Disney is fading on me


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking people that visit WDW go to all the parks. So because of how amazing Flight of Passage is, it not only draws more crowds to AK, but also to all the other parks. Numbers are way up this year. It's still the first year that Pandora is open, word is out about how good it is, people come.

I mean I work in an office that has about 300-350 people in it total. Just in my office alone, there were about 30 people that were visiting WDW this year between now and Halloween. We usually will chat about the parks, resorts, dining, etc., but when I asked them what was the main reason they wanted to go this year. They ALL said because of Pandora and Flight of Passage. They heard about how good it was so they planned a vacation this year.

But this affects ALL the parks crowds including MK. Because MK is probably the biggest and most popular park, crowds get bigger and wait times go up.


Premium Member
I guess I'm more pragmatic. I travel worldwide. there is NOTHING anywhere like it use to be.

The best example of this is air travel. I remember when you use to get dressed up for flying, seats where comfortable and you got a full meal no matter where you flew too. fast forward to today.

I spent a summer in Paris in the early 1980's , one could go to the Louvre in the middle of dead summer, stroll around, sit on the benches in front of a piece of artwork never have to say "excuse me".

I've been going to Disney for decades. purchased my dvc back in 2000. sorry I cannot understand this notion that anyplace on the planet would stay the same as it was 10, 20 years ago. A business would go under.

Do I like packed parks, no but I am glad to see the changes to the park and an significant uptick in new product (rides and entertaining) offerings.

Yes, this! You used to be handed socks and free ear phones, even in economy class.

We had this swimming hole for locals and it was AMAZING. You hiked down this trail and walked along the railroad tracks and eventually you got to this spot in the river with flowers and trees and a waterfall. We loved going there. Then the internet happened, and Pinterest became a thing, and people started pinning this swimming hole left and right. Now when you go, it's a crowded wasteland. The flowers have all been stamped out, and the swim hole is cluttered with litter and food waste. The waterfall is still there, but there's graffiti everywhere on the rocks beside it.

Things change. Everywhere. For better or worse, things are different now than they were ten years ago.


Well-Known Member

You can have all the staffing in the world, but if you have a limited number of boats for dark rides or theatres for the motion rides, then it doesn't matter how many CM's you have, your wait times are going up.

High crowds are high crowds. If you have 50 CM's working instead of 40 for a particular Wednesday afternoon, it's not going to make the amount of people in the park go down.


Well-Known Member
ShortStaffing# the way Disney is using it means shutting down one whole side of boats, etc and having one cast member run the whole thing. So yes it is artificially creating long lines and wait times.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of people that come to the parks every day. ALL numbers are UP for EVERY SINGLE DAY. More people are going to WDW is what I'm saying.

Edit: Also I should probably mention that most of the boat rides pretty much ride themselves so it only takes 1 person at the gate where people board the boats. You HAVE to have 1 person at a standby queue entrance and 1 person at the FP queue entrance so that's 3. Like for Pirates of Carribbean you really only need 3 employees.
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I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Next, changes to the parks. I think that is more "subjective". some folks bemoan the lack of "originality". I guess for me, that's not a biggie. I'm glad they are modernizing the parks, really does not bother me that they are bringing more movie themed attractions, hey obviously that's what John q public wants. Pandora land is excellent if only in themeing. wish it were bigger so you don't feel squeezed into the back and I'm willing to bet they are going to knock it out of the parks with Star wars land.
I think one of the biggest "bemoans" is the shift from longer, more immersive "experience" attractions (EEA, GMR) to shorter thrill rides. At least with a 15 or 20 minute attraction, you don't feel as empty and exploited as you do at the end of a 2 minute ride that you had to wait an hour or two to experience.


Well-Known Member
Yes, this! You used to be handed socks and free ear phones, even in economy class.

We had this swimming hole for locals and it was AMAZING. You hiked down this trail and walked along the railroad tracks and eventually you got to this spot in the river with flowers and trees and a waterfall. We loved going there. Then the internet happened, and Pinterest became a thing, and people started pinning this swimming hole left and right. Now when you go, it's a crowded wasteland. The flowers have all been stamped out, and the swim hole is cluttered with litter and food waste. The waterfall is still there, but there's graffiti everywhere on the rocks beside it.

Things change. Everywhere. For better or worse, things are different now than they were ten years ago.
You said the magic words for the main issue here: internet and social media. They are two of the reasons for all the chaos. Everyone seems to need a picture on Facebook.


Well-Known Member
I beg to differ. That rudeness is not an ASIAN thing, it is a CHINESE thing. Other Asians also complain about the Chinese people.

I was referring to the disregard for personal space, and getting pushed forward if there’s space ahead of you in line.

I’ve had that happen to me at all 3 Asian resorts. Tokyo, Shanghai, and Hong Kong.


Well-Known Member
Nope, I still enjoy it, sure I think many aspects were better in the past and it was nicer with lower crowds but there are also some big positives, Pandora comes to mind!


Resident Curmudgeon
Fair enough.

All I know for certain is I would happily fly half way around the planet for my Disney fix rather than fight it out if given the choice.

The only resort I put below WDW is DLP. And it’s close. ;)

That being said, I’m two weeks away from wading back into the swamps for the first time in three years. I hope they prove me wrong. Though I’m not sure how optimistic I should be.

With WDW recently I would say optimism is misplaced


Well-Known Member
I'll take an overcrowded, hot and humid Florida day at Magic Kingdom or any of the other Disney World parks any time I can get it. I'm content just waiting in a long queue talking with friends and family and eating a Mickey Ice Cream Bar while soaking in the sights, sounds, theming, and energy of it all.


Well-Known Member
I'll take an overcrowded, hot and humid Florida day at Magic Kingdom or any of the other Disney World parks any time I can get it. I'm content just waiting in a long queue talking with friends and family and eating a Mickey Ice Cream Bar while soaking in the sights, sounds, theming, and energy of it all.

If your're happy with that, more power to you, for real. My first question to you would be however, did you get to experience WDW in the 80's or early 90's and if so, how could you possibly say today's experience is in any way the equal?


Well-Known Member
If your're happy with that, more power to you, for real. My first question to you would be however, did you get to experience WDW in the 80's or early 90's and if so, how could you possibly say today's experience is in any way the equal?

I did, I purchased my dvc in the 90's after being an annual visitor for 10 years. I guess one of the issues is I don't look for nor do I expect it to be the same. LOL, that always reminds me of folks who bemoan the "50's" as if it were the golden age of life. believe me it wasn't as cracked up as the rose colored glasses would like you to believe

But back to Disney.
Absolutely, it was less crowded. no doubt, not going to argue that fact.

So "equal"?? do I have as much fun and as good of a time as when we went in the 80's and 90's Yes. Is my experience the "same", well no but I'm not the "same".

The rides? I personally think are better. I love the upgrades to HM and POTC, some shows are much better. like the Indiana stunt show, which is a favorite. I always thought the great movie ride was corny and the only reason why we did it was to get out of the heat and catch a nap in the Florida heat, so I don't have this big emotional attachment to it.

now as to my experience, yes it's pretty equal. the big difference is that now requires me to plan more to ensure I have the experience I want where as previously I did not.

Now last year I may have down graded my experience due to all the construction at HS but I view that as a positive since it was sorely overdue. So by 2019 3 out of the 4 parks will be great.

just me.
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Well-Known Member
If your're happy with that, more power to you, for real. My first question to you would be however, did you get to experience WDW in the 80's or early 90's and if so, how could you possibly say today's experience is in any way the equal?
I did, in fact, experience Disney quite a bit in the 80s and 90s. My first trip was in 1984 and continued almost every year until the 2000s, sometimes twice a year.

I also did not say it was in any way equal (although some things are better, some worse in my opion); I just said I'd take what most people would equate to a "bad" day at Disney any time I could make it happen. I'd obviously prefer a not overcrowded, not so hot and humid day at the parks but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take an overcrowded and hot and humid day there, as well. A "bad" day at Disney is still a lot more fun for me than a "good" day at work. Just my opinion, of course.

Dutch Inn '76

Well-Known Member
I did, I purchased my dvc in the 90's after being an annual visitor for 10 years. I guess one of the issues is I don't look for nor do I expect it to be the same. LOL, that always reminds me of folks who bemoan the "50's" as if it were the golden age of life. believe me it wasn't as cracked up as the rose colored glasses would like you to believe

But back to Disney.
Absolutely, it was less crowded. no doubt, not going to argue that fact.

So "equal"?? do I have as much fun and as good of a time as when we went in the 80's and 90's Yes. Is my experience the "same", well no but I'm not the "same".

The rides? I personally think are better. I love the upgrades to HM and POTC, some shows are much better. like the Indiana stunt show, which is a favorite. I always thought the great movie ride was corny and the only reason why we did it was to get out of the heat and catch a nap in the Florida heat, so I don't have this big emotional attachment to it.

now as to my experience, yes it's pretty equal. the big difference is that now requires me to plan more to ensure I have the experience I want where as previously I did not.

Now last year I may have down graded my experience due to all the construction at HS but I view that as a positive since it was sorely overdue. So by 2019 3 out of the 4 parks will be great.

just me.

EXACTLY right. ...and what is The Mouse supposed to do? Tell folks to stop coming? I suppose they could double the ticket prices; that might cut down on the crowds some... ;)

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