I’m not sure if I agree with your reasoning here or not.
Imagine an NFL quarterback who was really struggling and having a poor season. Calls for his replacement began.
If you’re saying that any other quarterback would have performed the way this one did, due to circumstances beyond said quarterback’s control - ok, that checks out. No other quarterback could reasonably have done a better job due to a bad coach, other team members, weather, whatever.
If you’re saying they shouldn’t replace a quarterback who can’t… I don’t know, do whatever quarterbacks do, I don’t watch The Sports - because they’ll probably just hire another equally bad quarterback, then that’s just silly. Drafting bad quarterbacks is a problem, sure. But the solution is not to throw up one’s hands and say “Oh well, next draft pick will probably suck too, nothing to be done!” It’s to say “There’s a better player out there, now how do we find them?”
I have no idea which category Iger is in. I’m inclined to be sympathetic to him because I think Covid and the notion that everyone has to make a rush for streaming (plus “factors I will not speak of on these boards because I am trying harder to be a rules-abiding member”) were a difficult hand to be dealt. I’m open to the idea that this is simply a natural period of cutbacks and pruning for Disney, that would be happening no matter who was in charge. But again, I think that’s the argument to be made here for your reasoning to work.