Disney Parks Require Superhero!


Well-Known Member
Here I was expecting another Marvel thread....whole other Beast entirely...
Funny thing, I thought the same thing at first glance of the title. Though I guess it has become pretty universally (kind of unintentional pun) known that Disney can't use Marvel inside Disney World theme parks. Only in Disneyland and international parks. I've not spotted too many threads about it lately.

Interesting I've seen more people quoting Batman in this thread lol! :p

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
LOL.. I didn't think I really had to explain myself. It was sarcasm. A joke even. A pun thrown in the direction towards the Hatter. Hatter knows I have nothing but appreciation for what he brings to the forum. The title of this thread is about Superhero's. SUPERHERO'S!!! There were prior postings of Hatter being Peter Parker etc. There are also postings on these forums stating Hatter is looking at Disney thru a first timers perspective and not that of someone who can pick out flaws because they have been to Disney many times. Also statements in other threads that he therefore looks at Disney thru rose colored glasses. Bottom line is, in a thread started by Hatter looking for a Superhero I was being sarcastic calling him the Rose Colored Prince of Disney. Guess what every Superhero needs? A super Villain. If I alienated anyone out their then let me apologize and change my statement to read "Hatter, the Rose Colored Prince of Disney" vs the "Evil Cute Lovable Soft Cuddly Bunnies". Now guess what? I'm about to read, "How dare you insult poor little bunnies!!!"

Or would it be better if I were to change it to read the "Evil Sinister Trouble Making Troll Of Disney Blogs, Hatter" vs the courageous "Those-That-Have-Nothing-But-Love-For-Disney-And-Wish-To-Express-Themselves-Over-Every-Thread-About-The-Current-State-Of-The-Parks-Until-It-Sinks-In-With-The-Disney-Powers-That-Be-So-Please-Do-Not-Confuse-Me-As-Being-A-Hater"?

Bottom line is Hatter started up one of his charming threads and it quickly turned sour as do a lot of these postings lately.

As far as I see things, people who list the flaws Disney is experiencing... I thank you for pointing them out. Now I know if I go to ride the POTC and it breaks down, I won't be surprised. But guess what? I GET IT ALREADY!!!!!!!! I've read about it over, and over, and over, and over......... And from my point of view, from what I gather is all these debates are not about who loves Disney, who hates Disney, who is right, who is wrong, it's more the people that come on these forums quite often are tired of hearing about the same old problems over and over again.
. Holy S.... Mighty Mouse! :eek: You are so spot on.When I get back to WDW,I will tell my superiors of you.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
so anyway getting back to the thread what would disney superhero wear? Ob got hav mickey ears hat and a cape all superheros need a cape! Any other suggestions?
Well Emma.Here in Scotland it's goats season.I would be dressed as the Mad Hatter with a AK47. Guess what am shooting!;)


Well-Known Member
Don't hate @real mad hatter !! We need him here to keep up the happy/positive vibes. While i do agree with many of WDW's short comings I still without blinking an eye recommend a WDW vacation to anyone. Drink the kool-aid for a few days, you'll love it. Hatter I always find your threads entertaining and appreciate what you bring to this site, so thank you!


Well-Known Member
Don't hate @real mad hatter !! We need him here to keep up the happy/positive vibes. While i do agree with many of WDW's short comings I still without blinking an eye recommend a WDW vacation to anyone. Drink the kool-aid for a few days, you'll love it. Hatter I always find your threads entertaining and appreciate what you bring to this site, so thank you!
I don't hate him if that was directed at me. Nor do I have a problem with his posts. I've experienced WDW "kool aid" many times in my life, I expect a day will eventually come where I once again drink it as well.

Hatter is probably still mad at me from the other thread though.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Don't hate @real mad hatter !! We need him here to keep up the happy/positive vibes. While i do agree with many of WDW's short comings I still without blinking an eye recommend a WDW vacation to anyone. Drink the kool-aid for a few days, you'll love it. Hatter I always find your threads entertaining and appreciate what you bring to this site, so thank you!
Hey! I love being in a WDW family where we all have many magic moments and laugh off the things that didn't go to plan.To be 3000 miles away and still feel the love and magic of this place makes me happy each day.May the pixie dust never fade from your lives.;)


Well-Known Member
Ah. I kind of jumped on him in another thread myself, possibly mistakenly given a point that was brought to light by someone else entirely. I read a comment from Empress Lily that helped explain a potential explanation that I didn't really comprehend or take into account before, I realize I may have simply misinterpreted what hatter was saying and his intentions.

So @real mad hatter

I don't know if you read my last post in that topic the other day, but since we're here now, I apologize if I was incorrect in assuming you had a grudge against Japanese people based on a misinterpretation of your comments, and in reality had completely different reasons for saying what you did. If that's the case and I misinterpreted your reasons, then it was mistake on my part and i'm sorry.

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ah. I kind of jumped on him in another thread myself, possibly mistakenly given a point that was brought to light by someone else entirely. I read a comment from Empress Lily that helped explain a potential explanation that I didn't really comprehend or take into account before, I realize I may have simply misinterpreted what hatter was saying and his intentions.

So @real mad hatter

I don't know if you read my last post in that topic the other day, but since we're here now, I apologize if I was incorrect in assuming you had a grudge against Japanese people based on a misinterpretation of your comments, and in reality had completely different reasons for saying what you did. If that's the case and I misinterpreted your reasons, then it was mistake on my part and i'm sorry.
. Hey! no problem..I'am sorta glad because there's no way I am a bigot. My brother in law in Los Angeles is married to a Japanese girl and I love to speak to her in my poor Japanese which I learned from my father.She loves it when I get it wrong.:( Anyway, lets all get together and love what Disney gives to us.( do I sound like a preacher )

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