Disney World Hauntings


Originally posted by mrtoad

Can you explain what an orb is? The reason I ask is last week I was at WDW and took several photos of the castle while waiting for SpectroMagic. One of them has a weird round thing that I thought was the moon but none of the other shots have it.

I have added a link to the photo. The object is at the very top of the photo above the castle.



My opinoin....I have seen that before....its called a water spot on your lens. :D


Originally posted by bluesnut
cloud pic cloud pic cloud pic

These are 3 photos of a mist I took in my back yard while taking photos for a class project. I had just put batteries in the camera before I went outside. I had cleaned the lens off. The pics were taken in like September so it wasn't cold just gray. I have the pics before after and even some in between no mist. The car was not running and it wasn't foggy. Right after these few pics were taken the batteries died. If you believe in the paranormal ghosts are supposed to drain batteries very easily. Now I don't know but that seems like an odd quwinky to me.:lookaroun

Your pics gave me the chills....there was something there...I am sure.


New Member
Originally posted by BeachClub
My opinoin....I have seen that before....its called a water spot on your lens. :D
That's really creepy... I live in PA (45 miles north of Philly) and my brother went to Gettysburg PA with my aunt and her children. There is this rock (I think called Devils rock or soemthing like that) well its supposed to be haunted (and so is most of the town). Well when my brother got home and developed the pics there are little white orbs all around my cousin in the pic.. Really scary to look at!. Your photos gave me the chills also!. My friend Megan just came back from WDW last week and says that she noticed that some of her pics have what seem to be orbs. Were going to W-Mart tomorrow to get them blown up to check it out.:eek:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Wow, TOTALLY missed this thread...

Anyway, I can also truly relate to many of the posts here. Anytime I get a wierd feeling in those certain areas of the parks, I've just shrugged it off on other things. After reading some of this stuff I may have to reconsider.

I REALLY like the word Mary Poppins used earlier when she referred to it as a feeling of "history." It's like a sudden rush of a collection of all things past hit your brain and body at once. At times, it's almost so overwhelming that you feel a helplessness that makes you want to cry.

Has anyone else, for example, stood inside of either the Test Track or M:S queue and been able to envision WOM or Horizons? This past year I was standing in the TT queue during a breakdown, and then BAM, all of the sudden I got this memory rush of that old giant room where the WOM loading took place. It lasted about 5 seconds, and then it was completely gone. I could CLEARLY see it in my head, from EXACTLY where I was standing. I'd be willing to bet that if I were to check the blueprints of WOM and TT on top of one another, I could pinpoint the exact spot, and it would match up.

As far as wierd spots within the Magic Kingdom, I've felt a ton. A few that pop into my head:

- The bathrooms near the entrance to MK (mentioned earlier)

- COP (no doubt about this one)

- POTC queue (particularly the cannon room near the end. Something serious in there on the other side of that chain.)

Going from my experience, as an overall generalization, any area that is currently empty, but was once often full of activity at any point in the past, seems to be THICK with spiritual activity.


New Member
This thread is so amazing! I have had SO many of the same feelings as you guys. But I always just shrug it off as nothing. On Spaceship Earth, I get that feeling. POTC the canons, we were stuck in there for a few minutes. I felt SO weird. Like, something wasn't right. I started to get these twitches. It was weird. Also the endless hallway for HM. I thought it was just me. But I can NEVER just sit there and look. It's too creepy. I'm sure there are more. Just give me some time. lol.


New Member
Originally posted by bluesnut
Oh and I should add He had to have been there for us because my grandpa HATED FLORIDA and HATED WDW. He even went so far as to schedule surgery one time to try to keep from going on our annual trip.

Then that might have been the beginning of purgatory for him! muahaha... :animwink:


New Member
One place that really creeps me out and had weird feelings was on Tom Sawyers island ,do not like going there.My wife mentioed she had felt a ghostly presance there & POTC.


I have never had any strange feelings of the sort you guys describe having at WDW I have had a terrible feeling emanating off of a person walking past me at EPCOT once though.

But I can relate what happened to me in POTC at the area where Main Street USA mentioned. I was walking with my neice, it was her first time at WDW, she is five years old, and we were laughing and playing throught the queue, there was no one around, the ride was walk on. When we got to that spot my neice stopped and refused to walk any further in the hallway. There was nothing there but she stopped cold and started shaking like a leaf in the wind, her color left her and she was TERRIFIED and couldn't tell me what made her that way.

I had to pick her up, let her put her head in my shoulder and carry her the rest of the way. She refused to ride the ride again because she would have to walk past that spot. To this day she tells me she never wants to go back there because that part of the hall scares her too much.

Which is funny because the skeletons didn't even scare her. Just one little spot in the hallway.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The human brain has a lot to answer for. I believe that there are things we dont understand, however my gut feeling is that many of the described feelings are caused by our inherited perceptions of areas. Isnt it just a tadd coincidental that spook central happens to occur on attractions with reduced visibility and diminished natural light.

There is a book called Ghosts of the RAF, in it is a story of a block I used to live in, it tells the tragic tale of a Polish spitfire pilot who crashed on landing careered off the runway and ploughed into the barrack block partially demolishing one end of it. Ever since it has allegedly been haunted. It reached a peak in the late 80s early 90s that the airwomen who were accommodated their refused to live in it. The block was refurbished during which time the area of most events was changed from sleeping quarters to a communal kitchen and tv lounge dinning area. They did leave a rather nice room there too. The upper floor was converted to single person rooms (very hotel like). The block became living accom for ncos.

Well as youve no doubt guessed I ended up living in that room, and having heard all the stories was anxious at first, but as time passed I came to realise that the communal area (spook central) was being used as a place for visitors to stay. None of them new the stories and fewer of the blocks residents did either and none ever reported a problem. I just wondered if our senses helped us feel things that weren’t quite their.
I heard the odd bang in the night, but that turned out to be a sneaky dog handler nipping back to the block mid shift and having a quick snack from the fridge.:D


Originally posted by Pumbas Nakasak
The human brain has a lot to answer for. I believe that there are things we dont understand, however my gut feeling is that many of the described feelings are caused by our inherited perceptions of areas. Isnt it just a tadd coincidental that spook central happens to occur on attractions with reduced visibility and diminished natural light.

Well that is very nice that you think that way:lol: ! No seriously it is always nice to hear the other side of the fence's opinion.

I do agree that a place's ambiance can affect the way we feel.

But some of the places mentioned in other threads are in broad daylight outside. ie the place where the old fountain was in Epcot. (I know you will tell us it is some thing to do with SE being right there or the pipework under the cement or the monorail tracks or those stone legacy things or something.) But there are others.

Hey this is why we all get along so well we can put our opinions out there and we don't get miffed(or we do and we just get annoyed and ignore the post:lol: )

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I totally agree with Pumbas Nakasak when it coms to the dark places theory.

The mind DOES, indeed, play tricks on us. If you've ever seen the MTV show "Fear" or anything similar, it's incredibly obvious that 90% of what is going on is completely fabricated within their own heads.

I think he's really talking about places like the HM hallway, which has been mentioned several times. Obviously, places like that are going to make us feel strange. They're meant to. That's the whole idea that the imagineers had for the entire HM attraction, and it just so happens that they did a good job. Now, I'm not discounting any of your feelings, because it's entirely possible that there IS something else there. In actuality, I'd like to think that there IS.



Active Member
Originally posted by Main Street USA
I think he's really talking about places like the HM hallway, which has been mentioned several times. Obviously, places like that are going to make us feel strange. They're meant to.

I'm agreeing with Pumbaas in regard to several areas, including the PotC quere (never felt anything in there) and a few other places that've been mentioned here. it's supposed to be spooky, and it is. =)

HM hall is really up for debate. while it's true that it's probably the darknest, spookiest room in the attraction, there's no reason one would feel a total irrational anxiety that subsides the minute you leave that room and enter the Corridor of Doors. fear / anxiety just plain doesn't naturally work like that.

I'm on the ride almost every other week and that room still scares me. you think I'd have gotten over it by now...

and the Disneyland room, which is exactly the same, doesn't bother me one bit.

there's one other "natural" way to explain why that area is unsettling. infrasound is noise that's out of the human auditory range, but which you can still "feel" and can be accountable from everything from paranoia to suicides.

that area of the Mansion both contains and is bracketed by a high number of motorized props, some of which probably produce a infrasound effect.

it still doesn't explain why most people get over it once they enter the conservatory area (with the coffin), as that hall has far more motors in it, but it does go part of the way of explaining why that room really bugs people on top of it being dark and spooky.

it also accounts for people being bothered around Small World and the Sword in the Stone as these areas produce a LOT of infrasound due to their location (right above the utilidors) and some of the effects at work (the sword is held in place by an electromagnetic device)

I honestly believe that stretch of track in the Mansion is one of the few authentic, haunted areas on property. that's just my opinion, feel free to disagree, just thought I'd sort out the reasons for and against it.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I think I have a theory of the Endless Hallway. I think The Old Man with a cane sits in the creepy chair next to the endless hallway and likes to watch the riders riding the Haunted Mansion...

Oooh, that crept me out just writing that.:eek:


Active Member
Originally posted by imagineer boy
I think I have a theory of the Endless Hallway. I think The Old Man with a cane sits in the creepy chair next to the endless hallway and likes to watch the riders riding the Haunted Mansion...

I'm still not certain it's him. I think I saw him once out of the corner of my eye, if that's anything to go on (and I'm not certain it is).

the prescence in that room reminds me more of something that came out of the earth. whereas, for example, what you feel in Spaceship Earth I think is clearly emotional and human.

Mr Disney

Active Member
In the Parks
OMG when I saw somebody mention something about Tom Sawyer Island, I remembered a story that I had forgotten. When I was smaller. (I'm 16 now, well, Tuesday, and I was probably about 8-9. I was walking down one of the tunnels and I remember that I was the only one there and I was about to walk down this long tunnel and I stopped because I felt something disquieting. (Yes, I stole that from HM). Then, I heard a womans voice telling me to leave. Then I heard a high pitch scream and I ran out of the cave. I asked my mom if she heard anything, and she said no. After that, I haven't gone back to TSI.

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