I make my own with software and then upload to my cell.
I make my own, too. Edit down files to ringtone-length files, Load them onto a mini-SD card in my phone, then I have a program that gets around Verizon's programming to make those files available as ringtones. Do a search online for a program called BitPim. You'll also need a data cable for your phone, available from your provider or ebay.
The only downside is that I can't power down my phone without it "forgetting" about the ringtones. Have to reconnect it to the program every time I have to power down my phone.
I'd say about half of the ringtones in my phone are Disney-related, though not all are being actively used as peoples' tones.
I have:
-four segments of RoE (Chaos, Adventure, Home, Celebration).
-My default text message alert is the voice of Disneyland saying "Attention please, attention please" from some 60's era attraction startup audio.
-MSEP is one of my close friend's ringtones
-Share A Dream Come True is another friend
-Yo Ho, available as instrumental, with vocals and with French vocals from DLP
-"Dead men tell no tales..."
-The now-gone SSE Communication Tunnel
-The "welcome aboard the WDW Monorail system" message
-The HM's wolf howl is the text message for a couple friends (a little jarring late at night)
-The HISTA theme
That's it.