Disney Parks Require Superhero!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Wow..your response was amusing on several levels. I didnt see where anyone accused you or anyone else of "lying" or trying to rally anyone "against" you. I made the general comment about people who constantly complain about everything wrong with Disney ad naseum. You decided to include yourself into that group. There was a post yesterday offered by someone trying to tell Hatter how we should'nt be blinded by the overwhelming problems at WDW and they have'nt EVER been to WDW. Their sole source of information was this site and the negative things written. I respect everyone's opinion on this site whether I agree with them or not. Some folks here have nothing BUT negative comments, so be it, it's not a crime to have an opinion..and being someone that "complains" about something doesnt make your point invalid or unfounded. I felt what the Weather Lady stated was spot on...if you choose to focus on negativity you'll find it soon enough. The good at Disney for me at least vastly exceeds the neagative, the laughing place not working properly on splash mountain didnt disuade me from riding multiple times during both my trips last year..that doesnt mean I didnt notice or that I wouldnt prefer not to have it fixed, no more than I'm not going to ride everest because the Yeti doesnt do what it used to or that a light wasnt fixed. I still enjoyed both rides and will again during my visits this year. Stating that people here complain about WDW is'nt an attack..it's the truth..nor was anything embellished. If Disney has jaded some people to the point of this type of feeling that so much is wrong..then who is anyone to tell those indivduals they are wrong for feeling that way..personally I could care less...I just find it sad that someone who has'nt ever set foot inside WDW was so influenced by all the negative threads on the site they would actually try and comment about the state of the parks to someone that had made multiple trips..Certainly WDW has room for improvement..thats true of any vacation spots..Universal..Disneyland... Bermuda..anywhere..If you were truly offended by my use of "complainers" then I apologize it wasnt my intent..but I certainly stand by what I said
. Well I never.Your words have gave me strength to carry on the good fight for Disney. Are you standing for president on the next campaign ? Youve got my vote.;)

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well said, Mad Hatter! Though to be a true superhero, you must present your message in a more heroic; epic fashion:

We have found the hero we need...but not the one we deserve.

Lol. I love it Bob. Just showed my DW who is now ordering me the Disney Kick outfit from Amazon. She says Ive got to call her "Baby Doll" .Phew!:(


Well-Known Member
There are two major issues inherent with this topic and some of the replies in it. One is a lack of respect for opposing opinions, an inability to simply maturely accept that other opinions exist, whether positive or negative. You seem to feel YOU'RE entitled to post something about WDW, but you have a problem when someone else posts their own views and it doesn't adhere to yours (someone in this thread even referred to people who express dissatisfaction as "evil", hardly a sigh of maturity). The other issue is simply that it sounds like people just can't or don't want to understand WHY people express criticism of Disney or WDW in the first place. And think (very mistakenly) that people are trying to incite some sort of argument or crap all over other people's own feelings about the place.

I feel compelled to question what this "good fight" is, as well as who and what you're fighting against specifically? I truly hope you're not referring to anyone on this site, because there isn't anyone here that is trying to fight against WDW. The overwhelming majority of people here are massive WDW lovers. It's a massive mistake to think people here criticize WDW because they hate the place. It fundamentally misses the entire point of why some people express criticism of WDW.

There are far better people to direct any potential hostility towards- those in charge of the Disney company and WDW, the ones responsible for the problems people complain about in the first place. The ones who have little to no respect for the parks that everyone here loves. It's silly to try to put blame on people in these forums for simply expressing their disappointment that something they love is being abused/mistreated by short sighted business people to feed their greed.

In the end, Disney doesn't need a superhero. It needs nothing more or less than company leaders that love the parks as much as we do and give them the respect they deserve. That's the sort of person it deserves AND needs.


Well-Known Member
I think my main issue with people who have an issue with the parks, is that while they MEAN to be talking to the head parts, they have to realize, we're NOT the heads. And the likelihood of them reading your replies on a WDW forum is pretty slim. So it's frustrating when you're all excited about you're upcoming trip and you have someone insinuating you're ignorant, that you're "drinking the kool aid/rose colored glasses/fanboi" and the list goes on and on.

And you're just sitting there wondering...if you really are disliking their negligence of the parks, and you think the only thing they're doing this for is for the money, then put your money where your mouth is and stop going. They'll see a drop in numbers, drop in revenue and maybe the lack of profit will make em think, you know? Instead, you (general you, not speaking with anyone in particular) continue to drop your thousands and just vent your frustrations to Joe Blow or Susie whos asking which stroller to use at the park or some other question/discussion.

If money is their only motivation...well then take that away babe!! <3

(And this is speaking with respect to other opinions! I happily accept that others have their own opinion!)


Well-Known Member
Disney Parks Require Superhero!

Already done:


Well-Known Member
Seriously Hatter.... you must work for Disney social by now...

I'm forced to agree with this at this point, or I would be if I didn't think WDW could hire smarter social media specialists at this point (that, and the OP has over 5000 posts, which is a good move for a media specialist, but I'm still not buying it). However, while this is not the intention, starting multiple threads on essentially the exact same topic within a short time span can lead to thinking the OP is a troll, granted a very bad one, or a spammer.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm forced to agree with this at this point, or I would be if I didn't think WDW could hire smarter social media specialists at this point (that, and the OP has over 5000 posts, which is a good move for a media specialist, but I'm still not buying it). However, while this is not the intention, starting multiple threads on essentially the exact same topic within a short time span can lead to thinking the OP is a troll, granted a very bad one, or a spammer.
Behave yourself..;) A troll :eek: A spammer :eek: Nope,just a crazy old Disney geek,who loves happy endings,but if that is against the law,then arrest me,and put me in Disney prison.( hope they've got doles & cupcakes ) ;)

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm forced to agree with this at this point, or I would be if I didn't think WDW could hire smarter social media specialists at this point (that, and the OP has over 5000 posts, which is a good move for a media specialist, but I'm still not buying it). However, while this is not the intention, starting multiple threads on essentially the exact same topic within a short time span can lead to thinking the OP is a troll, granted a very bad one, or a spammer.
Hey! You forgot my 4500 likes.:) Thats a lot of loving! :p


Well-Known Member
I'm forced to agree with this at this point, or I would be if I didn't think WDW could hire smarter social media specialists at this point (that, and the OP has over 5000 posts, which is a good move for a media specialist, but I'm still not buying it). However, while this is not the intention, starting multiple threads on essentially the exact same topic within a short time span can lead to thinking the OP is a troll, granted a very bad one, or a spammer.

@real mad hatter has been a breath of fresh air in this forum. Hatter opens up conversation with a smile, just about every morning here on these boards. Whether or not you like the topic or maybe you think its been said or done before but most things around here come full circle all sometimes twice all the time, he is always contributing something positive. Some people on this board are VERY critical of WDW because they love it and want to see it in a "better" state. Some of us see WDW as a wonderful place, accepting it's flaws so that we can just immerse ourselves in the grand experience. Would we like to some things in a "better" state? Sure, but, we choose not to harp on things that are beyond our control. Rather we prefer to relish in the joy Disney has given us and our families. Do we not see so things that fellow posters "complain" about? Yes of course but, beating the horse until it's dead won't change the way corporate Disney does things. I speak for myself here, life is life, we all have our stressors. Disney has always been a magical place since I was a little girl to go and escape the everyday stress. Troll...Spammer... I wish my words were as eloquent as my friend @sgtmgd, so that I could really relay how I feel. Hatter, your posts make me smile! Your whit is hysterical and I thank you for what you contibute.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Cheers Sue,I'am blushing!. But I agree that WDW could improve things,just like lots of things in this world.But until that happens,I'am gonna just enjoy the magic feeling it gives me,and zillions of others.;)

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I agree that WDW needs some TLC also BUT....Why let things beyond our control spoil the magic!:)
Exactly.I'll never forget the time I was on Toy Story Mania with my DS,and the ride stopped half way through.This dude behind me was shouting " Hey!Whats going on here " He was so loud,even other folk in front of me were looking at me,and I'am shaking my head.I just don't get it.:(

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