It is all under the same umbrella my friend. Avoid mainstream media at all costs.
People WERE scared into a senseless panic, and still are.
Nobody wants to be the first one to make that call. Then they'll look like they just care about profits. Well, duh, that does pay your employees who need that money to pay their bills to feed their families and such. You really think these corporations are all for this just because they publicly say that they care about your "safety" first? It is killing them because they rightly want to run a business. When the fear stops, the normalcy returns.
In the past three months I haven't, nor has my family, changed our habits. For the family members and friends that wanted to see us we saw them at their homes or at ours. We hugged, ignored social distancing or at least sat like normal adults do during a visit and my kids have played with every kid that was allowed to play with them. Guess how many people I've killed? None. In fact, no one in my entire circle, and it is a big one, has even gotten tested positive, or sick. It is time for people to wake up, this virus has done more damage just solely based on the reaction than the actual virus will ever do. And don't even get me going on the amount of deaths that this has caused, because it will depress you if you knew the truth. You'd wonder why the heck the 477,000 Covid-19 deaths were worth it.