Disney Testing Metal Detectors, Screening Devices

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Active Member
This system is in place at Kennedy Space Centre as many of you will know. And thinking of what happens there, i can see one HUGE flaw with this system that might be put in place at WDW (don't get me wrong, I'm all for security, and I'm willing to wait in line for it, you can't put a price on life!). Anyway, to my point, if they install these detectors, and then they find someone with for example a gun, what will they do ? I mean what is the only way to stop someone with a gun? Have security personnel with guns! Will this happen at WDW? They have machine guns at Kennedy (ok i know they're protecting the space shuttle). My point is, if you put these in place then you also have to put in place a means of stopping anything that you find. A visual deterant of guns at WDW wouldn't be great, plus, the front of the parks would look awful with all this going on. Any more thoughts?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Did you have a loved one run for their life outside a building in DC or NYC? Did you have anyone come into their office and yell "Get Out Now. Run, there's a plane running for the building" ?

Unless you did, get off you high horse and shut the hell up.

People who werent directly affected love to talk big about America, Patriotism, and Retrubution. Me, i had a friend in tears on the phone, so I dont wanna hear your big, bold talk.
I did.... he died IMO on the spot...




Well-Known Member
I just dont want the US to turn out being like Israel where we get searched everywhere we go and there are armed guards everywhere. That would ruin my WDW visit....


Account Suspended
Reply to Maelstrom and others

Whether or not we want to admit it, 9/11 DID change everything.
Our world will NEVER be the same again, as long as terrorists have the means and opportunity to attack those that THEY hate.

To say that I or anyone else has a "hidden" political agenda in our statements is nonsense. Again, whether or not you want to admit it, this subject does become a political issue at some point.

Some of you here say you don't want our country to turn into some 3rd world nation with armed guards at our theme parks, shopping malls, etc. etc.. Well, then let our government do what must be done and ERASE all terrorists. Nothing hidden in that statement is there? I don't want to see armed guard at WDW either, but do any of you have a better solution to ensure quality safety of the guests? The United States of America is the largest superpower in the entire world. The only way to ensure our protection and safety from terrorism is to do what most of you don't want done. ERASE THE TERRORISTS!!! I'm not hiding behind any political agenda, and I'm not trying to coopt any event.

I don't want metal detectors and armed guards!!!! But in the absence of our government being allowed to do what must be done without all the rhetoric from those of you who DO have an agenda, I don't see a better solution in the meantime. And aside from that, don't you think that if we prosecuted criminals the way we should, instead of waxing political about rehabilitation, that the punishment would be a deterrent? Or maybe you'd like to have the convicted felon come live with you and yours for rehab?

I again applaude the WDW Company for again, taking the lead in their industry with respect to testing of technology that will make for a safer environment in their parks.


Well-Known Member
Re: Reply to Maelstrom and others

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
Whether or not we want to admit it, 9/11 DID change everything.
Our world will NEVER be the same again, as long as terrorists have the means and opportunity to attack those that THEY hate.

To say that I or anyone else has a "hidden" political agenda in our statements is nonsense. Again, whether or not you want to admit it, this subject does become a political issue at some point.

Some of you here say you don't want our country to turn into some 3rd world nation with armed guards at our theme parks, shopping malls, etc. etc.. Well, then let our government do what must be done and ERASE all terrorists. Nothing hidden in that statement is there? I don't want to see armed guard at WDW either, but do any of you have a better solution to ensure quality safety of the guests? The United States of America is the largest superpower in the entire world. The only way to ensure our protection and safety from terrorism is to do what most of you don't want done. ERASE THE TERRORISTS!!! I'm not hiding behind any political agenda, and I'm not trying to coopt any event.

I don't want metal detectors and armed guards!!!! But in the absence of our government being allowed to do what must be done without all the rhetoric from those of you who DO have an agenda, I don't see a better solution in the meantime. And aside from that, don't you think that if we prosecuted criminals the way we should, instead of waxing political about rehabilitation, that the punishment would be a deterrent? Or maybe you'd like to have the convicted felon come live with you and yours for rehab?

I again applaude the WDW Company for again, taking the lead in their industry with respect to testing of technology that will make for a safer environment in their parks.

Terrorism is not going to be erased. It isn't going to go away completely. If terrorists want to attack WDW, they will. Metal detectors and armed guards does NOT ensure guest safety.

If you're comfortable with metal detectors and armed guards at WDW, then great for you. But I, and many others, are not comfortable with that. If I had children, I wouldn't bring them to WDW if things were like that. I wouldn't want my 3 year old cousin passing through metal detectors and seeing people with guns before she got in to see Cinderella.


Account Suspended
Maelstrom - Read in its entirety


As I have said repeatedly in several posts on this thread, I don't want to see metal detectors, or armed guards at any theme parks. But in the absence of a better plan, what do YOU suggest?
No security at all? I have an 8 year old daughter that we took for her first trip last year. Do you think I want her to see these things happening? Do you think I want to have to explain that because of terrorists like Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein that these steps had to be taken to protect us? Of course not!!!

But we didn't start this war. THEY DID!!!! Don't blame our government and companies for trying to do what they think is best. Blame those that are at fault. Were we even discussing these issues prior to 9/11? NO we weren't. So, again, once more, I DON'T WANT METAL DETECTORS. And while in part I will agree that we will never completely eradicate terrorism from this world, I will tell you that if you show the terrorists that there will be retribution for their actions against our country, they will cease to attack our country. And maybe someday, we can lighten the security measures around our country.

I'll even give you an example that I see every day at work. Been working at my company over 2 years. In that time, our company has had to hire armed guards to secure our parking lot because of break-ins of our personal vehicles in the parking lot. Would you have us do nothing and just take it? I DON'T THINK SO!!! The CRIMINALS who see fit to live by their own rules don't deserve freedom. And if the armed police officer is a deterrent, then great. I know I feel better having them there. You're telling me you don't. What you're saying is that you DO have an agenda, because their presence somehow spoils your vacation.
How so? Do they tag along and harass you? Do they charge you a fee for going thru detectors? What exactly is the problem with having them there. Other than ruining YOUR vacaction. I have no agenda, I'm glad to see them there. It doesn't bother me. It seems to me that there is some deep-seeded issue with you. Why they are there is indeed a different issue. The fact that they are there should make us all feel safer. The fact that people will find a way no matter the security is yet another issue that speaks to why it is so important for our country to vigorously defend and protect our borders and our interests, around the world. Again, no agenda, just plain truth!!!

Or do you have a problem with protecting and defending our country?



HennieBogan1966 , I don't think ANYONE has the answer you're looking for. And the point that some of us are trying to make is that these so-called secutirty measures really aren't stopping anyone from doing anything. Like others have said, if someone really wants to do harm in the parks, they'll come up with a way. Or they'll go to the resorts, or on the transportation system, etc. The bad guys will never be eradicated. And honestly, I don't think we're really that much safer then we were before 9/11. It's always been out there - 9/11 just opened our eyes. I don't think metal detectors are going to keep the bad guys out, and in the mean time, they will inconvenience and possible even scare the "good" guys.


Well-Known Member
No, I do not feel any safer with armed guards hanging around. And yes, they will somewhat spoil my vacation. I don't want to see them at WDW. I don't want to have the threat of terrorism constantly in my face. Am I allowed to have that personal feeling or did the events of 9/11 take that away from me, too?

I don't believe I ever said I didn't have an "agenda". If I have an agenda at all, it is that I'm sick of terrorism and 9/11 and that it somehow finds a way to worm into every little area of my life. Do I have a problem with protecting and defending America? No. Do I have a problem with every thing that happens somehow tying into terrorism and 9/11? Yes.

If armed guards at WDW make you and your family feel safe, then great, I'm truly glad you feel that way; everyone should feel safe. But I don't feel that way. We're entitled to our differences.

It is obvious we each feel a certain way and that the other is not going to be swayed into the other's way of thinking. Therefore, I rest this "argument" here. We feel differently. The end.



Well-Known Member
I don't want to see armed guard at WDW either, but do any of you have a better solution to ensure quality safety of the guests?

This has not stopped a thing in Israel so why would it here? Also the most dangerous part of getting into the park is actually just getting to the "searches". This is where there is a heavy concentration of people and it could easily be exploited.

IMO I will not let the terrorists win by going to all these extra measures. The most important weapon is that of the civilian. We need to be aware of our surroundings and people.

Sgt Tibs

New Member
Re: Maelstrom - Read in its entirety

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966

Again, no agenda, just plain truth!!!

Or do you have a problem with protecting and defending our country?


LOL :lol: "Read in its entirety"

Jeez, it must be frustrating when people dont just listen to the "truth" (i.e. your opinion) and "use common sense" (i.e. agree with you).

You make it sound like people don't understand you, when maybe they just believe you're wrong...


Active Member
Re: Maelstrom - Read in its entirety

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966

As I have said repeatedly in several posts on this thread, I don't want to see metal detectors, or armed guards at any theme parks. But in the absence of a better plan, what do YOU suggest?
No security at all? I have an 8 year old daughter that we took for her first trip last year. Do you think I want her to see these things happening? Do you think I want to have to explain that because of terrorists like Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein that these steps had to be taken to protect us? Of course not!!!

Why don't you start by explaining to her the history of these United States. Were the colonists not terrorists against the Crown? How about what we did to the Black slaves, Native Americans, and how we are now using Latinos as pseudo-slaves. Is it any wonder other countries hate us?


Well-Known Member
and how we are now using Latinos as pseudo-slaves. Is it any wonder other countries hate us?

ummmmm Since when? Strong comments for a Disney board dont you think?


Well-Known Member
Re: Reply to Maelstrom and others

Originally posted by HennieBogan1966
Whether or not we want to admit it, 9/11 DID change everything.
Our world will NEVER be the same again, as long as terrorists have the means and opportunity to attack those that THEY hate.

To say that I or anyone else has a "hidden" political agenda in our statements is nonsense. Again, whether or not you want to admit it, this subject does become a political issue at some point.

Some of you here say you don't want our country to turn into some 3rd world nation with armed guards at our theme parks, shopping malls, etc. etc.. Well, then let our government do what must be done and ERASE all terrorists. Nothing hidden in that statement is there? I don't want to see armed guard at WDW either, but do any of you have a better solution to ensure quality safety of the guests? The United States of America is the largest superpower in the entire world. The only way to ensure our protection and safety from terrorism is to do what most of you don't want done. ERASE THE TERRORISTS!!! I'm not hiding behind any political agenda, and I'm not trying to coopt any event.

I don't want metal detectors and armed guards!!!! But in the absence of our government being allowed to do what must be done without all the rhetoric from those of you who DO have an agenda, I don't see a better solution in the meantime. And aside from that, don't you think that if we prosecuted criminals the way we should, instead of waxing political about rehabilitation, that the punishment would be a deterrent? Or maybe you'd like to have the convicted felon come live with you and yours for rehab?

I again applaude the WDW Company for again, taking the lead in their industry with respect to testing of technology that will make for a safer environment in their parks.

Erase Terrorist and Terrorism??? hmmm that sounds good...only problem is who is to say what terrorism is? I can point at anyone and anything and call it terrorism...and when you say the government should have nothing stand in its way to do this....thats DANGEROUS and goes against everything this country (USA) what founded upon!!!!!!

Isolationism is looking like a better option for us more and more than being the world's hated policeman....

But hey lets leave politics out of this DISNEY related site....

And looking at Disney...the parks at this point seem safer than the resorts...so lets talk resort safety...how should they make the resorts safer?



New Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Did you have a loved one run for their life outside a building in DC or NYC? Did you have anyone come into their office and yell "Get Out Now. Run, there's a plane running for the building" ?

Unless you did, get off you high horse and shut the hell up.

People who werent directly affected love to talk big about America, Patriotism, and Retrubution. Me, i had a friend in tears on the phone, so I dont wanna hear your big, bold talk.


You don't know WHO I am, WHO I know or knew, or ANYTHING about MY family.

So take a freaking hike )(

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TAC

You don't know WHO I am, WHO I know or knew, or ANYTHING about MY family.

So take a freaking hike )(

Mind your language and respect his comments! :mad:

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by maelstrom
I'm looking to escape the "real world". I don't want to be reminded all the time that someone wants to blow me up. I don't want to live in fear every day of my life.

I agree with that comment, most of the time. This time I have to disagree. I have to say I felt VERY unsafe when entering the parks on my visit. This is a world-wide destination and a very popular place. I feel that with detectors the parks would be much safer! Believe me, this coming from a guy living in Israel, a bag check is the most pathetic way to prevent such disasters. I live in these kind of situations EVERY DAY and I must say that the only thing preventing these events is equipment such as this!

Sure, it's a little depressing to go through bag checks on your vacation in a fantasy world, but would you rather remember the real world during a visit to the hospital? I suppose not. This is the one time I agree with involving the "real" world at the Disney resorts! :( Hopefully times will change and we'll be able to enjoy Disney a bit more!


New Member

A few points, if I may be so bold:

1. Metal detectors at the gates won't stop a determined terrorist, but will do much to deter violent crime.

2. Security comes at the expense of liberty. The more secure something gets, the more inconvenience you face. Personally, I'd rather have more liberty than security...and nothing you can say will sway me; just as I'm sure nothing I could say wold sway you. So why bother arguing bout it?

3. Our opinions on the matter really don't amount to all that much. This is a decision that has made it's way through a fairly convoluted corporate bureaucracy and will be implemented at great expense. Whether we find it inconvenient or inconsistent with the theme--the very idea--of the parks is of little consequence (it appears to me) to those running the company.

4. This thread is moving away from things concerning the parks and into a debate about 9/11, patriotism and entitlement, and should either be brought BACK to bear on the parks or be closed.

5. In that light...if this does go into effect, how would YOU make the increased wait more convenient? Character meet & greets? Some sort of show or game to keep folks occupied?
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