DISNEY Frustrations! (my letter to Dinsey)

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New Member
The site is wdwblues.com. Sorry.

I have stayed on site twice,,,both times concierge at a deluxe hotel..AKL and the Poly. If you have never experienced bad customer service at Disney you are very lucky. I had a bad experience and was promised I would have everything taken care of the second time, all of my room requests, etc. Quess what...when I got there no one even knew about it. The guest relations staff are still calling me to apologize and say they don't know what happened. Yet, they can never manage to call when I am home, they just always left messages. A total lack of communication skills is what happened. There was a concierge that was nice and helped but he is so disgusted with the whole state of WDW now, that it showed through in his attitude.

I will never let bad customer service ruin my vacation again. I have lowered my expectations and as long as I don't expect much.....I will be fine. Why should Disney CMs really care and do their job..almost no one else at any other company does? As long as I go in, expecting no more than I would let's say at my local Paramount park, everything is fine. I still love the rides and the castle so I will return but I will return with opened eyes


Active Member
Originally posted by MillVillDavid
THe "magic" that you are talking about isn't determined by customer service alone. It's from your whole Disney experience. I know that I wouldn't let bad customer service (which I've never experienced at disney) ruin my day at WDW.


I beg to differ.

So much of the "Magic" at WDW has to do with customer service.

Say what you will - bad customer service at WDW for me is pretty much a vacation wrecker. I have really high expectations of my Disney trips....I don't think that I should have to put up with any nasty reminders of the "real world" (like bad customer service) to ruin them.


Customer Service

I've been to disney 13 times and I've stayed everywhere from All Stars to Polynesian. I have never received customer service so bad that it would ruin my vacation. I think about other places I've been and the customer service never compared to Disney. If you are inflexable then it probably will ruin it. We went in 2001, we had no preferences and we ended up with a wonderful room in the Poly. Then when we went in 2002, we had made three requests, I've heard that they usually will only accomodate one request which is what they did. It was the request that I would have wanted anyway so the rest was trivial. You CAN"T always have your way on every request. It's not feasable to think you will. You have to bend a little. We had a great time both vacations and it didn't ruin our time at all. I'm sure with the cut backs it's more frustrating but with the times the way they are right now I can understand it. I'm sure things will get back to normal soon as soon as the problems in the world are settled. Just try to be a little patient. If Disney doens't straighted up after things are settled, then they will be the one to suffer because it WILL then at THAT time be detremental to their business!


New Member
:lol: yeah, you may want to send it before Disney rips out all the rides you referenced, like they've been doing lately. :cry: They're gone... all gone!!


Original Poster
Which Rides?

Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
:lol: yeah, you may want to send it before Disney rips out all the rides you referenced, like they've been doing lately. :cry: They're gone... all gone!!

Wait...what rides?


Original Poster

Wow, people are really copying my post lol...like badman...yea We all my Frustrations I see...


Active Member
Re: Customer Service

Originally posted by kennyj29
I've been to disney 13 times and I've stayed everywhere from All Stars to Polynesian. I have never received customer service so bad that it would ruin my vacation. I think about other places I've been and the customer service never compared to Disney. If you are inflexable then it probably will ruin it. We went in 2001, we had no preferences and we ended up with a wonderful room in the Poly. Then when we went in 2002, we had made three requests, I've heard that they usually will only accomodate one request which is what they did. It was the request that I would have wanted anyway so the rest was trivial. You CAN"T always have your way on every request. It's not feasable to think you will. You have to bend a little. We had a great time both vacations and it didn't ruin our time at all. I'm sure with the cut backs it's more frustrating but with the times the way they are right now I can understand it. I'm sure things will get back to normal soon as soon as the problems in the world are settled. Just try to be a little patient. If Disney doens't straighted up after things are settled, then they will be the one to suffer because it WILL then at THAT time be detremental to their business!

Quite well said!

I, however, was not speaking of anything as trivial as room assignment requests....all the Diva requires is a smoking room and she is content! ;)

I was speaking of more serious problems...and they occured well before the war or 9/11. All I can say is that when I was there in 11/98, everything was awesome :)sohappy: ), in 1/00 it was really too d*** cold for me to even notice, and by 12/00 there was a definate decline in the *magic* at the World...:cry:


Original Poster

GREAT FEED BACK GUYS...I STARTED ANOTHER THREAD for the LETTER writing campaing on this Board...so GO support what you have said here and CHECK it out...people are really not getting what we are staying here...so please tell them over there 2!!!



New Member
2 words!

bullet points...

that way they have a list of what need improvements and then you can give 1 sentence explanations of each point following it.


Well-Known Member
Try this idea. I call it the "tell them" theory of writing.

First two sentences - TELL THEM what your purpose is with a very light allusion to your strongest point/details.

Body of the letter - TELL THEM what you want them to know. Keep it brief and strong. Use strong words that are concise and indicate exactly how you feel. Again - strong and brief is key.

Closing - In about two sentences, TELL THEM what you told them.

People remember what they read first and last most often.


Even though some folk here think that you won't get a response from your letter, send it. You'd be surprised the impact that one letter can make. I have sent many letters and emails to Disney when I have a concern or a complaint, or even when I just really enjoyed something. I have almost always gotten a phone call, as well as followup phone calls. Many of the letters I wrote actually got action taken. A few letters even seemed to bring forth dramatic changes! Actually, I'm certain it wasn't my letters alone, but a mass of like-minded individuals writing similar letters. Be heard.

That being said, this particular letter is too long. The most effective thing you can do is to break it up into multiple letters, each one designed to show concern for ONE thing. And be specific. If you notice things not being clean, specify what it was. If you find service not to your liking, tell a story about what bothered you.

I've been offered refunds, free tickets, fast passes, and replacement items for broken souveneirs. I'm not special. I've just found over the years that a letter that features constructive criticism about one thing seems to make an impact.

Whatever your concerns are, you are not alone. Adding your letter to the pile will send an even louder message!

Good Luck!


Active Member
:veryconfu Uh....are some of you not noticing how old this thread is? I am sure the op is long past the editing stage of their letter!


Original Poster

People are STILL talking about this...I love it...I was thinking about this post recently...Like the past 3 weeks I have been like...ah Disney disney disney...haha it comes in suprts! I know Disney will be here forever...but its like Come on and wake up...get Disney Mania going again!!!!


Active Member
People are STILL talking about this...I love it...I was thinking about this post recently...Like the past 3 weeks I have been like...ah Disney disney disney...haha it comes in suprts! I know Disney will be here forever...but its like Come on and wake up...get Disney Mania going again!!!!

So did you ever mail the letter?


New Member
Good letter, but I'd have to agree it's way to long. make it short, informative, and to the point. You do,however, make a very good point of making it a positive suggestion instead of just slaming 'em. I was thinking about writing them a letter about the Disney Channel and how they should bring back the classic disney.

Why don't we all write them?? THen they might see they really do need to fix some stuff because it's not just a few people here and there it's a larger group.

i completely 100% agree with you on bringing back the classic disney on the disney channel...i like some of the new shows but shows like the replacements and the proud family, i just can't stand those shows


Well-Known Member
Maybe we need to start a new letter campaign to get the Mickey soaps and shampoos back in the resorts!:) Seriously, why take away something that is themed to Disney and replace it with something generic? :p


Active Member
Maybe we need to start a new letter campaign to get the Mickey soaps and shampoos back in the resorts!:) Seriously, why take away something that is themed to Disney and replace it with something generic? :p

I agree! I ran out of shampoo the other night and got out my stash of mickey shampoo to use until I can get to the store. I really dont want to use them up now that they dont make them anymore! (although my collection of them is quite extensive!) I love those so much more than the boring new ones. I don't mind if they change them occasionally because that would make them more fun to collect, but they should really keep with the Disney theme.
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