Disney looking to cut theme park capital investment?


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
Yes, until Jaydarknight25 shows back up............ :lookaroun

Guess what! Jaydarkknight joined up at D-Troops.com and started a thread about Indiana Jones again. He changed his screen name to something like JayIce.


Le Meh
Premium Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Guess what! Jaydarkknight joined up at D-Troops.com and started a thread about Indiana Jones again. He changed his screen name to something like JayIce.

OMG you are right.....

JAYICE from D-troops said:
I really want this to finally come to Walt Disney Studios for sure in the near future because the Indy Stunt Show will probably lose it's attention after the LIGHTS MOTORS ACTION EXTREME STUNT SHOW OPENS in TBA 2005.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I thought I recognised his style at D-Troops....

Funny how he hasn`t replied to me over there yet!

Speaking of D-Troops, its nice there are so many familiar names! One big happy family.. on a mission!


Park History nut
Premium Member
STR8FAN2005 said:
Yeah, I thought I'd let ya'll know what became of our DEAR FRIEND Jay. He is still stuck on Indiana Jones.

Literally? I can`t believe I even thought that :lol:

Robert O

New Member
This is awful news, though some may try to spin it as good news that the parks will get alot less in coming years.
The parks are in need of major work!!! While EE is a good addition to AK, the park is still a half day park that has yet to be built out yet while charging full price.
When will Ecpot ever get another country??? Or stop closing Wonders of Life/update Universe of Energy/redo sea base alpha/update films in different countries???
When will mgm redo the outdated/boring Star Tours/It doesnt need two stunt shows/update the movie ride/update honey play area/do something where they had audience particpation shows like the one based on old tv shows/different sounds used in movies)cant remember names of the shows).
While MK is in better shape they still have done nothing with 20k area nor has the park gotten a e ticket attraction in a LONG time.
With all these needs we need new/innovative rides and not just cheap clones from different parks and that means more money is needed rather than less.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Robert O said:
AK, the park is still a half day park.
Unfortunatley, yes it is.
When will Ecpot ever get another country???
When a foreign corporation of government stumps up the cash for it
update Universe of Energy
redo sea base alpha
Ongoing. As for the Seacabs.....
update films in different countries???
China got one recently. Norways is in production.
When will mgm redo the outdated/boring Star Tours
When Eisner is gone (completley) Lucas may be more co-operative
It doesnt need two stunt shows
The original MGM plans were for 2 separate stunt shows. Plus they just gobble up guest numbers
do something where they had audience particpation shows like the one based on old tv shows/different sounds used in movies)cant remember names of the shows).
Superstar Television and the Monster Soundshow were the originals. Another case of ignoring "if it ain`t broke don`t fix it"
While MK is in better shape they still have done nothing with 20k area nor has the park gotten a e ticket attraction in a LONG time.
20k`s area and an E ticket could be going hand in hand... c`mon Lee, do tell more!


Account Suspended
Well, I first must say that it seems to me that cutting budgets is a good thing. Any time that you can figure out a way to save money, it WILL be a good thing in the long run. Now, as for layoffs, and peoples dreams being crushed, don't even get me started. I refer you, Mr. Eggz, back to the various threads on the union mess from last year, and to the fact that people were supposedly horribly underpaid. That some had to live 4 and 5 to an apt., just to survive. That some could barely afford food, after paying their insurance costs, bills, etc. So, I'm not really sure how much of a DREAM would be getting crushed in the case of layoffs. Unless of course, a lot of those people involved were making more than they were letting on. Nahhh, they wouldn't do that.......would they?!!!

Anyway, I would hardly think that cutting the budget from 1 BILLION dollars, back to 700/800 million would be devastating to the parks. Again, the more that gets spent, the more cost to the consumer. Do you think Disney was offering the packages they are now just because they want to be nice? No, it's because they want to see an increase in park attendance. So, as I have said many many times on various subjects on this site, any give-away, freebie, pay increase, etc., doens't come without a price. So, they cut budgets to get their "investment" back. Again, it's simple economics. Nothing more. NO, this won't be devastating to the company. Disney has given ample thought to this process. Fear not all. Disney has managed to survive how many years now?



New Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Any time that you can figure out a way to save money, it WILL be a good thing in the long run.
Like Disney Studios Paris? Not exactly a "good thing."

HennieBogan1966 said:
Anyway, I would hardly think that cutting the budget from 1 BILLION dollars, back to 700/800 million would be devastating to the parks.
Actually, the report said that the cutback will be from 1.5 billion to 700/800 million. Cutting back more than one third of your capital investments still shouldn't be "devastating," but still...

HennieBogan1966 said:
NO, this won't be devastating to the company. Disney has given ample thought to this process. Fear not all.
Like they did with Disney's California Adventure? Not exactly inspiring confidence there. :rolleyes:

Mr. Eggz

New Member
peter11435 said:
No it does not include a lot more. Capital Expenses do not include marketing, Maintenance, special events or entertainment. Those are all Costs and Expenses. Capital Expenses really is only new construction: new parks, hotels, attractions, etc.

One last try and then I give up for good. Capital Expenses includes any new spending. So, Marketing Executives covered on overhead are not a capital expense, but a new series of TV comericals are. Okay? Cast members running Tarzan Rocks are not paid from Captial Expenses, they are paid from the Operating budget, but a newly developend Parade or Show created by Creative Entertainment is a Capital Expense. The key word here is NEW. Regular Maintenance is not a captial expense. Major rebuilding costs incured by three Hurricanes is a captial expense. Please explain to me how they could have factored those expenses into their opperating budget a year before the hurricains hit. So, some Entertainment, Maintenance and Marketing comes from Catital. All the Marketing materials for the 50th Celebration is one HUGE Capital expense. None of that is routine and none of it comes from opperating budgets.

To those of you who think cutting back on Domestic Capital Investment is a good thing. Don't think TWDC is just saving it up for a rainy day. The Money will be spent by ABC, ESPN, Consumer Products, The Studio. It will go into Shareholder dividens and into Executive saleries. The money goes away. It goes away from Parks and Resorts. It goes away from WDW. And don't think one day some CEO that came out of TV or Movies is going to say, let's invest another $750M in theme parks. Guys, if the parks don't spend the money they loose it. All Jay Rasulo is doing is proving to corporate that the Parks can get by with less. If you care about the parks, this is not a good thing.

And to the question about crushed dreams. With all due respect to the Union CM's who are living 5 to an apartment, I was talking about WDI. It's a whole different ball game. Apples and Oranges.


New Member
fw1987 said:
Just wanted to point out that the highest the Disney stock ever got was just $50 (when adjusting for the stock split that occurred in 1998), not $100 as posted.

The stock is still down 40% from the high, so the point is still valid.


Thank you for the link. Please click on it and check the historic records from July 1998. You will find that the stock split was a tiny bit over $100. :)


Well-Known Member
Mr. Eggz said:
One last try and then I give up for good. Capital Expenses includes any new spending. So, Marketing Executives covered on overhead are not a capital expense, but a new series of TV comericals are. Okay? Cast members running Tarzan Rocks are not paid from Captial Expenses, they are paid from the Operating budget, but a newly developend Parade or Show created by Creative Entertainment is a Capital Expense. The key word here is NEW. Regular Maintenance is not a captial expense. Major rebuilding costs incured by three Hurricanes is a captial expense. Please explain to me how they could have factored those expenses into their opperating budget a year before the hurricains hit. So, some Entertainment, Maintenance and Marketing comes from Catital. All the Marketing materials for the 50th Celebration is one HUGE Capital expense. None of that is routine and none of it comes from opperating budgets.

To those of you who think cutting back on Domestic Capital Investment is a good thing. Don't think TWDC is just saving it up for a rainy day. The Money will be spent by ABC, ESPN, Consumer Products, The Studio. It will go into Shareholder dividens and into Executive saleries. The money goes away. It goes away from Parks and Resorts. It goes away from WDW. And don't think one day some CEO that came out of TV or Movies is going to say, let's invest another $750M in theme parks. Guys, if the parks don't spend the money they loose it. All Jay Rasulo is doing is proving to corporate that the Parks can get by with less. If you care about the parks, this is not a good thing.

And to the question about crushed dreams. With all due respect to the Union CM's who are living 5 to an apartment, I was talking about WDI. It's a whole different ball game. Apples and Oranges.
What makes you, with four posts and no reputation on this board an authority about this? I think you are still missing the point I am making, but that’s fine. I just hope you realize that there will be many new attractions coming to the domestic parks in the next five years.


Park History nut
Premium Member
peter11435 said:
I just hope you realize that there will be many new attractions coming to the domestic parks in the next five years.

Not counting rehabs / refurbs or Spin-go-rounds, portable fairground coasters, hedge mazes, meet`n`greats, direct clones or lame stageshows have you any idea what??

California is getting

Monsters,Inc. (refurb)

Space Mountain (Refurb - but possibly with enough new effects to constitute a new experience)

Buzz Lightyear (indirect clone but also going in Paris with design based on Tokyo)

Rumours of an Incredibles attraction - well down the line, probably outside of the scope of 5 years) How often have we heard DCA rumours? Rock n Roller is STILL `just round the corner`...

Florida is getting

A landfill that will NOT have an attraction on it for a while yet - although this could be as big as Splash Mountains announcement was IF and when it happens (we still don`t know for sure why they drained the lagoon after 10 years of inactivity)

Cinderellabration - direct clone

Soarin` (direct clone that seems to be creating more problems than its solving - but thats for other threads)

A dumbing down of The Living Seas

Possibly a refurb of Ellens Energy Adventure (Finally) - I just prey to god they take the right direction (see JIYIWF)

LMA (direct clone)

The single new `Disney` attraction in Florida is Everest. By `Disney` I mean one of a kind (also under "named clone" - where a ride has the same name as its namesakes but is totally different in layout and execution) - the rides the company now build less and less. This is a company who more and more are content to have cheap `filler` attractions in their parks, when once upon a time going to a Disney park was a TOTALLY unique experience.

What could do with an increase in budget?

CoP. Timekeeper. SSE. Global Neighborhood. WoL. JIYIWF. The whole Imagination pavilion. The Living Seas. Odyssey. Innoventions. Superstar Television/ Sound Dangerous buildings. AK. And thats without looking at the deeper problems of Epcot and AK. Not to mention maintainence, direction, merchandise overkill etc.

Maybe I`m being harsh, but the parks of today are a pale immitation of what they were even ten years ago. WDSP is a whole other area, financially and country wise - out of the scope of this discussion. Just think DCA but smaller, uglier and with less to do.

Just looking at opening dates of new, successful C and above rides in the parks and in the past ten years the dates get further and further apart. Look at closing dates of attractions and the dates get closer together. Only an increase in capital expenditure can reverse this process, and add many new attractions to the domestic parks in the next five years.


New Member
Mr. Eggz said:
All the Marketing materials for the 50th Celebration is one HUGE Capital expense. None of that is routine and none of it comes from opperating budgets.
From the 2004 Disney Annual Report (under Costs and Expenses, not Capital Ex): Higher marketing costs were driven by the opening of Mission: SPACE at EPCOT, Disney's Pop Century Resort at Walt Disney World, and by The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and the 50th anniversary celebration at Disneyland.

Sorry, but I just don't get your argument that new TV ads are capital exs. I think I understand the difference. Patch a roof or sweep the floor - costs and expenses; build a completely new roof - capital ex.


Account Suspended
We can split hairs here over what budget the expenses fall under, but the bottom line IS the bottom line. At the end of the year, you want more return than investment. As long as Disney continues to do that, the budgets are ALL debatable issues.

Has Disney made some mistakes with investments? Sure they have. Again, they have such a challenge each day with each park they operate, that there are going to be bad days and good days. That's why even though I give credit to Mr. Eisner for his successes in the 80's, I also say that expanding worldwide as the company did during that time, has become a burden to the company as a whole. Growing your business is a good thing, as long as it is tempered along with the year to year #'s in your given market. Our company is currently expanding during a time in which our business is slow. So, it's difficult to have enough people to work the stores we have when the payroll budget is short of that needed to give good guest service. But it's something that is done in order to "help" grow our business. Is that a good way of doing it? I personally don't think so. But that's the way business seems to be done these days. With Disney, they don't have that luxury with the buying public due to the standards they themselves set many years ago. My point is this: Disney expanded too much during the 80's trying to reach too broad a market, when the investments would have been put to better use elsewhere. I personally believe that you should continue to find ways to perfect what you do while you grow moderately. Not try to take the industry by the throat just because you have the capital to do so.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people feel like if there is less money in the budget they will notice that big of a difference. There is "Spending money" and "Spending Money Smartly".

To assume that the 1.5 billion was spent in a smart way is something most of us do NOT know.

My point is that unless you really have a good understanding on how the 1.5 billion was spent and how the 750 million will be spent you really cant understand.

We have a tendency on these boards to relate some things that the company does to a direct impact on our enjoyment of the parks. I don't believe that this is necessarily a accurate thing to do.

Relax and let see how that money is spent before saying the parks are in trouble.

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