I'll bite...
Investments in the community come in many different forms. Sure, the vast majority of jobs are low-income, service industry positions but you are forgetting all the downstream positions created by these companies that are much higher paying such as IT/CIS, network engineering, heavy construction, industrial engineering, architects, legal, and medical to name a few. These jobs are indirect for the most part but companies such as Disney, Comcast, Sea World build a lot of buildings, roads and heavily utilize infrastructure, contribute very heavily to taxes directly and indirectly and generally provide a positive net effect on the area around them.
I am not saying Disney pays front-line cast members well, but how much are area teachers paid, teachers that went to college for 4-6 years to get the undergrad or masters? In my area of the country a teacher starts at about $30,000 a year with a $5,000 bump if they have a masters degree. Pay scales are the direct result supply and demand in your area for the most part, if the job has a low skill requirement the pay is going to be generally very low unless it is also dangerous.