Disney Reopens Mission:Space


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mikeanabean said:
Maybe she couldn't read it since she was German?

Most Germans speak English as well. Also if she saw the signs in English did not understand them she could of asked to see them in her native tounge.


Well-Known Member
Timmay said:
Who has said anything about a "slight heart condition":confused:

And it could happen on any other attraction...like TOT, or even one of the water parks...right???

Using your logic, we need to shut down anything for fear of the "unsuspecting person"...like PeterPan, because I am sure the elderly man involved with that did not suspect the end result would be what it was.

I understand concern over two deaths in 10 months...but again, how long has the ride been open? And I have yet to hear a solution (other than the folks that hate it want it burned to the ground)...what is an objective solution to the so called problem?

No, not the case...using my logic, you shouldn't SHUT RIDES DOWN! I love M:S and the last thing I want them to do is shut it down. An elderly man slipping and dying on Peter Pan is an accident. If multiple people slip and die on Peter Pan...then it shouldn't be shut down...but, safety measures should be put into affect to prevent things like that happening. I'm sorry, but now you're just really overexaggerating my responses and putting words into my mouth and thoughts into my head. Same thing with ToT...if multiple people start dying while on it (notice I didn't say, "Because of it") then something needs to be done to prevent it.

I have not given a way to stiffen the safety on it because I don't know how...I'm sure nobody here does. This is why it's such a troubling thing for Disney...they're damned if they do...and damned if they don't. I do have to say though...their reputation to the public is sure being dragged through the mud. (Whether it's because of Disney, the incompetence of the guest, or just the uninformed guest).


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Connor002 said:
Please see here.
Gravitrons have higher g forces than M:S.

Well there you go...the ride is less streesful on the human body than the gravatron so why are people so freeked about it? If you don't like it or it makes you sick...don't ride it.:rolleyes: No more to it. But don't call for it to be shut down. (edited)


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jmicro59 said:
Good points, Timmay. I agree with you. Look, Disney puts a ride in to production, makes sure it's not going to hurt anyone (read: make them get sued or bad press) and that's that. Just as much as the riders don't want to get hurt or die on MS Disney doesn't want that either and to be perfectly honest the ride is not that intense, at least for me or my 9 year old daughter. I've ridden it 5 times in just under an hour when the lines were short and I felt fine, others can ride it once and get sick to their stomach, who’s fault is that? Disney's? Don't think so, it's the riders fault, plain and simple. Like Harry Callahan says, "Mans got to know his limitations." If you think you’re going to get sick or just not up to riding MS then don’t, I’m pretty sure it won’t ruin your vacation.

Ok, so it is the rider's fault for going on a ride and getting sick from it.. I don't see where they are at fault.. I really don't... You argue the rider should know better because there are warnings that it may cause sickness.. Well, my question is: Shouldn't Disney now know better than to make an attraction that may cause these sicknesses??? Or, at least now know better and figure out what about the ride causes these sicknesses and try to fix them???

Man got to know his limitations.. what is yours???


Well-Known Member
WhyteAL said:
Well there you go...the ride is less streesful on the human body than the gravatron so why are people so freeked about it? If you don't like it or it makes you sick...don't ride it.:rolleyes: No more to it. But don't call for it to be shut down. (edited)
Unfortunately, people don't read or pay attention to safety spiels or warnings unless said warnings smack them in the face. A gravitron at the local fair can be seen by the guest and they can say 'wow, that looks scary.' However, at M:S, the 'spinning' parts are not seen from the outside. If the guest ignores the warnings and the video (as many do... just pay attention next time you board a plane, how many people actually pay attention to the safety spiel?) they may be getting in over their heads.

There's one idea I've seen posted that may be an option. Maybe Disney should add a 'mock-up' of the capsule with a video that shows the interior of the ride while in operation. Sure, it would take away the 'show' and the 'magic' behind the ride, but it will hopefully cause more people to heed the warnings.


Active Member
Thats why I think they show some part in the quene that the ride is a centerfuge. I can't remember what part. But remember seeing it. I guess thats not enough that ride display thing would be cool I would like to see it visually myself.

Empress Room

Active Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
...and another unsuspecting person with a slight heart condition that they are unaware about will have a problem. But that's ok, it could happen on any ride...the fact of the matter is...it's NOT.

But, I think that before any measures are taken to the ride, the autopsy should come out and should be examined.

How do you feel about the young girl who collapsed and died at Typhoon Lagoon last summer? Or the young lady from Great Britain who became severely comatose/disabled after riding Tower of Terror last year? Obviously, these are examples of two more pre-existing conditions that were affected, directly or indirectly, by these two attractions. Should they, too, be closed?

My sense is that Disney would not have made the decision to reopen M:S if it weren't sure that whatever ailment this woman suffered from could not be connected with the attraction. The legal ramifications are too great and Disney's lawyers know better.


WDWFREAK53 said:
Same thing with ToT...if multiple people start dying while on it (notice I didn't say, "Because of it") then something needs to be done to prevent it.

That's strange logic. If they are not dieing because of any factor of the ride and mearly dieing on it what can Disney do? It's a bit like saying "people died in bed's at Disney, it's not the beds that kill them but we will remove the mattress anyway"

No point in doing something to displease the majority when nothing would have saved the minority.


Active Member
Is it possible that the reason more people seem to have "died" at disney lately is because, Disney has seen a huge rise in traffic lately. So statisticlly they chances of people dying is much greater than say right after 9-11?When attendence records were lower.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Empress Room said:
My sense is that Disney would not have made the decision to reopen M:S if it weren't sure that whatever ailment this woman suffered from could not be connected with the attraction. The legal ramifications are too great and Disney's lawyers know better.


I also have to question why some seem to think Disney is NOT taking this seriously. I don't believe Disney would have any interest in keeping this attraction open if there were serious problems. What would be the motive? The last thing they want to see is people getting hurt or even dying in their parks. That just invites negative views and horrible press. No marketing campaign in the world could overcome that fiasco. They must have their guests well being as a top priority, otherwise, it would be corporate suicide.



While i am saddened to hear of the death on M:S lets all be realistic about this, the number of people who come to WDW each day the stats indicate that people WILL die while visiting, sadly the magic of Disney cant fight of Death.

If M:S was causing the problem then Disney would close the ride to make the nessesary ajustments to the system (Like the did in California Adventure, closing there main pull attraction over the summer to insure that there would be no other accidents, despite how slight the chance of the system malfunctioning was). However the fact the Disney have reopened the ride again to me sends out the right image, they have tested the ride and its safe to reride.

Whenever you ride any attraction in WDW or any other Theme Park for that matter you take the risk that there may be an accident, however you are no more at risk from being at WDW than you are from Driving into WDW, or to work/school each day.

So people lets be real, its not as if one of the ride systems blew up and destroyed half the park. I think everyone should hold judgement untill the post death results come back. They we can all ask for M:S to be closed or put this one down to another one of those unfortunate events that happen in life.


Active Member
DisneyWales said:
So people lets be real, its not as if one of the ride systems blew up and destroyed half the park.

I didn't know some of the ride were nuclear powered!:drevil: LOL

or is that finally the new night time show at Epcot I read so much about...:lol: LOL
just kinding!:wave:


Well-Known Member
Is anyone really shocked to find them reopen it so soon? It's Easter weekend so obviously they would reopen it. The sad fact is that nobody is going to be riding and Disney will soon realize what a mistake this attraction truly is. I've heard people say it was either too boring, or too intense, but not many have said that it was great and they would love to ride over and over again. Yes there are a lot of die hards on the boards, but overall I have heard nothing but negative comments on this attraction. No wonder they are always giving away "surprise fastpasses", because honestly nobody is riding.


Active Member
TurnipHead said:
Is anyone really shocked to find them reopen it so soon? It's Easter weekend so obviously they would reopen it. The sad fact is that nobody is going to be riding and Disney will soon realize what a mistake this attraction truly is. I've heard people say it was either too boring, or too intense, but not many have said that it was great and they would love to ride over and over again. Yes there are a lot of die hards on the boards, but overall I have heard nothing but negative comments on this attraction. No wonder they are always giving away "surprise fastpasses", because honestly nobody is riding.

I was waiting for someone like this...Obviously everybody here seems to like the ride...Right! And I have 2 small kids who love the ride...and every person I know except my mom loves the ride. But my mom doesn't even ride spaceship earth. And I'm pretty sure that they give alot of these so called "suprise fastpasses" for M:S is because the ride can process more riders and a much faster pace than most anyother ride in disney. So it gets people coming back or staying around that area longer. Because test track wait times are always out of hand.


GothMickey said:
Ok, so it is the rider's fault for going on a ride and getting sick from it.. I don't see where they are at fault.. I really don't... You argue the rider should know better because there are warnings that it may cause sickness.. Well, my question is: Shouldn't Disney now know better than to make an attraction that may cause these sicknesses??? Or, at least now know better and figure out what about the ride causes these sicknesses and try to fix them???

Man got to know his limitations.. what is yours???

So you are saying that we as human beings are not responsible for our selves? My wife gets sea sick, guess what? We don't go on cruises, know why? Because my wife knows she gets sea sick. She knows her limitations, sea sickness=no boats. Every single ride in every single amusement park has the potential to make anybody sick or kill and mame any individual, be it a man, a woman or a child. That's why there are regulations that ride manufactures and park operators have to follow and since there has been, tragically,2 deaths associated with M:S out of the hundreds of thousands of individuals who have ridden M:S, I would say Disney and the company that manufactured M:S hit it right on the head. They made a thrilling ride that is fun and safe to ride for over 99% of the potential riders. As for my limitations, well they shouldn't be limited by the lowest common denominator and most importantly they are known only to me, but if I had your limitations we'd all be walking around in air filled rubber suits with helmets on and there'd be no running or using cutlery to eat or driving a car or riding our bikes and the ground would be made of some kind of soft sponge material to protect all of us from everything.


New Member
Here are some pics from Mission:Space from today(Thursday 4/13). It seemed about as busy as normal, although alot of people standing in line were talking about what had happened the day before.




New Member
DisneyWales said:
While i am saddened to hear of the death on M:S lets all be realistic about this, the number of people who come to WDW each day the stats indicate that people WILL die while visiting, sadly the magic of Disney cant fight of Death.

If M:S was causing the problem then Disney would close the ride to make the nessesary ajustments to the system (Like the did in California Adventure, closing there main pull attraction over the summer to insure that there would be no other accidents, despite how slight the chance of the system malfunctioning was). However the fact the Disney have reopened the ride again to me sends out the right image, they have tested the ride and its safe to reride.

Whenever you ride any attraction in WDW or any other Theme Park for that matter you take the risk that there may be an accident, however you are no more at risk from being at WDW than you are from Driving into WDW, or to work/school each day.

So people lets be real, its not as if one of the ride systems blew up and destroyed half the park. I think everyone should hold judgement untill the post death results come back. They we can all ask for M:S to be closed or put this one down to another one of those unfortunate events that happen in life.

Great post....Fact is...Millions of people come to Disney, some will unfortunately die, for whaterver reason. People die in 'freak' accidents everyday. Agreed that Disney needs to be certain they did everything right to meet guidelines, and I am sure they went well above and beyond. As far as people being told again and again that "This is an extreme ride". Some people get it, some don't. It's hard to Engineer common sense. :brick: (You can put air bags all over automobiles, but it doesn't stop the Drunk from driving 100mph and crashing into a tree). You could interview everyone before going on the ride, and you would still have unfortunate events like this occuring. I know all our hopes is that some 'wacko' doesn't start picketting Disney to close the ride down and Disney bow to public pressure. Mission space is a GREAT attraction!! I'm going in May with my 3 kids and all plan on riding!!!..


New Member
I believe Disney should not do anything with this matter. I just 2 days ago went on Mission Space 3 times and thought that there was more than enough warnings on what was to come. They lay out if you do not like tight spaces spinning or have any problems with the body right up front and tell you to leave. This is a cool ride and Disney should not nor I believe will not shut it down. I do not understand how people cannot listen to the saftey spiel they have them in big bold letters when waiting in the line like 5 times and 2 (i think) right before you get on the line. Also people saw what happend to the boy. You would think after that incedent people would be more cautious on rides especcially this ride!!!

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