Disney to increase the number of FastPass+ entitlements per day and include park hopping


Well-Known Member
You make assumptions based on the company's past... which doesn't necessarily represent the current company. Don't let the history of the company cloud your view of the current company.

I based that on the fact that TDO knows today how many used how FP+ on each ride at each park, by the hour, how many booked FP+ on each ride at each park on May16th, the 17th, the 18th etc how many changed their FP+ today at each park and for which rides to which rides....how much FP+ can handle, how hard it is to change, what it should look like in 2016, etc thing we no nothing at all about.....and the fact that they have some brilliant business minds working for them on their customer service matters. No offense but the fact is that they know more than we do. Again no issue with debating it but trying to sound like we have the answers and they are a bunch of lost morons on FP+s matter is just silly.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I call uncle. Ears and I will stop talking about purple MB & our favorite princesses on this thread...

My apologies if I was a buzz-kill; not my intention. This forum is all sorts of entertainment for me so being on or off topic doesn't matter to me. (IMO, after 12 pages of discussion, mainly questions and repeated speculation, about this announcement which was just made, no answers will be given soon enough so what else can be discussed?...) Was just making a joke. ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't have time to read all 12 pages (so sorry if this has been discussed!), but any word on being able to double up on an attraction and being able to pick the same one twice?

Not known at this time. And quite possibly won't be officially announced by Disney anyway -- we will likely just see what happens when functionality goes live and people post about what they can do.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
My apologies if I was a buzz-kill; not my intention. This forum is all sorts of entertainment for me so being on or off topic doesn't matter to me. (IMO, after 12 pages of discussion, mainly questions and repeated speculation, about this announcement which was just made, no answers will be given soon enough so what else can be discussed?...) Was just making a joke. ;)

Twasn't you - it was another poster - and one with the same name as my beloved (and sadly, departed) cat. Spoiled my fun. :(

But I agree. We won't know until it happens and for me that is 19 days. I'm just hoping the SDMT is in soft opening then. (Okay, thread police, don't shoot me, I realize that's another discussion).


Well-Known Member
I'm happy with this announcement and look forward to hearing the answers to all of the questions asked.
But IMO, this system could be better with added capacity. My understanding is that even with the FLE, the MK's # of attractions is even (or maybe it was +1) from the mid-90's, yet over 17 million are packing the place annually now versus __ mil (not going to look it up but I'm positive it's less). Long waits, to me, are not magical...
Epcot Center truly is a shell of it's former self, and DAK & DHS are very, very, very, very (keep adding the very's...) underdeveloped. Currently, this system is a sleight of hand, shorter wait for some attractions than before but longer wait than before for others. But, it is a work in progress and we shall see (will be there again in October!)...


Well-Known Member
Just so we are clear I do love Disney Princesses and stuff but I don't want nor will I wear a purple MB, I'm all man baby!!!! :)


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Just so we are clear I do love Disney Princesses and stuff but I don't want nor will I wear a purple MB, I'm all man baby!!!! :)

Oops, sorry about the purple MB comment. My bad. That must have been someone else on these 12, now 13, pages. It's getting late - that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Me personally, I couldn't care less what color my MB is as long as it functions correctly. My wife and daughter would prefer this in addition to the current pink option.

I think I went with green, not 100%, that or orange. But more colors are on the way I bet as are designer ones with themes on them.

I bought my MB Swag at the Earsport store at MCO, was there on business so no WDW for me that trip :( They had a bunch of different swag items for sail. But only thing Frozen in the entire store was the CD, this was less than a month ago. Disney missed out of a crap load of sales on that. The cashier (great cashier BTW) joked with me and said "I see you found the only Frozen item we have". I can imagine how many times she was asked for Frozen stuff that day alone.


Well-Known Member
Right, cause only girls wear purple :confused:

I would wear purple but if my buds here in Texas got wind of it I might lose my spurs.....:hungover:

So I am just postering in public about it.....but then again we are a one color one person family and I would not get dibs on purple anyways over my daughter :D


Well-Known Member
I heard that DHS won Day 1 of selling MagicBands by selling a whopping 200 of them.

Somebody again explain to me the point of purchasing them? They truly serve no other function over a plastic ticket other than the 10-15 minutes it takes to register the thing online.

And if the MagicBands for purchase are $12.95, are AP replacement bands still the $49 that we were quoted from Disney a few months ago?

RSD Part Deux

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. I should have been more clear. Currently, once you have used your three entitlements, you can go to a kiosk and get an additional one. Use that one and get another one at a kiosk and so on. This I can confirm.

I am trying to confirm if you can park hop via a kiosk but haven't been able to do so yet although I have been told otherwise. If someone could try for us that would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Actually, it would make a lot more sense if you could choose a 4th once you used one of the pre-reserved 3, not all of them. Keep a rolling 3 FP limit.

That way you don't have a bunch of people taking all the early morning spots and a reserved FP for something in the evening would actually have value.


Well-Known Member
The problem I have is that as a local the wait times on most of the attractions has actually increased. We used to be able to ride HM every time we visited MK but now it's consistently a 40 min wait. I saw another website who actually looked at all the data and wait times from last year without my magic+ and the same time this year with it and it showed the majority of attractions had increased while a lot of the etickets had dropped in wait a little. So an example was HM going from like 20 to 40 min average and Space going from a 70 to 50 min average. So we'll see how things change but cast members still aren't on the system yet. What's that? Like another 50,000 locals who will have early access to FP+ as well? Hmmm...
was in MK on sunday. HM was a 10 minute( not even) from gate to stretching room in a single cycle the four times i rode it that day... of course individual results may vary


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. I should have been more clear. Currently, once you have used your three entitlements, you can go to a kiosk and get an additional one. Use that one and get another one at a kiosk and so on. This I can confirm.

So, this is currently active already? Good to know. Couple question if you don't mind....

Are you able to book an attraction that you have previously done that day? And, if you have done this at DHS or Epcot, are ou able to book a "top tier" attraction (e.g. Test Track/Soarin'/Maelstrom or Toy Story/RNR) with the 4th and beyond FP+?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. I should have been more clear. Currently, once you have used your three entitlements, you can go to a kiosk and get an additional one. Use that one and get another one at a kiosk and so on. This I can confirm.

I am trying to confirm if you can park hop via a kiosk but haven't been able to do so yet although I have been told otherwise. If someone could try for us that would be awesome.

I was able to, but the one thing to remember is you cannot plan your fast passes to park hop. After you leave the 1st park, you have to use your bands to check into the 2nd park. After you are physically inside of the 2nd park, you can go to the Disney Experience Ap and then you will have choices for your 3 fast pass options. I know the announcement says to be used at Kiosks, but I was able to schedule 3 additional passes on my Iphone.

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