News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more


Well-Known Member
I said many, many pages ago that college tuition and college profits SHOULD be one of the main (if not THE main political platform issues…the fact that neither side of the isle even brings up this talking point is disgusting. At the same time, it’s still ultimately personal responsibility to decide whether that career path is economically feasible to lead a financially successful life in the real world.
Sure! I would say that personal responsibility also extends to those that want to use their time and effort to reform or challenge the system as currently in place; and I'm not going to blame or make fun of people who did that and want to push for change. I didn't say you did that either, just my point in general.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly the problem. People who racked up student debt are now demanding wages commensurate with their education for roles that don't require said education in the first place.
Also, the perceived value of a college degree by employers has changed dramatically in the past 30 years.

I’ve hired at all levels from entry level to C Suite and at one time a degree, especially from a prestigious university, was a compelling selling point for a candidate.

Unfortunately, once the “everybody should go to college” movement started, followed by “nobody should have to pay for college”, and universities were turned into diploma mills in partnership with federal government loans, it has diluted what a college degree represents to employers.

So now you have people graduating from formerly prestigious universities with degrees that hold significantly less weight and are even more frustrated when they are not presented with the same economic opportunities of previous alumni.

Every action has a reaction. If you lower the standards for college admission and flood the marketplace with degrees, the value decreases. The colleges make out like bandits, the students not so much.


Well-Known Member
Define "higher education."

If higher education is job training to increase your future earning potential, then it's worth the financial investment but not worth four years of your life.

If higher education is to make you a better husband, father, citizen, human being, then it's worth four years of your life but not worth the financial investment.

The best undergraduate programs are both. Too many undergraduate programs are neither.

And it's "fewer."

People should have the ability to attain what they deem to be higher education without fear of destitution through predatory government & private loans regardless of their intent, and your attempt to grammar nazi me doesn't belittle my ultimate point.


Premium Member
Sure! I would say that personal responsibility also extends to those that want to use their time and effort to reform or challenge the system as currently in place; and I'm not going to blame or make fun of people who did that and want to push for change. I didn't say you did that either, just my point in general.
"The system needs reform" isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card for people who chose to nuke their own futures knowing full well what the system is.

When you agree to play the game by the current rules, you have to follow those rules, even if you want to advocate for the rules to be changed.

Tom P.

Well-Known Member
It’s not true. Idk about legal, but it’s not true. Their May be some leaders/coordinators that have adopted that rule but it’s not what the Disney Look book says
I don't think there would be anything illegal about Disney saying "you can't be openly advertising our competitors while on the job." I don't think they could actually stop someone from getting a Star Trek or Harry Potter tattoo. But they could certainly insist that it not be visible while on the job. That wouldn't be illegal anymore than it was illegal for them to have a "no visible tattoos at all" policy.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Maybe.. just maybe... you're talking to people who not only lived it in the past, but live it now too.. because we are employees, we are employers, we are parents, we are neighbors. We have actual experience that isn't discountable with dismissive "you don't know what it's like!!" kind of whines.

I always chuckle when I read those comments too, I have no idea where this perception that life used to be easy came from, or that we are somehow immune to inflation and rising costs because we’re older.

I bought my first (and only) house when I was 37, and that was only because the market crashed, I watched home prices skyrocket all thorough my late 20s and early 30‘s thinking I’d never be able to afford a home, all while my rent went up every single year. My Gf, who is in her 50s, still rents and it’s insane what’s happened to her rent over the last decade, I’d guess half the CMs pleading for higher wages are middle aged or older.

Inflation hits us just as hard as it hits the younger generations, some of us are fortunate to have a (relatively) fixed housing cost but even that’s not immune, my roofs not getting any newer and what used to cost $10k to fix is now closer to $25k, we’ve just got different problems.

And if young people think older peoples wages are keeping up with inflation they are seriously misinformed, I make probably 15% more now than I made 10 years ago, that doesn’t even cover how much my utilities have gone up.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think there would be anything illegal about Disney saying "you can't be openly advertising our competitors while on the job." I don't think they could actually stop someone from getting a Star Trek or Harry Potter tattoo. But they could certainly insist that it not be visible while on the job. That wouldn't be illegal anymore than it was illegal for them to have a "no visible tattoos at all" policy.
It’s 2 very different rules. If the rule is no tattoos that is the same for all people.

If a tattoo of a Star Wars character means your employable and a tattoo of a Star Trek character means your not that is a really strange rule and I feel like it could be open for a legal dispute.


Premium Member
@lightningtap347 why do you seem to value education above all other Goods such that it's so important that it ought to be free.

What if someone valued travel as much as you value education? Should people be able to go on vacation without needing to pay for it?

What if someone valued parenthood as much as you value education? Should people get all the costs of raising a family reimbursed?

What if someone valued fine cuisine as much as you value education? Should their caviar and Wagyu beef be subsidized?


Premium Member
It’s 2 very different rules. If the rule is no tattoos that is the same for all people.

If a tattoo of a Star Wars character means your employable and a tattoo of a Star Trek character means your not that is a really strange rule and I feel like it could be open for a legal dispute.
I have no idea if this is actually a rule or not but assuming it is.... a Star Trek tattoo wouldn't make you unemployable, it would mean you'd have to wear long sleeves.


Premium Member
I always chuckle when I read those comments too, I have no idea where this perception that life used to be easy came from, or that we are somehow immune to inflation and rising costs because we’re older.

I bought my first (and only) house when I was 37, and that was only because the market crashed, I watched home prices skyrocket all thorough my late 20s and early 30‘s thinking I’d never be able to affors a home, all while my rent went up every single year. My Gf, who is in her 50s, still rents and it’s insane what’s happened to her rent over the last decade, I’d guess half the CMs pleading for higher wages are middle aged or older.

Inflation hits us just as hard as it hits the younger generations, some of us are fortunate to have a (relatively) fixed housing cost but even that’s not immune, my roofs not getting any newer and what used to cost $10k to fix is now closer to $25k, we’ve just got different problems.

And if young people think older peoples wages are keeping up with inflation they are seriously misinformed, I make probably 15% more now than I made 10 years ago, that doesn’t even cover how much my utilities have gone up.
Hell I'm 33. I bought houses in 2011, 2014, 2017, and 2020. I got college degrees in 2011, 2013, and 2015. I had kids in 2014, 2017, and 2020. And even I'm too old and out of touch to even possibly relate to "young people today."

I'm a "baby boomer" who "pulled the ladder of success up behind me" back in 1983, six years before I was born.


Well-Known Member
@lightningtap347 why do you seem to value education above all other Goods such that it's so important that it ought to be free.

What if someone valued travel as much as you value education? Should people be able to go on vacation without needing to pay for it?

What if someone valued parenthood as much as you value education? Should people get all the costs of raising a family reimbursed?

What if someone valued fine cuisine as much as you value education? Should their caviar and Wagyu beef be subsidized?
You mean free dining plan doesn’t count?


Premium Member
Financial aid helped a kid a few years ago from inner city Miami. Coming from a single parent household working in the tourism industry she applied for financial aid when applying to Harvard and for 4 years Harvard covered her entire tuition room and board.
Thanks for the news clipping.. but as I said..

"Don't conflate the discussion with schools with huge endowments. You're talking a tiny fraction of a percent of students and not the center of mass."


Well-Known Member
@lightningtap347 why do you seem to value education above all other Goods such that it's so important that it ought to be free.

What if someone valued travel as much as you value education? Should people be able to go on vacation without needing to pay for it?

What if someone valued parenthood as much as you value education? Should people get all the costs of raising a family reimbursed?

What if someone valued fine cuisine as much as you value education? Should their caviar and Wagyu beef be subsidized?

Nowhere did I note that I think education should be free.

I'm writing here for the last time because this is ultimately a huge waste of time rewriting over and over.

I value a high skilled and educated labor force and believe that it would be in the best interest of the country that people have non-predatory access to gain skills for their labor. It's their personal responsibility to attain the fruits of their labor through their own efforts, goals, and objectives, but people should not be set up to fail immediately at the age of 18 due to a predatory system that has devalued what an education is.

I think our goals are ultimately the same, but my issue is with the system behind education, while yours appears to be education itself? That's what I deduced from your above responses.

My personal opinion is that if the government stopped handing out loans (along with a more specialized public system that deprograms the need of everyone to go to college) we would be able to return to an equilibrium between value of degree, quality of higher education, and a more specialized workforce through trades. Unfortunately, I know that the machine that is private loans will just fill the gap, and we will continue to throw in and blame students who get churned through the predatory system.


Premium Member
There's just a lot of factual inaccuracy in here but I'm bored of debating it so I'll leave it be.

FAFSA does not consider retirement savings whatsoever, for example.
They gather up all your assets... I'm so exhausted by the process every year I apologize if I included one line item I shouldn't. The point is the system wants to know everything you have (no matter your intended use for it) and doesn't care about expenses.

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