@Sirwalterraleigh, The first time we tried with masks (Oct 2020 when masks were required everywhere) it was very hot and humid and frankly it was a struggle to breath with them on outside. Granted we weren't the only people affected by this...we get that. However, we truly did not enjoy ourselves at all that trip and Food & Wine is always something she loves doing. Honestly the masks ruined the trip for us (our opinion). So when we got home, she cried because in her words, she hated our trip. As she reflected on everything, the wasted PTO time, the wasted DVC points, the airfare, the money spent at Disney for food and cocktails, etc. It made her cry that she/we paid to be miserable.
For this past trip (Oct 2021), although it was nice to be outside in the humidity without a mask, wearing them inside the hotel, on transportation, etc. was annoying because we don't have to do that in the burgh (nice incline pic by the way). She cried again when we got home for the same reason...she hated our trip because the masks ruined it for her.