Well-Known Member
I agree with not complaining about the tripod ban (seriously, setting up camp in the middle of a busy area and then giving everyone dirty looks because they are "in your way" is just vacation brain gone from bad to worse), but I doubt that they'll be banning higher quality lenses/ camera's any time soon. Maybe what you heard about was a time when someone saw security "taking a closer look" at someone's camera bag and it was misinterpreted as them not being allowed in the park.
I know my husband's bag has been searched at events and such before, but the only thing we were ever told (it was at an NHL game) is that a few of the really high end lenses are banned due to issues with licenses/contracts with sponsors. When you consider how many photo contests Disney has, I doubt they would ban cameras that produce a decent or higher quality photograph.
people who set up camp will ruin it for all of us... the ban of tripods is a major threat to the quality of images we create in the evening hours. Saying that though, I NEVER let my tripod interfere with another guest. I prefer to find views that are out of the way or just a different perspective.