One Little Spark...
Go Fer.As a Mom of 2 pretty recent college grads I agree. My DD was given an intern this last semester as they launched a new facility, others borrowed her to pick their kids up from the airport, put together furniture, be a bouncer. She was annoyed. My kids were fortunate and were paid (though poorly) unlike many before them, many being used for anything but what the actual internship was to be. Internships have turned into a Gal Friday or Jack of all Trades category and I wish it would be more closely monitored and more tightly regulated. Yet some firms do offer real internships, my DDs friend did an internship for NBC TV and it was an actual learning experiences verses chores nobody wanted to do.
Go Fer Coffee...
Go Fer Lunch...
Go Fer Office Supplies...
List goes on.
Internships are stupid. If it's a trade, you should be a paid apprentice. If it's not, then it's a job, and you should collect an employees salary.
That being said...FLSA has rather vague wording of internships.