Disney Reopens Mission:Space

Tim G

Well-Known Member
ILLmaticS0ldier said:
It seems kind of wierd that a death happen again on the same ride.Not to mention the many people complaining about headaches after they got off .This ride in my opinion needs to get scrapped or chnaged or something .I don't think they should ignore these problems .
You're in a very closed and tight enviroment... the spinning gives a pressure of 1.4,5 on your chest... Some people get uncomfortable in such a situation...
heart rates will rise because of the adrenaline rush...
and if one has a high blood pressure, which means that the heart already is doing overtime.. that... and the Florida temperture, AND on top of it, the spinning and the G's could give some bad conditioned people a cardiac arrest or cerebral haemorrhage...

So it sounds stupid, but unless you're in a good condition you shouldn't ride mission:SPACE... Which is also communicated on the warning signs...

And as I've said so many times before... The the main reason for closing Alien Encounter... was adults!!! reading warning signs... or anything for that matter...
Parents complained for almost 4 years about the ride, that it scared their little ones.. the infants 8 out of 10...

But Parents don't read the Signs!!!

They warned for a closed and very dark enviroment, with VERY loud sounds, blasts, and heavy lighting beams...

And yet... almost every parent took their infants in, I've even seen people who took their babies in... Yes Toddlers!!!

And it scared the hell out of these children... Disney fault??? NO Sir...
There will always be people who don't listen, don't read and do what they want...
Warning signs are never made for them...

thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
And as I've said so many times before... The the main reason for closing Alien Encounter... was adults!!! reading warning signs... or anything for that matter...
Parents complained for almost 4 years about the ride, that it scared their little ones.. the infants 8 out of 10...

But Parents don't read the Signs!!!

They warned for a closed and very dark enviroment, with VERY loud sounds, blasts, and heavy lighting beams...

And yet... almost every parent took their infants in, I've even seen people who took their babies in... Yes Toddlers!!!

And it scared the hell out of these children... Disney fault??? NO Sir...
There will always be people who don't listen, don't read and do what they want...
Warning signs are never made for them...

thanks! :D

Let me get this straight. You have heard of or personally saw people take INFANTS into AE? How in the world did they get by CM's?

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
You're in a very closed and tight enviroment... the spinning gives a pressure of 1.4,5 on your chest... Some people get uncomfortable in such a situation...
heart rates will rise because of the adrenaline rush...
and if one has a high blood pressure, which means that the heart already is doing overtime.. that... and the Florida temperture, AND on top of it, the spinning and the G's could give some bad conditioned people a cardiac arrest or cerebral haemorrhage...

So it sounds stupid, but unless you're in a good condition you shouldn't ride mission:SPACE... Which is also communicated on the warning signs...

And as I've said so many times before... The the main reason for closing Alien Encounter... was adults!!! reading warning signs... or anything for that matter...
Parents complained for almost 4 years about the ride, that it scared their little ones.. the infants 8 out of 10...

But Parents don't read the Signs!!!

They warned for a closed and very dark enviroment, with VERY loud sounds, blasts, and heavy lighting beams...

And yet... almost every parent took their infants in, I've even seen people who took their babies in... Yes Toddlers!!!

And it scared the hell out of these children... Disney fault??? NO Sir...
There will always be people who don't listen, don't read and do what they want...
Warning signs are never made for them...

thanks! :D
agreed as long as the person going on the ride knew they had a pre-condition. What if someone didn't know a pre medical condition existed. It still not Disney fault but you really can't blame the rider either. :wave:


Computer Magic said:
agreed as long as the person going on the ride knew they had a pre-condition. What if someone didn't know a pre medical condition existed. It still not Disney fault but you really can't blame the rider either. :wave:

That logic doesn't hold. There are MANY rides other than M:S that also have warnings. You are responsible for knowing your own health before riding. Sorry, but if you are pregnant, and don't know it, and go on one of the rides that you are not supposed to go on when pregnant, and have a miscarriage, is Disney responsible?

If anything this is a warning to you all. Go to the doctor and get checked out regularly, especially if you are doing something strenuous on your body.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Let me get this straight. You have heard of or personally saw people take INFANTS into AE? How in the world did they get by CM's?

Don't forget... you asked for it...
Here comes the Censored version of the whole story... :D

I saw it with my own eyes... (I'm not Always working you know:D)
It noticed her while siiting ourselves down in the theater... Woman with a little bavy...

I informed the CM with waving and pointing towards her, the "lady" was sitting front row.. almost in front of me, it was at the beginning of the show, the part with some lights still left on... the CM advised her to leave because of the things to come... She simply refused... he had to shut up, she was enjoying the show... Oh YES... She enjoyed the show... the baby didn't... after the lights went out...

After exiting I tried (very carefully) to advise her not do such a rides and that such rides could possibly harm her baby...

She felt offended, It was her child, so it was up to her to decide what to do, and what not to...

And then she started like...


I should shut my M*****F****ing face and never to open my M*****F****ing mouth to her again... Lousy M*****F****R !!!

It was that M*****F****ing Disney show that made her baby cry...

And she was going to file an official M****F****ing complaint,

About the M****F****ing Disney show...

The rude M****F****ing CM... :eek:

And M****F****ing me... (My ID was dangling on my belt)...

A passing CM tried to cool her down... I waived it... so the CM went... :lol:


I showed her the way to City Hall Guest Relations telling her that would be the place, where she could file her complaint.... (Now afterwords it's really :lol: :lol: )

Wishing her a magical rest of her day... I left, in opposite direction... shaking my head...

My wife, who was with me that day, kept herself out of the whole thing (thank god!!! You don't need to see a Southern Belle loooosing it :)) was furious afterwords...

I explained to her that the woman was a "typical" mental case... :D

We had something to eat afterwords, and forgot about the whole incident...

Never saw the lady again................ Neither did my wife... (thank god) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Thank you Corrus for the story.

If people like that really had a lot to do with what happened on October 12, 2003, then that is one of the saddest things I've heard on this board. (About WDW, not something along the lines of the M:S death or something serious like that).


Jooniper30 said:
That logic doesn't hold. There are MANY rides other than M:S that also have warnings. You are responsible for knowing your own health before riding. Sorry, but if you are pregnant, and don't know it, and go on one of the rides that you are not supposed to go on when pregnant, and have a miscarriage, is Disney responsible?

If anything this is a warning to you all. Go to the doctor and get checked out regularly, especially if you are doing something strenuous on your body.

Sorry, but they can't find everything. I used this example before. Teddy Bruschi. Professional football player, many in depth physicals and never a hint that he had a hole in his heart until he had a stroke.
Belief it or not there are medical conditions that WILL NOT be be detected by visiting the Dr. and getting a physical.


Well-Known Member
WhyteAL said:
unfortunately someone else passed away on that ride...But I think that is why they kinda let you know your ridin' a centerfuge. Not just a disney ingainering secret. Because for the most part would these same people ride the "gravatron" at a county fair? Maybe not because it spins fast. But it's very similar. (obviously the M:S is far superior but similar because of the g-forces)...I hope they don't try to change or close the ride down because for the time being it's as close to going to space as I can afford.:rolleyes:

I don't think Mission Space is any harder on the body than centrifuge type rides at thrill ride parks like Six Flags...but many of the people who ride Mission Space would never get on those rides in other parks (or even go to a Six Flags). Disney has gone to great lengths to let people know what they are in for (I've never seen a queue that tries so hard to convince you not to ride), but I don't think it always sinks in.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Jooniper30 said:
That logic doesn't hold. There are MANY rides other than M:S that also have warnings. You are responsible for knowing your own health before riding. Sorry, but if you are pregnant, and don't know it, and go on one of the rides that you are not supposed to go on when pregnant, and have a miscarriage, is Disney responsible?

If anything this is a warning to you all. Go to the doctor and get checked out regularly, especially if you are doing something strenuous on your body.
You can have undiagnoised conditions...Sorry but it's true; high blood pressure, heart murmurs, etc The boy that died last year was an undiagnoised condition...Before you say he was too young to ride, that's a different topic.

I never said it was Disney's fault...please read my post. I stated it's not always the riders fault....How about no fault...an unfortunate accident. Those to still exist. Everything isn't a lawsuit.

Now the last part is true (in bold).


Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Iakona said:
Sorry, but they can't find everything. I used this example before. Teddy Bruschi. Professional football player, many in depth physicals and never a hint that he had a hole in his heart until he had a stroke.
Belief it or not there are medical conditions that WILL NOT be be detected by visiting the Dr. and getting a physical.
thank you...you understood my post :wave:


Well-Known Member
Only one centrifuge needs to be messed with if that is the route they decide to go with.

Hopefully in the future, we might see a new profile that can be created for two different intensity profiles.


Well-Known Member
Ok after I sat here for 30 min. and read every post on this thread I can repsond lol. I can see where everyone is coming from but I don't think you can just throw the blame on Disney because someone passed on a ride that is proven to be safe, even though we don't know the cause of this persons death yet.

What I don't unsderstand is becasue 2 people died on a ride it should be shut down or removed indefinitely when the ride wasn't really at fault. Yes you pay your 60 bucks to have a fun time at disney and not expect to get hurt but what about your 20k car you have and you have a bigger risk driving everyday and you can die or get hurt in. When it's your time to go it's your time to go. If the ride didn't malfunction and everything was ok we can conclude there was some condition this women had known or unknown. This is only what we can say with the evidence that is provided only time will tell for sure, but the chance of the person being 100% healthy is going to be rare and if it is then I stand corrected.

As it's been said "Ride at your own risk" that saying goes when you wake up and step outside your door of your home everyday.


New Member
I am someone who rarely ever gets any kind of motion sickness. I've only gotten motion sickness on two things. 1, the worst kind of motion sickness, was on a cruise ship during rough seas. The other was on Mission Space and it's very very small. It's a small dizziness that lasts a short time afterwards, and that's just due to the spinning motion the ride goes through to get that zero gravity effect.

They have warnings for Expedition: Everest saying that anyone with Motion sickness or any type or heart or brain condition should not ride the ride, and it's really not as intense as they say, but Disney wanted to take the utmost precautions. I rode the ride 3 times in a row, today (I got three fastpasses, using mine, my mom's, and my grandmother's tickets) My mom and grandmother didn't want to ride because they wanted to play it safe. The sign said "Be cautious if you have... motion sickness..." and she did, and decided not to go on.

The thing was, at one point, we convinced my mom to come on Mission Space with us, and she got awfully terribly sick. She closed her eyes, which I told her not to do, but she said it was the only thing to stop her from throwing up. She went on the ride, it was terrible for her, but my mom was fine. Yes, she was disoriented, but not to the point where she needed to go to the hospital, and my mom's motion sickness is very very very sensitive.

Obviously, this person had some kind of prexisting health condition, again, like someone else said, whether unknown or known to the person and/or family. This ride is very intense. They go through the precautions and warnings SOOOO many times, and they even display what the ride does. Anyone who rides the ride, is literally "riding at their own risk" the ride is checked regularly for maitenence, and it's obviously not falling of the track or doing anything out of the ordinary. Like the 5 year old child who died before, I sincerely believe this was some sort negligence of the person or family. I can't say "hey, you died and it was your own fault" but if this person knew they had some kind of condition, then in a small it is. If they didn't know about any kind of condition, then it was fluke accident, and the ride shouldn't be closed down forever. I know that yesterday, when my mom and I were at Epcot, the ride's wait was 20 minutes at about 3:00. Honestly, if people continue to be afraid of this ride, there is a great chance the ride could be shut down for good.

Perhaps the technology is only meant for those Astronauts. I mean, this is, afterall, some of the same technology that astronauts go through in training. If you go to NASA, they explain that stuff, and maybe this ride really is too much for a lot of people.


htx said:
Ok after I sat here for 30 min. and read every post on this thread I can repsond lol. I can see where everyone is coming from but I don't think you can just throw the blame on Disney because someone passed on a ride that is proven to be safe, even though we don't know the cause of this persons death yet.

As it's been said "Ride at your own risk" that saying goes when you wake up and step outside your door of your home everyday.

I totally agree with you! If they closed this ride down it would be very disappointing for those who enjoy the wild side. People who are used to the tamer side of amusement parks should read and adhere to the risk factors. Would this woman really ride this ride if it were at a normal park like six flags or cedar fair parks? Just because you are at Disney does not mean you can ride everyride because it is "kid proof". :sohappy: Read labels, that is why they are there, with pictures, and in different languages.

Miss Bell

New Member
Someone like 6 pages back said something about there being a large number of Disney-related deaths lately. I remember this summer someone posting that the reason that we are hearing about so many more of them has to due with a change in the regulations about releasing the info. There may not be that many more of them, we're just hearing about more of them.

Even if the regulation thing is not true--higher attendance can equate to a higher mortality rate.

Next point, I don't think anyone thinks it is the woman's fault she died--I think the point is, it is not necessarily Disney's fault either. If she had a heart condition, whether she knew about it or not, she could have died at any time--it just happened to coincide with leaving a thrill ride.

I love Mission Space. I will ride it again as soon as I have a chance. A guy got caught in the works of Peter Pan's Flight earlier this year, and I didn't stop riding that.

Mission Space is not for everyone. My husband, who can ride most anything, won't ride it anymore because he got sick the first time he rode it. But, I think calling it a deathtrap, and demanding it be shut down seems a little harsh.


Well-Known Member
I think that all rides, buildings, events, and attractions that have had people die on them or in them should be closed permanently and razed to the ground. Whether it was a pre-existing condition, fault of the owner, fault of the ride/attraction or natural causes.

I also do not hink that it matters if 9 million people have rode MS and there have only been 163 complaints. Even though that is .0000018% the remaining 99.99999% of happy riders are just out of luck.

Attractions/Buildings that should be clsoed permanently and be demolished due to deaths.

Hoover Dam
Eiffel Tower
Sears Tower
Golden Gate Bridge
Empire State Building
Yankee Stadium
The Palace at Auburn Hills
Glass City Skyway
All Airports, Planes and Airlines
All Expressways, Roads, and interstates
All Automobiles, bicycles, horses, skateboards, motorcycles and rollerblades.

All of these death traps need to be closed immediately for public safety concerns.

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