What else should they do? Just wondering (and not being snarky). I agree they're lazy and do the bare minimum but what more do people want from these things? I'm seriously looking for solid suggestions. What would make it better?
Give a reason for the Incredibles to be in Tomorrowland. Give it a story that the intergalactic spaceport is being attacked by aliens and the Incredibles have been hired to defend the city.
That way they can add the story to the experiences in the land. They can have decorations of bots throughout the land and have The Incredibles walking around the land.
They can also include a entrance sign mentioning the story, like "The Incredibles Tomorrowland Take Over! - After the events of the alien bots attacking the city of Tomorrowland, the heroes known as the Incredibles have came to save us! They will be spending the time being here protecting our city from the alien bots."
Then scattered around the land can be less poppy banners and ones that fit the colors and style of Tomorrowland. Also scattered can be remnants of alien space ships.
Edna Mode can move in and takeover the People Mover.
A permanent Incredibles play and greet with a talking Edna Mode.
A real Incredibles show incorporating the temporary story of the land into the show.
No baby race in the hot Florida sun.
An Incredibles overlay of Cosmic Rays where you are dining in The Tomorrowland station of the Incredibles secret hideout and there is new tables and colored banners and posters and props of The Incredibles costumes & history of Super Heros to make it look like a hideout.
- An Incredibles storyline to the Tomorrowland Speedway where you are driving through the fictional city of Tomorrowland getting attacked and there are statues and models of the Incredibles using there powers to stop the aliens.
I know this isn't possible for them to do just for the summer, but I'd rather have the takeover for a year and have it be detailed like this and actually feel like something in a Disney Park.