Disney Parks' Celebration Tour Street Team


[/quote]Central Eastern Western
9/25 Minneapolis 9/24 Toronto 1/19 Vancouver
9/29 Chicago 9/29 Boston 1/21 Seattle
10/1 Milwaukee 10/1 Providence 1/23 Portland
10/3 Detroit 10/3 New York 1/26, 27 Sacramento
10/6 Pittsburgh 10/6 Hartford 1/30, 2/2 San Francisco
10/8 Cincinnati 10/8 Philadelphia 2/4, 5 Fresno
10/10 Indianapolis 10/10 Wash. DC 2/9 Las Vegas
10/14 Dallas 10/13 Baltimore 2/11 Salt Lake City
10/16 Houston 10/15 Charlotte 2/16 Denver
10/20 New Orleans 10/17 Atlanta 2/19, 20 Phoenix[/quote]

I don't see any British dates listed...I know, wishful thinking!

How come nothing like this ever happens over here? Don't they want British custom? We love Disney too, you know!!!:mad:


Well-Known Member
Depending on what time it starts, I may be there as well.

I'll send you a PM when it gets closer to the date. Having to work or whatever is no excuse--I'll be skipping four classes and driving 2.5 hours to go to it! The way I look at it is that class or work will be back on Monday, the Disney tour won't.


I'll send you a PM when it gets closer to the date. Having to work or whatever is no excuse--I'll be skipping four classes and driving 2.5 hours to go to it! The way I look at it is that class or work will be back on Monday, the Disney tour won't.

My thought exactly. I signed up to work then realized its the day before I leave for my fall break trip to Disney. It may mean having to skip my MWF classes two days in a row and rearrange taking two tests but it isn't something that can be skipped! At least in my book.


Well-Known Member
Will these events be at your city hall? I live in Toronto and I work just down the street from our city hall and was wondering if I could check it out on my lunch hour.


wahoo!! we're the last stop of the tour and we get two days! I have a feeling it's going to be pretty dang fantastic!! Too bad it's not until February....

just as a sidenote (because I think there's a few CR's posting on this thread) I have a ?--- After my CP, I wanted to become a CR, but I stayed seasonal, and didn't think I could do both, so I didn't apply. But now someone told me that you can do both. So first, is that true? And second, would I still be able to apply to be a CR now even though I'm not straight off my program? (my program ended Jan. 07)


Original Poster
Just this semester, the rules about Campus Rep status have changed, and all Campus Reps need to be statused to College Recruiting... that means that you can't be Campus Rep and seasonal at the same time, nor can you be Campus Rep and a Disney Store cast member (now that they are owned by TWDC again).

But yes, I definitely know people who became campus reps not immediately after their CP... just check www.disneycollegeprogram.com and click on alumni to learn more.


All right!!!! The Indy date is a Friday-----whaddaya know-----something I can actually go to without a job conflict!!!!!!!!!:sohappy:


Just this semester, the rules about Campus Rep status have changed, and all Campus Reps need to be statused to College Recruiting... that means that you can't be Campus Rep and seasonal at the same time, nor can you be Campus Rep and a Disney Store cast member (now that they are owned by TWDC again).

But yes, I definitely know people who became campus reps not immediately after their CP... just check www.disneycollegeprogram.com and click on alumni to learn more.

really?? man that's too bad, I just missed it. I'll bet that if there were people doing both when they changed the rules they probably at least grandfathered them- if only I was a little bit sooner!!

I hate that you can't work two places within the company. I might do the DLR alumni CP this summer, so I'd have to quit with WDW (even though I could easily do both :()


really?? man that's too bad, I just missed it. I'll bet that if there were people doing both when they changed the rules they probably at least grandfathered them- if only I was a little bit sooner!!

I hate that you can't work two places within the company. I might do the DLR alumni CP this summer, so I'd have to quit with WDW (even though I could easily do both :()

You can't be statused in both areas but while being statused to Recruiting you can pick up shifts. Understand?


Heck yes, the Atlanta date is a Friday, my day off! :sohappy:

Wonder when we'll get specific details? The 18th, maybe?

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