Disney Skyliner shutdown and evacuation - October 6 2019


Well-Known Member
I've got an idea of how I could make money. I have been going to WDW at least once a year for 36 years (46 trips total) and have never once been evac-ed from a ride or ever stopped more than 4 or 5 minutes. So here's my plan. I can move on down to Kissimmee and for a fee (plus admission) will accompany any of you folks for your days adventures. Apparently, I have some mystic power that just doesn't allow any ride or attraction to go down while I am on it. It's a very valuable power and I am willing to sacrifice my time and your money to prevent anyone (I'm not picky) from having their vacation ruined.
Haha. I thought I had all the good luck (I got through 9 trips breakdown free) and then Living with the Land broke down. And then the People Mover broke down. Though I was in Space Mountain at the time, so that was cool. Plus...I got free fast passes! So maybe I should hope for more breakdowns? :cautious::hilarious:


Premium Member
The big question for the skyway going forward is the potential for guests getting stuck in a skyway car in the sun for hours possibly.

This isn't a question. This is a known potential outcome.. and the very reason WDW has specialized equipment on hand specifically for the task and why staff trained for these situations. This is now 'new' nor 'news'. The unexpected portion was that it happened so quickly after opening as it should be a rare situation.. not a common one.

Reedy creek has already warned WDW they do not have the manpower to handle such an evacuation. The open question is, what is the plan going forward for evacuating guests? There is no answer for this.

That is distortion of the information and is incorrect.
1) They do have a plan going forward for evacuating guests. Nothing has changed here nor did that plan fail here in this situation.
2) The statement that 'Reedy creek has already warned WDW they do not have the manpower to handle such an evacuation' - That is not correct. A union spokesperson made statements about their opinion on the impact of such needs have on their job and what they think RCID should be doing for staffing levels. That is not a statement from RC fire department management and they have reconfirmed they are capable of doing the job.

You've distorted basic information into some new crisis that has no answers or uncertainties but is not accurate to the facts of the matter.


Premium Member
Perhaps they can develop a boat with a telescoping platform so it can fit under the bridges but still extend up so people can evacuate easier.

Try putting a tall ladder on a mattress and see now that works out for you. The reason they don't have such a thing today is it's impractical for small boats. Floating platforms are unstable. Any movement at the base is exaggerated by the length of the arm of any boom. The longer the boom, the more exaggerated any movement becomes (making it extremely difficult to couple up with a free hanging gondola). The longer the boom, the more force the mass applies to destabalizing the boat as well. That's why you see the hourglass lake rescue boat is a large elevated fixed platform... with a large base.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I've got an idea of how I could make money. I have been going to WDW at least once a year for 36 years (46 trips total) and have never once been evac-ed from a ride or ever stopped more than 4 or 5 minutes. So here's my plan. I can move on down to Kissimmee and for a fee (plus admission) will accompany any of you folks for your days adventures. Apparently, I have some mystic power that just doesn't allow any ride or attraction to go down while I am on it. It's a very valuable power and I am willing to sacrifice my time and your money to prevent anyone (I'm not picky) from having their vacation ruined.
Hire me too! I’ve lived here for 10 years, I sometimes go as much as twice a week with my kid(s), and I’ve been to over 70 other amusement parks in the world over the last 15 years and not ONCE been evacuated off anything! (And I’m actually a little miffed. I’d love to see some backstage stuff and get some fast passes for my “trouble,” which I wouldn’t actually consider trouble at all in most cases. Maybe not 3 hours...)


Well-Known Member
Try putting a tall ladder on a mattress and see now that works out for you. The reason they don't have such a thing today is it's impractical for small boats. Floating platforms are unstable. Any movement at the base is exaggerated by the length of the arm of any boom. The longer the boom, the more exaggerated any movement becomes (making it extremely difficult to couple up with a free hanging gondola). The longer the boom, the more force the mass applies to destabalizing the boat as well. That's why you see the hourglass lake rescue boat is a large elevated fixed platform... with a large base.

That's what I talking about as a telescoping platform, a bout with a retractable platform to fit under the bridges as well being able to extend up with a wide enough base to reach the gondolas.


Active Member
I like facts so I went to an article published by The National Ski Areas Association on chairlift safety. I know they want to promote the safety of their operations but their report primarily talks about chairlifts where the occupants are unrestrained and not gondola systems which I would rate as safer due to being enclosed.

"In short, a passenger is five times more likely to suffer a fatality riding an elevator than a ski lift, and more than eight times more likely to suffer a fatality riding in a car than on a ski lift"

I won't have an issue riding the Skyliner when it opens as they will definitely have the root cause identified and fixed.

Unfortunately statistics and facts are meaningless to people who have fears(irrational or not). A well known Disney Vlogger's wife will never ride the Skyliner again because of this incident. Here is her explanation(It starts at 4:55)...

She goes on to explain she will not ride the Monorail or Disney buses, if there's ever a problem with the ferry's I'm guessing she'll never make it to MK again.

She is not unique. There are many people like her who will never ride the Skyliner no matter how safe it's proven to be.
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Premium Member
That's what I talking about as a telescoping platform, a bout with a retractable platform to fit under the bridges as well being able to extend up with a wide enough base to reach the gondolas.

That wont work for the reasons mentioned. The ladder example was just to break doen the problem to exteremes to make it obvious. The taller your platform, the less viable this becomes because of the movement of the platform (the boat) and the lifts effect on the boat itself.


Well-Known Member
That wont work for the reasons mentioned. The ladder example was just to break doen the problem to exteremes to make it obvious. The taller your platform, the less viable this becomes because of the movement of the platform (the boat) and the lifts effect on the boat itself.

Not if you have a wide enough base.


Well-Known Member
As with all things Disney, this has once again become a battle against pixie dusters who cannot abide any factual information that reflects negatively on the Mouse.

While I don't think Tom-level negativity is warranted, it's perfectly reasonable for the average guest to have some concerns about this system given that a major shutdown -- and an emergency evacuation -- occurred in its first week. Disney doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt until they have months' worth of regular operation without major issues.

Me personally? I booked a Pop Century stay in a few months because of the Skyliner access and I'm seriously considering moving off site instead.
Good grief, emergency evacuation was only because some person was having a panic attack. There’s no need for Disney to prove this, cause they didn’t build it, Doppelmayr did. And they are already proven all over the world. The whole thing was just a fluke with bad timing and some delicate passengers. Enjoy the bus rides.

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