Disney is going to scale back the Polynesian DVC plans in a big way.


Well-Known Member
The Volcano? The pool? I'm trying to think if there's another one. I'm still reeling from reading the Poly quiet pool is closed, which to me made no sense. Not everyone wants to be packed into one pool, especially one that isn't that large compared to the number of people that might be staying there.

I'm not at all disappointed with hearing that DVC may be scaled back. In fact, that's probably good news. Personally, I'd prefer it not infiltrate every hotel at WDW. I know what Y&B was before DVC. Then it got way too crowded even before it was built. That whole resort area by Epcot, the last thing needed was more people and more buildings/rooms added.

Pretty much regardless of DVC, the GCH needed work. That's been said for years. Its not a happy thought, but it was happening at some point. Maybe the design will be a mix between Aulani and what currently exists. I love the Poly ever since I was little and saw it when the monorail stopped there. After being lucky enough to stay there a few times, I love it more. Surprisingly, I kind of like the smaller GCH. It seems less massive than the Contemporary tower. It wasn't supposed to be some huge eyesore.

Yet when I visited there in 2009, I noticed a mildewey smell by what was now the game room. All the stores looked squeezed for space. Maybe a larger footprint and starting out allotting space for the bigger restaurants and shops would be the plus side to a complete overhaul. Cpt. Cooks was never supposed to be huge, space wise. The restaurants aren't the biggest either in the GCH. Especially compared to those at other resorts. I just hope they do a job that isn't the Journey Into Imagination fix to everything they seem to be doing with other things.

I'm usually pessimistic with WDW and their approaches/handling maintaining/building on their property as of the last 10 or so years. I think they need a good proverbial smack upside the head.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update, @tikiman. I guess my first thought is, if it's such a health hazard, why is it still currently in operation? Also, wouldn't the spring inside WL be a hazard as well?

Indeed, the water feature has operated safely for all these years, so like so many things (cutbacks) at Disney it always comes down to the almighty dollar. I'm sure there are better filter/pump designs now, but of course the existing features could be repaired or rebuilt. The installation of a new water feature does soften the blow somewhat, i'll admit, but I'd prefer not to lose the original. I've said it several times before, but WDW has no respect for its own history.

at lease GF and BLT are new buildings

I really wish Disney had come around to the idea of putting the DVC rooms in existing resort buildings before we got the architectural abomination known as Bay Lake Tower. Sightlines around Seven Seas Lagoon will look so much better without more five or six story DVC towers flanking the Polynesian, addressing some critics of this project.


Well-Known Member
What turn would that be?

Turn? well it isn't like you suddenly became a card carrying member of the doom and gloom crowd but I have noticed that some of your post in another thread has taken a more....shall we sat a more somber tone. You were to me more of one of the more optimistic members here. Not a Pixie snorter but someone more cerebral about the whole thing. Then I noticed a slight change in your tone. I respect your opinions....always did. When you seem a little down on our magical place....it concerns me.

Mad Stitch

Well-Known Member
Nope. Sam's hasn't been in the Springs plan since before it was announced.

Think a similar experience, with a different theme and bigger location. Then you have one of WDI's plans for DS.

Sure it was. Here is the pic from the Disney Springs announcement. I guess they decided it would be a better fit to move it to the Poly.



Premium Member
The Volcano? The pool? I'm trying to think if there's another one. I'm still reeling from reading the Poly quiet pool is closed, which to me made no sense. Not everyone wants to be packed into one pool, especially one that isn't that large compared to the number of people that might be staying there.

When a previous poster stated, "the quiet pool has been filled in", he was referring to the fact that the pool no longer has an 8 ft. deep end. The entire quiet pool is now 3-4 feet deep. It is very much open.


Well-Known Member
When I referred to the poly filling in the quite pool I was refereeing to them making it wading pool. It is very shallow. I think no more than 3 feet deep from end to end. Anyone who has read my post on the courtyard pool at the GF will know that I am not a fan of them eliminating the deep ends of the pool. I travel with an older family that includes teenagers. A small shallow pool does nothing for them and they lose interest very quickly. Now don't get me wrong a walk in pool that is 3-4 feet deep is great for families with little ones, but it completely shuts out teens and adults that like to swim. It has been tough for my sister to get her boys to want to stay on property because of this trend. They like to stay at a place where the can hang out and enjoy the pool without 100 other guest swimming 2 feet from them. Sorry about the tangent but its a sore subject for me. The poly needs more swimming area. Their pool are way to small for the amount of guests the hotel accommodates.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
Well I just got more news. Looks like you can say good bye to the volcano.
Different generations :-( One builds the extra quality to put "Disney" signature and the other removes the extra when more money is needed to update it. Better to tear it down than to upgrade/replace.

Is this what we get to look forward to with the aging resort? Everything up to 1980 slowing gets removed. However Disney will charge more and introduce DVC while offer less.


Well-Known Member
Well, this just seems to be subtracting from the ambience of the Poly. Much like having ridden Horizons or visiting Pleasure Island- I'm glad that I got to stay at the Poly for a few nights many years ago, so that way I can remember how nice it used to be. :cry:


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