DISNEY Frustrations! (my letter to Dinsey)

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Original Poster
Hey Everyone, this lettering I'm posting I plan to send to Disney in the Future! I just thought I'd share it with all my Disney Forum pals! Just remeber I love disney, But I'm Frustrated with some of the out comes over recent years! Enjoy!
Copyright 2003 (c)

Aug. 18th 2002

By: George S. III
Ever since I was a child, I’ve always been fond of the Disney experience, running down Main Street to the Castle, seeing all the wonderful sites and sounds at Walt Disney World, and dreaming about my Disney vacation every year. Over recent time I have thought of many ideas that could better improve the vacation experience to Walt Disney. Threw the last few years I have noticed something about Disney’s magic and their new rides and new experiences they have introduced to their many Disney parks. It seemed to me that Disney in a small way was losing its creative touch, in their theme parks, and some of their movies. I felt obligated to write this letter to my favorite company, and vacation destination, to try and get some of my ideas heard by you to better help the Disney experience, so that each new generation will be able to experience Disney the way I do. For many of us, Disney has been a wonderful and magical place in each of our hearts. I hope this letter will be of some help, for the years to come. As Walt Disney once said himself “We keep moving forward—opening new doors and doing new things—because we’re curious.” This quote I got out of your book Walt Disney Imagineering, and I believe that it too, shares the same kind of feelings, and ideas I have. I hope you’ll enjoy reading this letter as much as I enjoyed imagining its ideas, and putting my pen to paper. Thanks again for the many years of Disney Magic!
Its certainly clear to me, that Disney is unlike any other Theme Park, with its many rides, and many treasures hiding around every corner, going along with every little detail done up to the nines. When your standing in line to get on Splash Mountain you look up and see all the small homes and bridges in the trees, little details like this is what I mean. Out of all the theme parks in the world, its true Disney has this concept down. In some of your newer attractions, many of these details are lacking. One thing I may suggest is that you widen many of your streets in your parks to get from one place to another. The reason being is that when there is many people in one area of the Magic Kingdom, it’s rather hard for many people to get around. This is one objective I feel Disney should work on over the years so that many people can be in one area comfortably.
I have many memories I carry with me from my vacations, but I remember this one time when my sister and some of the family were waiting at around 11:30 PM for the light parade to begin, and one of your many excellent staff was sweeping the street at the time, and he came up to my sister (who was 5 then) and said, “Hi sweetie…And what was your favorite ride today.” Right there this shows you that Disney picks the best people to run your parks and keep them the way they are. Over these past year going down to Disney for our vacations, we never really could capture that aspect of worker friendliness. I think if Disney trained every worker at the rides to act according to the ride they are working at, (act scary if they are at the Haunted Mansion) in the streets cleaning, etc., then it would make the Disney Vacation experience more enjoyable like when one of your workers asked my sister what her favorite ride was. I also have seen over the years, that the 100% cleanliness of the parks has dropped to about 70% clean. I think again that if more people cleaned a bit more, this minor problem would be handled. I feel if little issues like this were addressed more, they would again amount to something greater then whats at hand currently.
I love the way Disney has come about in making and creating, wonderful and interesting new rides. My all time favorites are Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Tower of Terror. The reason these are my favorites is because they each have there own charm. Space Mountain, takes you on a journey threw space, making you feel you are in a space station looking out into space while you are waiting in line. Splash Mount, brings you back to the country where the bears run wild, frogs sing, and Br’er Rabbit fleas from a dangerous fox; and ofcourse The Tower of Terror, were a group of unsuspecting victims get on an elevator which breaks, sending them 13 stories to the ground. With these examples you know there was a long planing time, thinking and brainstorming and creating something never seen or created before. It’s hard for me to grasp, that some of Disney’s rides would be re-makes of old ones, (for example Aladdin’s Flying Carpet ride) which in it self is the Dumbo ride but only replaced with carpets. Its hard to believe that Disney, who created all these new innovations for theme parks over many years, would move back in time, and get ideas from old carnival rides which were already invented. If I was going to create an Aladdin ride, I probably would have had the carpet really flying in the air, and over clouds, past horses that were running, and flying with white swans next to the carpet (like the movie). I also couldn’t believe it when I heard Disney was putting bumper-cars and fair rides into the Animal Kingdom park dinosaur area. I wouldn’t have taken an old approach, making a few carpets that spin in a circle in a small area, or using fair rides. To me, I just feel Disney wasn’t taking that Imagineering approach. In other cases I do feel Disney needs to be ahead of the theme park business again, because some other theme parks, like Islands of Adventure (who is not completely comparable to you) are pasting you with their ideas and new and exciting rides. I feel that if you tie in some of the newer technological advances with the already great and exciting Disney rides, there should be a better outcome. One minor example would be in the Hall of Presidents attraction. If you put in just one big wide screen TV instead of 6 or however many are in there, you wouldn’t have the problem of having lines between each picture which would give the viewer a better view of the whole screen. No one has ever made an attraction like that one, or even tried, so I feel it would be a wise decision to update that minor change. With all these many new and exciting creations, its just hard to believe that Disney would go back in time, and create new rides today such as bumper cars, and octopus type rides for their parks. It was a shock to me that Disney’s new creations were just old carnival rides. I think it would be a wise decision for Disney to reevaluate some of these rides and either get rid of them, or rethink a way to make them into Disney quality. If you evaluate the rides you have now, and looked to see what new systems are used in new rides, you again could incorporate those ideas into your already world acclaimed attractions. In the end, it would make the rides and attractions even better.
Almost every adult knows about the great adventures with Tom Sawyer, and the Swiss family who moved into a tree, remember the grand opening of the Carousel of Progress, driven around the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway, but the youth today doesn’t really know to much about, or even heard these people, and rides. I feel that the old themes of boys in the wilderness such as Tom Sawyer, and People living in a tree like the Swiss Family Treehouse, just don’t fly with today’s youth. I feel if you got rid of some of these rides, or made today’s youth aware about these people, more children would be aware of these famous individuals, and attractions. As it has been in the past, Disney is always on top of new things and new rides. If Disney brought in todays heroes (whom ever they may be) then I feel today’s youth would respond in a better way.
The monorail is a wonderful landmark mode of transportation to get Disney guests to and from the different parks and parking areas, but one mode of transportation I feel needs to be updated. I think if Disney Updated the monorail cars, by making them bigger, with more space, and maybe even having them run on computers instead of having them operated manually, then I feel people could get to the parks quicker. Another Idea I have to better transport people from park to park would be to expand the monorail track so that the track can goto all four parks in Walt Disney World. It would help people out a lot, and would be a better way to get to all the parks easily and quick. I also think if you remodeled each monorail station, the over all appearance would look a lot better. Some changes would make the whole Walt Disney experience an even finer one, then it already is.
As you know music has always been a huge part of the world and our culture today, from the old time classics like “You ain’t nothing but a Hound Dog,” by Elvis to “Hit me baby one more time,” by Britney Spears. I think if Disney has plans to build another park for the future, they should build a park called something along the lines of “Disney Music,” “Disney DJ,” or another name that pertains to music. One ride example could be a roller coaster similar to the Aerosmith roller coaster that takes you riding threw a dance song, with flashy lights and pictures of people dancing, (basically a music video on a roller coaster). For other attractions you could have areas where you “Make your Own Music Video,” or “Record and sing your favorite song.” You also could have concerts of famous singers, and up and coming artists on the weekends, or whenever. Different areas or “lands” in the park could include a themed 70’s disco area, pop music area, dance club central, etc. Ever bit of music could be represented, into a thrill park Disney style like this one. You also could have bands playing in the streets, like jazz bands or marching bands, etc. I feel that the list to a park like this is endless.
In conclusion to all these ideas and thoughts, I know Disney is a great and wonderful company. I know in the future, Disney will still be one of the top theme parks and vacation destinations as it already is now. I hope that one day I will have the privilege to be an Imagineer, and create many new and exciting attractions for more vacation seekers in the years to come. Thanks again!



Well-Known Member
Good luck with this. Let us know if you get anything at all beyond a form letter thanking you for your letter.


New Member
I think it is a great letter! However I am assuming this is in a rough draft stage. You have many grammatical and spelling errors that require correction. I'll be more than happy to proof read and offer corrections if you desire. Perhaps we could make it a wdwmagic project for all of us to work upon.


Well-Known Member
You wrote a really nice letter, however it was to long in length. Unless you shorten it I doubt you'll receive anything but the standard automated response thanking you for your letter.


Active Member
Originally posted by wdwfan22
You wrote a really nice letter, however it was to long in length. Unless you shorten it I doubt you'll receive anything but the standard automated response thanking you for your letter.

Exactly what I was going to say!

It's a really good letter for we Disney-philes to read, but for it to again any attention from the "powers that be" at the World you will have to be far more brief.

Good Luck! :)


Well-Known Member
The idea of a letter is good, but I'm afraid if that landed upon my desk I probably wouldn't read beyond the first paragraph.
Have an introduction, and then get into your subject. Make your points brief and factual.
With regards to the music park - isn't that covered by the movie soundtracks within MGM Studios ? - Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
or All-Star music?:)

The letter is good.

Like everyone has said, shorten it up a bit (although I know that can be the hardest part of the process) and also try to, in a final draft, write objectively: e.g. "These are the facts"... Don't use "I think that..." too often... Instead use, "People would like to be more immersed in an attraction so don't create carnival rides..."



But overall, it is very good. Let's see if you get more than a robotic "Thank you.":D


New Member
Keys to your letter, most have been said. This is coming from a person like you would hope read your letter. This is what I would look for.

1 Page - Max. More and you are done. Nice short tight paragraphs. Any typos are it's gone. Spell check is your friend.

WHY - Tell me in 1 to 2 sentences why you are writing this letter. Example: I am a big time Disney fan. I am writing you this letter because I am concerned.

Now I know why I should read it. This most by your first paragraph.

1 Story or 2 very short ones.

State your points clearly and to the point. No need for flowery talk or useless details (greatest problem I get.) Say what you have to say. Don't beat around the bush.

I know your letter is full of passion, but if I look at it and immediately dismiss it, then you accomplished nothing.

I hope that helps! I hope Disney gets lots of these letters and they pay attention.



Original Poster
Good Ideas!

REALLY good feed back, and GREAT idea's THANKS for imput and keep inputing, WE should SO make this a WDW forum Project! Like we should have a letter writing campaign and call it Campaign 2003 For the D. or something idonno we could think of a name later, but HONESTLY we ALL should write a letter b/c the MORE we write, the more we would get heard...Ya know? anyways Add me to your Buddy list guys and PM me about Ideas and such...I'm George If anyone doesn't know...Hey are any of ya'll going to the Dec' meet? Comments?:lookaroun :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Although I'm not responding as an official Disney representative, this is probably the best answer you will get in regards to transportation.

Originally posted by SG4779
The monorail is a wonderful landmark mode of transportation to get Disney guests to and from the different parks and parking areas, but one mode of transportation I feel needs to be updated. I think if Disney Updated the monorail cars, by making them bigger, with more space, and maybe even having them run on computers instead of having them operated manually, then I feel people could get to the parks quicker.

The Monorail is about as big as it's going to get. Because of weight restrictions, the addition of a 7th car is not possible. Also, because of the Contemporary, the cars are about as large as they're going to get. The Mark VI trains have about the best mix of seats/standees that you're going to find. The only way to cram more people into those trains is to eliminate seats. Not a good idea.

As for automation... it's possible, however, not something we'd really want. Having a Pilot is a tradition, and also a safety net. Having a live person at the controls of the doors/train allow for our guests to have "dumb moments" as they sometimes tend to have.

Originally posted by SG4779
Another Idea I have to better transport people from park to park would be to expand the monorail track so that the track can goto all four parks in Walt Disney World. It would help people out a lot, and would be a better way to get to all the parks easily and quick.

There are many, many logistical reasons as to why this has not, and will not happen. Do a search here on WDW Magic... you'll find many interesting discussions on this topic.

Originally posted by SG4779
I also think if you remodeled each monorail station, the over all appearance would look a lot better. Some changes would make the whole Walt Disney experience an even finer one, then it already is.

Each station is modeled after the location in which it exists. There really is no need to remodel them. The only change I would make would be to enlarge the platform at the MK. (Originally, the IN side was the center, and the outer sides were the exit. However, this was quickly changed as it did not work very well during peak times. As such, the outer areas were not designed to handle the crowds they see.) Disney is well aware of this problem, and it's been a major battle between us (Transportation) and them (Main Street) in getting our station remodeled. After many years of battling, we were at least able to get our roof fixed before it fell down from rot. We're thankful just for that.


Well-Known Member
Good letter, but I'd have to agree it's way to long. make it short, informative, and to the point. You do,however, make a very good point of making it a positive suggestion instead of just slaming 'em. I was thinking about writing them a letter about the Disney Channel and how they should bring back the classic disney.

Why don't we all write them?? THen they might see they really do need to fix some stuff because it's not just a few people here and there it's a larger group.


Well-Known Member
It's a good letter, but I'm affraid Disney does not accept any ideas from outside sources. I know people who have written letters like that and recieved letters in return saying that Disney had destroyed the letter an would not accept their ideas. If you want somethng done, maybe a shorter letter telling why you want change insteed of what you would change would be better.


New Member
Nice letter...I would shorten and do bullet points but trust me....they won't care. They will give you the standard...I am sure your next vacation will be better and we will provide a special service to make sure everything is better next time. Then they will not.

The main problem with Disney is they have forgotten about customer service and are ONLY looking at the bottom line.....that is why the magic is leaving. I will write another letter too but I think we should not waste time with guest relations but go straight to the executives like Roy Disney listed on wdw.blues.com. Just my 2 cents.
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
Nice letter...I would shorten and do bullet points but trust me....they won't care. They will give you the standard...I am sure your next vacation will be better and we will provide a special service to make sure everything is better next time. Then they will not.

The main problem with Disney is they have forgotten about customer service and are ONLY looking at the bottom line.....that is why the magic is leaving. I will write another letter too but I think we should not waste time with guest relations but go straight to the executives like Roy Disney listed on wdw.blues.com. Just my 2 cents.

THe "magic" that you are talking about isn't determined by customer service alone. It's from your whole Disney experience. I know that I wouldn't let bad customer service (which I've never experienced at disney) ruin my day at WDW.

Good letter, shorten it a bit, grammatical and spelling errors are present, but can be corrected. I think the disney people would be wise to read your letter. Chances are they won't though.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
Nice letter...I would shorten and do bullet points but trust me....they won't care. They will give you the standard...I am sure your next vacation will be better and we will provide a special service to make sure everything is better next time. Then they will not.

The main problem with Disney is they have forgotten about customer service and are ONLY looking at the bottom line.....that is why the magic is leaving. I will write another letter too but I think we should not waste time with guest relations but go straight to the executives like Roy Disney listed on wdw.blues.com. Just my 2 cents.
Actually, the customer service is great--once you are on property, they will do anything to help you out (if you ask for help--the worst thing to do is allow problems to continue). However, Disney neither has the time nor personnel to read every 5 page letter that comes in complaining about the Resort. Honestly, Disney knows what is wrong and what is not wrong with the Resort, but the cost to fix everything overnight while adding the new $100+ million e-rides that we demand every couple years would be astronomical. Transportation is not ALL THAT bad...you still get from one place to another (usually) within a half hour, and with such a large resort, it would be tough to do that any faster. I'm sure Tyler knows of a few ways transportation could be improved, but it's not that bad. Finally, as for the new generation of Disney rides--riding Soarin' Over California renewed my trust in Imagineers; Disney is still capable of building (and does build) incredible attractions.



I agree with some points but I think your making a mistake with others. You are complaining that they are making the new rides with an old carnival feel. But they your suggestion to make things better is to make a booth with "make your own video or CD or something like that. That to me is very carnival like so your contridicting yourself there. Make another roller coaster like Aerosmith but with different music? Why would you need two roller coasters with the same theme? I can't agree with that statement at all. I think you should take those points out because to me your contradicting yourself. The rest of the letter is fine. Just fix the spelling errors.


Original Poster
Hey guys!

Thanks for all the Feed back its REALLY helpful!!!

What do you all think about the letter writing campaign, to any and Everyone at Disney who will listen? I swear, we ALL need to get together and write many letters to Disney b/c more then one person will make an impact...Please PM me your ideas and comments about this thanks!


Original Poster

Originally posted by KathyG/poohbear
Nice letter...I would shorten and do bullet points but trust me....they won't care. They will give you the standard...I am sure your next vacation will be better and we will provide a special service to make sure everything is better next time. Then they will not.

The main problem with Disney is they have forgotten about customer service and are ONLY looking at the bottom line.....that is why the magic is leaving. I will write another letter too but I think we should not waste time with guest relations but go straight to the executives like Roy Disney listed on wdw.blues.com. Just my 2 cents.

Hey where is this site wdw.blues.com < I don't think thats the site b/c I went there and its someone on-line journal or something...tell me this site name b/c I want Roy to see it! Thanks!
Re: Good Ideas!

Originally posted by SG4779
REALLY good feed back, and GREAT idea's THANKS for imput and keep inputing, WE should SO make this a WDW forum Project! Like we should have a letter writing campaign and call it Campaign 2003 For the D. or something idonno we could think of a name later, but HONESTLY we ALL should write a letter b/c the MORE we write, the more we would get heard...Ya know? anyways Add me to your Buddy list guys and PM me about Ideas and such...I'm George If anyone doesn't know...Hey are any of ya'll going to the Dec' meet? Comments?:lookaroun :lookaroun

i totally agree. Let get our words herd and let them know ut we think.

Great letter. i agree wut all the other people are saying
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