From my understanding he was a big advocate of front-line cast members and trying to find ways to boost their morale. I know some will write it off but little things like working to provide better choices in the CM cafeterias and renovating break rooms that many have described as dumps goes a long way with front-line employees.
I work in an organization where the front line workers very much so see it as a "them against us" mentality with me falling into the "them" since I'm in administration. I have seen first hand how little things can vastly improve morale because it at least shows you care (or for some, gives the appearance if they really don't care) about your employees.
In my book, improving the parks experience starts with improving the CM morale - things will naturally flow from there. Now, I agree he wasn't at WDW long enough to really see any of his initiatives through, which is a shame. But someone sees something in him to give him what is essentially the #2 job in all of TWDC. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Unfortunately with the COVID crisis any changes that he may have wanted to make have probably been waysided by financial concerns.