Before I throw my two cents in here I just want to say that given the fact I am a card carrying gloom and doomer to most things WDW these days. I was really holding out hope for DTD. I was actually excited for this project. I liked DTD. Although my affinity for the place was prior to the last few years I enjoyed my time there.
Now about these "shade" structures......why? Just why? If it was a code problem I am blaming the engineers....sorry Master Yoda! But it is there job to know when designing these things that codes are taking into account. It seems they didn't realize these problems till after construction of them began. SO now we have these weird looking awnings for shade.....and expensive to boot. Theming?....huh? Sections of overhead freeway?
I know they were supposed be overhead train bridges or something of the sort.....I always thought a train bridge was supposed to have tracks? If you are going to theme it, I think that small detail would be important.....don't you?