the Magic Kingdom. I just want to go to Disney World.
CM: You mean the park with the castle, right?
GUEST: Yeah, Disney World
CM: Yes, ma'am, that's the....yes, that's Disney World. We sell four-day hoppers, five-day hoppers....

I thought some of those were hilarious, anymore? :)

- WondersOfLife

The last original pavilion. :king:


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Original Poster
"Look at the golf ball!" Spaceship Earth....

It's either "Golf ball", "Big Ball", or "The New Naked Ball"... but I've never heard anyone call it a Sphere or something...:lookaroun

- WondersOfLife

The last original pavilion. :king:


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Original Poster
Found another.

Guest: "Where's MGM Studios?"
Cast Member: "Oh, you mean Hollywood studios?"
Guest: "...No I mean MGM. Where is it?
Cast Member: "Yes, MGM is now Hollywood studios. They changed the name. To get to Hollywood Studios you just foll-"
Guest: "No, I don't wanna know where Hollywood studios is. I just wanna know where MGM is!"

- The dumbest questions ever asked to Cast Members

· What time is the 3:00 parade?
· What time will it stop raining?
· Why is it raining?
· Is the wait really 15 minutes, or are you trying to trick us?
· How do I get to Magic Mountain?
· How much extra do you get paid for smiling?

At the Disney-MGM Studios:
. How come there aren't any rides here?
. Where do they show all the movies?
. Where is the Castle?
. Is Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?

At the Hollywood Tower of Terror:
. Is it a real hotel? How much does it cost to stay there?
. This is just a simulator, right? We didn't really fall, did we?
. Was that the real MGM Studios we saw when those doors opened, or a model?
. I just ate, like, food, you know. Will I be okay?
. What is this ride really like? What happens? Are those real people in there?

- WondersOfLife

The last original pavilion. :king:


Snow White went to the local Wal-Mart to pick up some pictures she had sent off a week earlier. Unfortunately they had not arrived yet. "Oh well", sighed Snow White, "some day my prints will come."

Snow White was suffering from depression, so she went to her local doctor for a check-up. During the exam, the doctor asked Snow White about her mood swings. "Ms. White, do you wake up grumpy in the morning?"
"No", answered Snow White. "I let him sleep in."

Did you know that the original concept for Aladdin had Princess Jasmine's last name as Peppershaker? Producers of the film scratched this idea when they realized it would make her father: Sultain Peppershaker. (salt & pepper shaker)
^ If you think that last joke was corny up close...try reading it from Jafar.

This one's not necessarily a joke, but something many CM's go through more often than you'd think.


Well-Known Member
The pig sketch is hilarious, almost too true to be funny :brick:
The sketch with the CM 'take out' is the funniest thing I've seen in years :ROFLOL: Is there more to this than meets the eye? :eek:


Well-Known Member
I feel like this is just another dumb guest thread with a new title. A joke has a punch line not just someone being dumb....well I guess "Who's on First?" really didn't have a punch line but you know what I mean.


(My apologies in advance. These are painful).

Did you hear about the family who got stuck on Peter Pan's Flight for over 3 hours?! Apparently, their vehicle would never-never land.

Captain Barbossa never takes his lunch break on-park. He likes to hit the drive-thru at Arrrrrrby's.

Two blondes were driving to WDW. They saw a road sign which read: "Magic Kingdom left". So they turned around and went home.



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