Disney is going to scale back the Polynesian DVC plans in a big way.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to say, but the Polynesian is not dated in any way, nor will they demolish the Great Ceremonial House. It is an icon of Disney architecture. This is almost as ridiculous as the rumors several years ago that the A-frame tower of the Contemporary would soon be demolished because of the aging structure. Polynesian, to me, has always felt up to date and retained its charm for the past 40 years. Besides, I have a family member who works in Walt Disney World Resorts Internal Communication and have personally asked this question: it's not happening.
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Well-Known Member
If WDW is eliminating the water feature due to microbiological concerns, they are either lying or lazy. Addition of a UV sanitizer or MCA biocide system would be a simple, easy, and quick retrofit with very minor physical, if any, modification. If WDW wants to explore this option, feel free to contact me.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Turn? well it isn't like you suddenly became a card carrying member of the doom and gloom crowd but I have noticed that some of your post in another thread has taken a more....shall we sat a more somber tone. You were to me more of one of the more optimistic members here. Not a Pixie snorter but someone more cerebral about the whole thing. Then I noticed a slight change in your tone. I respect your opinions....always did. When you seem a little down on our magical place....it concerns me.
I pride myself with being as in touch with reality as humanly possible. Reality is always going to drift between the doom and gloom and pixie dust snorting extremes. When there is a change I do my best to look at it from both sides to find the logic in the decision. While the pixie dust snorter in me might not like a particular change, the doom and groomer can see the motivation behind it and vice versa.

The harsh reality is that WDW is a business in a candy coated shell. While I would love to pour out the bag and see nothing but pretty perfectly formed candy, there just seems to be a few more broken pieces exposing the business inside than there use to be. I can't in good conscious deny that the broken candies exist, but I am also not going to go around smashing the good ones with a hammer either.

To get a bit more specific, the Christmas candy seems to be in real bad shape. Every year the bags get smaller and there are more and more broken pieces. It has gotten to the point where I just don't want to buy the Christmas candy anymore. Right now the only piece of Christmas candy coming out whole are the Osborne ones. If they take those out for good I simply will have to get Christmas candy somewhere else.

On the flip side the Disney Springs candy looks to be getting a lot better. If all goes as planed the AK candy should be becoming new and improved and if the rumors turn out to be true, the DHS candy will be going from stale Good and Plenty to top of the line Godiva truffles with a side of Peterbrook's chocolate covered popcorn.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I've never been a big fan of Christmas candy. I'm more of a Halloween candy type of person.
As do I. However, Disney's version tends to be a little on the sweet side for my taste. It is understandable considering their target audience, but there are times when I like a good dark chocolate over a tutti futurity lollipop.


Well-Known Member
Cynical thought... @tikiman indicated that the Tahiti building has had more maintenance issues than other buildings in the resort. Are they converting that building to DVC so that the time share owners are going to be charged the maintenance fees and relieve Disney of the responsibility?


Premium Member
First I must say this to people saying the lobby is dated and looks nothing like real life.

I will use my own experiences as an example. For instance we have been to the Bahamas and Jamaica. The Caribbean Beach Resort looks nothing like real life. Jamaica for all it has, is in abject poverty. Only the resorts look nice. The Bahamas, better than Jamaica, but still nothing like the pictures.

Caribbean != Polynesia

'nuff said


Premium Member
I would assume that age has something to do with it. There is a 23 +/- year difference between the constructions starts of the 2 resorts and you have to think construction methods, pumps, filters, etc had to get better in that time. I am sure being smack dab in the middle of the lobby does not help either.

But your pump room and water systems aren't likely where the feature itself is.. these are systems that require a high level of access. These aren't hidden in the rocks/etc.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
But your pump room and water systems aren't likely where the feature itself is.. these are systems that require a high level of access. These aren't hidden in the rocks/etc.
You would think, but I have seen people do exactly that especially with a 360 degree display. I have no idea if the center piece at the Poly is constructed that way, but I would not be shocked if the equipment was much less than easy to get to.


Beta Return
You would think, but I have seen people do exactly that especially with a 360 degree display. I have no idea if the center piece at the Poly is constructed that way, but I would not be shocked if the equipment was much less than easy to get to.

If I see the guy who designed and built it at church in the near future, I'll ask him. I saw him at the church festival last weekend, but didn't get a chance to talk with him much. Plus, he's on oxygen and can't talk too long at one time.


Well-Known Member
When they added the DVC to the Animal Kingdom Lodge they started by converting some of the existing rooms before building the additional AKL DVC building


Well-Known Member
I pride myself with being as in touch with reality as humanly possible. Reality is always going to drift between the doom and gloom and pixie dust snorting extremes. When there is a change I do my best to look at it from both sides to find the logic in the decision. While the pixie dust snorter in me might not like a particular change, the doom and groomer can see the motivation behind it and vice versa.

The harsh reality is that WDW is a business in a candy coated shell. While I would love to pour out the bag and see nothing but pretty perfectly formed candy, there just seems to be a few more broken pieces exposing the business inside than there use to be. I can't in good conscious deny that the broken candies exist, but I am also not going to go around smashing the good ones with a hammer either.

To get a bit more specific, the Christmas candy seems to be in real bad shape. Every year the bags get smaller and there are more and more broken pieces. It has gotten to the point where I just don't want to buy the Christmas candy anymore. Right now the only piece of Christmas candy coming out whole are the Osborne ones. If they take those out for good I simply will have to get Christmas candy somewhere else.

On the flip side the Disney Springs candy looks to be getting a lot better. If all goes as planed the AK candy should be becoming new and improved and if the rumors turn out to be true, the DHS candy will be going from stale Good and Plenty to top of the line Godiva truffles with a side of Peterbrook's chocolate covered popcorn.
I frickin' love Good and Plenties. Analogy fail for that reason alone.



Well-Known Member
Very true, the Gaylord Palms has to be experienced first hand. A truly extraordinary themed enviroment inside, blows the Poly out of the water in a lot of ways. Although on a purely customer service basis, I prefer the Royal Pacific.
I like the decor at RPH so very much more than the Poly. I think of all the rooms in Orlando that I've been in (and I've been in a lot!), RPH were best. For me, anyway. Pretty, relaxing, not too dark. Perfect.id take RPH over the Poly any day...but walking the Poly grounds at night is really nice. :)


Well-Known Member
Very true, the Gaylord Palms has to be experienced first hand. A truly extraordinary themed enviroment inside, blows the Poly out of the water in a lot of ways. Although on a purely customer service basis, I prefer the Royal Pacific.
The one in Nashville is even better.
I like the decor at RPH so very much more than the Poly. I think of all the rooms in Orlando that I've been in (and I've been in a lot!), RPH were best. For me, anyway. Pretty, relaxing, not too dark. Perfect.id take RPH over the Poly any day...but walking the Poly grounds at night is really nice. :)
I think Poly's "trump card" is that you can get from your room to MK in probably 10 minutes. The on-property bump is what puts it ahead of these other resorts as far as your overall experience, and it's the same reason that All Star Movies can charge three times as much as a Motel 6.


Well-Known Member
I pride myself with being as in touch with reality as humanly possible. Reality is always going to drift between the doom and gloom and pixie dust snorting extremes. When there is a change I do my best to look at it from both sides to find the logic in the decision. While the pixie dust snorter in me might not like a particular change, the doom and groomer can see the motivation behind it and vice versa.

The harsh reality is that WDW is a business in a candy coated shell. While I would love to pour out the bag and see nothing but pretty perfectly formed candy, there just seems to be a few more broken pieces exposing the business inside than there use to be. I can't in good conscious deny that the broken candies exist, but I am also not going to go around smashing the good ones with a hammer either.

To get a bit more specific, the Christmas candy seems to be in real bad shape. Every year the bags get smaller and there are more and more broken pieces. It has gotten to the point where I just don't want to buy the Christmas candy anymore. Right now the only piece of Christmas candy coming out whole are the Osborne ones. If they take those out for good I simply will have to get Christmas candy somewhere else.

On the flip side the Disney Springs candy looks to be getting a lot better. If all goes as planed the AK candy should be becoming new and improved and if the rumors turn out to be true, the DHS candy will be going from stale Good and Plenty to top of the line Godiva truffles with a side of Peterbrook's chocolate covered popcorn.

Having a sweet tooth myself I totally understand. Well done.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
Have you actually even been to Hawaii? If you have... You'd understand how your comparison fails because Hawaii does have the kitsch that you don't see in the Caribbean.

Uh never said I had been to Hawaii. Your attitude though explains a lot about your personality. Again read my post fully before you stick your foot in your mouth again. If you have to blab your smart mouth some more, I suggest doing so in a PM to save yourself from being publicly ridiculed. Have a pleasant day.

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