Does anybody even read what I post before telling me it is wrong? The USA does not dump plastic into the oceans and hasn't since 1972. I'm not making this up. This is on the EPA's website:
"In October 1972, Congress enacted the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA), sometimes referred to as the Ocean Dumping Act, declaring that it is the policy of the United States to regulate the dumping of all materials which would adversely affect human health, welfare or amenities, or the marine environment, ecological systems or economic potentialities.
What materials cannot be dumped in the ocean?
The MPRSA and EPA’s ocean dumping regulations prohibit ocean dumping of certain materials, such as:
persistent inert synthetic or natural materials which may float or remain in suspension in the ocean in such a manner that they may interfere materially with fishing navigation or other legitimate uses of the ocean;"
Plastic is an inert synthetic material which may float or remain in suspension in the ocean. Therefore, the USA is prohibited from dumping it in the ocean. Plastic straws which are placed in a trash receptacle in the United States of America WILL NOT end up in the ocean.