After I posted that, I realized how cocky I sounded. That was directed against management, Lynx04, not you!
My point was that Disney should focus on keeping their existing attractions running smoothly; the AAs on Splash Mountain are a perfect example. As for WoL and CoP themselves, I disagree with their seasonal status. For years, Disney managed to keep all the attractions open year-round, and they maintained them, too. Now they suddenly
can't? Obviously, the truth is being withheld. But since seasonal statuses are here for the meantime, I have to confess that the only attraction worthy of that label is TK. I LOVE TK, folks; don't get me wrong. But it isn't a major attraction. Ir
should be open year-round, but if Disney insists on keeping anything seasonal, that would be it. And Disney really shouldn't replace it: whatever else would go in there would probably get a "Seasonal" rating, too.