Disney Reopens Mission:Space


Well-Known Member
jmvd20 said:
I think that all rides, buildings, events, and attractions that have had people die on them or in them should be closed permanently and razed to the ground. Whether it was a pre-existing condition, fault of the owner, fault of the ride/attraction or natural causes.

I also do not hink that it matters if 9 million people have rode MS and there have only been 163 complaints. Even though that is .0000018% the remaining 99.99999% of happy riders are just out of luck.

Attractions/Buildings that should be clsoed permanently and be demolished due to deaths.

Hoover Dam
Eiffel Tower
Sears Tower
Golden Gate Bridge
Empire State Building
Yankee Stadium
The Palace at Auburn Hills
Glass City Skyway
All Airports, Planes and Airlines
All Expressways, Roads, and interstates
All Automobiles, bicycles, horses, skateboards, motorcycles and rollerblades.

All of these death traps need to be closed immediately for public safety concerns.
You just crossed the line, my friend! :eek:
:lol: :lookaroun


Premium Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
So you'd rather have Disney test out your car instead of the engineers who designed the car? Whuh? I'd rather have the experts do it myself.

(Not saying that this is the case with Disney, just baffled by your last statement).

I say that because WDI completed the ride system installation, and not ETC. When ETC got out of their depth in completing the ride system, Disney had to take over construction, or scrap the ride. Besides that, I trust WDI to get things done right, as they are the most experienced and qualified in themepark attraction implementation.


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
as they are the most experienced and qualified in themepark attraction implementation.

I completely agree...but not necessarily the most experienced and qualified with this ride system and the forces applied to a human being caused by it.

If Disney had designed the ride system...I would be on the boat with you on this one...but since they went to a subcontractor to design the system, they went to them because they are experts in the system.

In my eyes, Disney was just the overlay for this project. Disney just came up with a story and the theming...which they are the best at...and experts. ETC, on the other hand, is the expert to the ride system itself.

I work for a subcontractor...I know that they hire us because we're the best in the business. If the general contractor got the "jist" of how we do things halfway through the job...and told us to leave because they could do it...that doesn't make them the experts. That makes them knowledgeable in that one aspect of the job.


New Member
jmvd20 said:
I think that all rides, buildings, events, and attractions that have had people die on them or in them should be closed permanently and razed to the ground. Whether it was a pre-existing condition, fault of the owner, fault of the ride/attraction or natural causes.

I also do not hink that it matters if 9 million people have rode MS and there have only been 163 complaints. Even though that is .0000018% the remaining 99.99999% of happy riders are just out of luck.

Attractions/Buildings that should be clsoed permanently and be demolished due to deaths.

Hoover Dam
Eiffel Tower
Sears Tower
Golden Gate Bridge
Empire State Building
Yankee Stadium
The Palace at Auburn Hills
Glass City Skyway
All Airports, Planes and Airlines
All Expressways, Roads, and interstates
All Automobiles, bicycles, horses, skateboards, motorcycles and rollerblades.

All of these death traps need to be closed immediately for public safety concerns.

As long as we're at it, let's ban dihydrogen oxide....

toxic properties

  • Causes excessive sweating and vomiting
  • A major component of acid rain
  • Can cause severe burns in the gaseous state
  • Accidental inhalation can kill you
  • Primary contributor to erosion
  • Decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
  • Has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients
  • May dissolve metal ions especially in the presence of road salt


Well-Known Member
Pete C said:
Once a few more people die on MS, and once laws are passed for state regulation of thrill rides...leading to less intense rides across the board, we will see how many people wish that MS was addressed when it should have been.

There have been laws passed, state regulations and Federal regulations for the installation and proper use of seatbealt use in cars too (for regular seat belts as well as child seats). Do people actually obey these laws and regulations? I wear my seatbelt the instant I sit in the car, before I crank it. I take my car and child seat to the local police station for installation since 4 out of 5 car seats are installed INCORRECTLY by the lay person. Not everyone does this. I see children in the ER constantly who's parents did not heed the warnings and allowed their child to ride in the front seat unbuckled. My husband was in a severe accident before Christmas. He was struck from behind by a sleeping driver doing about 60 mph. Neither were wearing their seatbelt. The other man died instantly and my husband was thrown through the back window of his truck. Although, the sleeping guy was at fault for the accident, my husband was at fault for being thrown through the window because he didn't obey the law of wearing a seatbelt. Use common sense. They can pass as many laws as they want, but until people start realizing that THEY are responsible for their OWN actions, it won't matter. Our society, in general, raises our children to believe nothing is their fault, blame can always be lain on some one or something else.
::::::stepping off my soapbox now:::::::::::

I, personally, would not ride MS. I have always felt sick on spinning rides. My 4 year old has a slight, but normal childhood heat murmor and he will not be alllowed to ride it. My niece who is going with us next time, will not be allowed to ride is, because while she is with me I am responsible for her and I don't feel comfortable with the ride. There I'm responsible for myself and mine. I could care less who else rode it, because it's your own job in life to be responsible to yourself and yours. BTW, I didn't feel comfortable about MS before either of the 2 deaths. My choice had nothing to do with them.


Well-Known Member
TiggerRPh said:
As long as we're at it, let's ban dihydrogen oxide....

toxic properties
  • Causes excessive sweating and vomiting
  • A major component of acid rain
  • Can cause severe burns in the gaseous state
  • Accidental inhalation can kill you
  • Primary contributor to erosion
  • Decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
  • Has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients
  • May dissolve metal ions especially in the presence of road salt

I completely agree. But you also forgot to mention water should also be banned because people have died in it, from it, or from being immersed in it.

People should not have to be held responsible for their own actions and decisions. Especially when it comes to common sense actions. It should be up to a government agency to regulate the safety of others. Furthermore I feel that the said agency should ban electricity - There is no warning label on my toaster that says "do not drop in water while taking shower". Since it doesn't say don't do it I will have to try it.

Even if their is only one person that did not take the 10+ warnings signs on MS seriously that is way too many. :brick: :hammer:
I think I might have said this on another board but it might have been on here but I think the biggest thing that disney could do is knock the G forces down just a little...i cant remember exactly but i want to say it was 4 or 5 anyways bring it down to a mid to high 3 or lower 4 and take the screens they tilt back and move them out just alittle bit from you. Im not one to get sick on rides but having that screen up in my grill about made me throw my cookies. anyways thats my advise.


Well-Known Member
coastermaster83 said:
I think I might have said this on another board but it might have been on here but I think the biggest thing that disney could do is knock the G forces down just a little...i cant remember exactly but i want to say it was 4 or 5 anyways bring it down to a mid to high 3 or lower 4 and take the screens they tilt back and move them out just alittle bit from you. Im not one to get sick on rides but having that screen up in my grill about made me throw my cookies. anyways thats my advise.
The g-forces on M:S are no where near 4 or 5. They are actually right around 2.


New Member
I just found out the incedent happend on the 11 I was in Epcot for Extra Magic Hours till 12 that night and rode Mission Space with about a 30 minute wait time. So why do people say it opened the next day when I rode near 11:30 that night. When in the line however the person next to me did tell me the ride was closed when he wanted to ride earlier. I just had not pieced together the pieces. :)


Well-Known Member
Disneyman88 said:
I just found out the incedent happend on the 11 I was in Epcot for Extra Magic Hours till 12 that night and rode Mission Space with about a 30 minute wait time. So why do people say it opened the next day when I rode near 11:30 that night. When in the line however the person next to me did tell me the ride was closed when he wanted to ride earlier. I just had not pieced together the pieces. :)
She was taken to the hospital on the 11th. She died on the 12th. The ride was not closed until she died on the 12th. It reopened on the morning of the 13th.


Well-Known Member
jmvd20 said:
I completely agree. But you also forgot to mention water should also be banned because people have died in it, from it, or from being immersed in it.
Actually... he did.



Well-Known Member
iheartdisney91 said:
i hate mission space it is a waste of money and time! they should have just left horizons that ride was 100% better than mission space:p
Even if the building was falling apart?


Its Sad

This is just silly, the number of people just saying that M:S Kills people, or because they feel sick on it the ride should be closed down. And of the up most stupid WDI would pass a ride for fear of loosing there jobs :mad:. Come on be real.....

I rode Montu 4 times back to back (didnt get off it was close to park closing) I love rollercoasters and i can ride them all day, however 4 times later i was really feeling ill. This was my fault for riding it soo many times. Now i know that i need to take a short break between rides other wise my head hurts.

Now M:S is the first of its kind available for the general public so people cannot say before hand if they are going to be ill or not, so some people will ride it and feel very ill.

Personally i feel that some people have twisted the point here. The question is not about safety (as i trust WDI with my life) but more to do with suitability.

Is M:S a suitable ride for WDW. Is this kind of thrill ride suitable for a family part, where families of different age ranges want to spend time together.

My feelings on this is yes, a good theme park will offer entertainment for all fans, so Rollercoasters, thrill, spinning, shows, slow moving, startling attractions, and edutainment type rides.

If any one of these kind of rides is not your cup of tea THEN FOR THE LOVE OF COMMON SENSE AND GOD DO NOT RIDE THEM.

I do not like ride where things come towards me and touch me, so Dinosaur and AE (I was 21 at the time and cried on AE, thats how much I hate things touching me on rides) are two of my least favourite rides in WDW. I knew that before I went on them, I still did and I cried on both of them (yeah im a big __________), but Disney gave me the option to walk away.

If you know you suffer from Motion Sickness then do the mature thing and DO NOT RIDE A RIDE THAT SPINS. You know that M:S spins before you get on, they give you the option to chicken out yet you still ride, you have nobody to blame.

If you do not know that it will make you feel sick, but it does, DONT BLAME DISNEY, put it down to experiance, you will not ride that ride again, like i wont be riding Montu 4 times in a row again.:sohappy:

Sorry to rant, but i feel some people are being selfish here and missing the point.


Well-Known Member
DisneyWales said:
If you do not know that it will make you feel sick, but it does, DONT BLAME DISNEY, put it down to experiance, you will not ride that ride again, like i wont be riding Montu 4 times in a row again.:sohappy:

Sorry to rant, but i feel some people are being selfish here and missing the point.

These two people can't put it "down to experience."

This is a little more severe than a little motion sickness.

I do agree with you though...no need to close it down...but maybe some "non-ride" changes need to be made to the attraction to make people more aware of what they are getting themselves into.

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