And that's different from other news sources how exactly? As stated, all gaming media (and even some mainstream media) was doing the exact same thing with Duke Nukem. It certainly was not IGN, and it had nothing to do with them being reputable or not (even if that came with extra traffic). They posted news about the game because a developer would approach them and tell them the game had been revived and was being worked on again. These developers also usually approached them with clear proof that they were attempting to work on the game (screens, trailers, concept art, tech demos, whatever). Your point is moot, it's the developers whom were teasing the games so much, the news sites were just reported what developers told them to report.
The story quoted here is unsubstantiated the original interview doesn't reference Disney or avatarland that's where the issue is. IGN is a site I frequent daily and they are wrong on occasion
It's no different from how Disney released announcements and concept art to the media for attractions that never came to be (Beastly Kingdom, Western River Expedition, Westcot, etc etc etc). The news reported only what Disney told them and any information or media given to them. Disney is the one that never went through with actually making it happen. And in Duke Nukem Forever's case, the fault of the many developers that made it.