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I have to say that I do beleive that losses in other parts of the company do in fact affect opertations at the parks. Whether or not anyone here wants to admit to it, all the money that comes into the company IS the companies money. When you have so many different operations in a company, and when a lot of those operations are losing money, you have to pay for those losses from somewhere. Yes, the parks ARE making money. At least WDW seems to be. So, when other arms of the company take losses, guess where the money comes from to pay for those losses? Think about it. The easiest option for Disney is to trim budgets in their parks. You can't cut people from ABC/ESPN, as it takes certain numbers of people to run those operations. And they continue to produce new shows for ABC/ESPN, in an attempt to make a big splash with something. (that's the theory of "if you throw enough darts at the dartboard, eventually you'll hit the bullseye.") So those budgets continue to escalate. Again, they have been and will continue to overpay for MNF, which just costs more to the company. So, in the end, what are you left with for recapturing all of this investment? Well, you said it. Trim budgets at the parks. It's the one area of the company with the flexibility to do that. Because of seasonal vacation schedules of many families, Disney is able to have that flexibility with their payroll and operational budgets.
The next problem is that when the guests show up each year, Disney is having to compete with other theme park operators for those vacation dollars. So, you have to now talk about new rides, attractions, parades, resorts, and merchandise. Again, more investment. And while the parks may report millions, even billions in revenue, much of that is used up on the losses for all the "other" investments which are failing. Hence, my opinion that if they had it to do all over again, that they would'nt. I still believe that you focus on what you do best, and continue to improve THAT. You don't help by growing a company with businesses which TRADITIONALLY lose money, simply to keep from being bought out. If the price is right, the stockholders WILL sell. So, the grow the company to avoid hostile takeover idea doesn't hold water with me in THIS case.
Think about it. IF Disney is making millions or billions in revenue from THEME PARK generated revenue; and IF they didn't have to spend it on recovering lost monies on bad investments; HOW MUCH would they have to reinvest into the theme parks?
I have to say that I do beleive that losses in other parts of the company do in fact affect opertations at the parks. Whether or not anyone here wants to admit to it, all the money that comes into the company IS the companies money. When you have so many different operations in a company, and when a lot of those operations are losing money, you have to pay for those losses from somewhere. Yes, the parks ARE making money. At least WDW seems to be. So, when other arms of the company take losses, guess where the money comes from to pay for those losses? Think about it. The easiest option for Disney is to trim budgets in their parks. You can't cut people from ABC/ESPN, as it takes certain numbers of people to run those operations. And they continue to produce new shows for ABC/ESPN, in an attempt to make a big splash with something. (that's the theory of "if you throw enough darts at the dartboard, eventually you'll hit the bullseye.") So those budgets continue to escalate. Again, they have been and will continue to overpay for MNF, which just costs more to the company. So, in the end, what are you left with for recapturing all of this investment? Well, you said it. Trim budgets at the parks. It's the one area of the company with the flexibility to do that. Because of seasonal vacation schedules of many families, Disney is able to have that flexibility with their payroll and operational budgets.
The next problem is that when the guests show up each year, Disney is having to compete with other theme park operators for those vacation dollars. So, you have to now talk about new rides, attractions, parades, resorts, and merchandise. Again, more investment. And while the parks may report millions, even billions in revenue, much of that is used up on the losses for all the "other" investments which are failing. Hence, my opinion that if they had it to do all over again, that they would'nt. I still believe that you focus on what you do best, and continue to improve THAT. You don't help by growing a company with businesses which TRADITIONALLY lose money, simply to keep from being bought out. If the price is right, the stockholders WILL sell. So, the grow the company to avoid hostile takeover idea doesn't hold water with me in THIS case.
Think about it. IF Disney is making millions or billions in revenue from THEME PARK generated revenue; and IF they didn't have to spend it on recovering lost monies on bad investments; HOW MUCH would they have to reinvest into the theme parks?