Hey. I just joined so I could discuss new updates in regards to Covid protocols at Disney. I had a perfectly magical trip planned for May of 2020- had already made our extra club level fast passes and had the most perfect dining. Then, Covid came out of nowhere. I remember being in the classroom and my students were telling me that someone had tested positive for Covid in a city near ours. I had no idea what Covid even was on March 11, 2020. The students said, “What’s going to happen?” Sure enough, our governor closed all schools and shifted to online learning for the rest of the school year. It was devastating and scary. Suddenly, it was my two kids and I both navigating school and work from home. You can fill in the next months— puzzles, grocery delivery, highs, and lows.
My kids were able to return to in-person school in August, and my college opened for in-person learning too. It looked different, but we were together. Our college offered a vaccine clinic in February- I quickly signed up. I rescheduled our Disney trip to May 30- June 5, and with all the positive news coming out, I’m just hopeful that life can be as close to “normal” as possible, sooner rather than later. However, no one comes out of something like this without scars and fears, and I get that. I love reading opinions whether I agree or disagree with the posts because I like to try and understand everyone’s thoughts. This has been a hard, long 14-months for everyone, hoping there is something good to smile about everyday.