Disney Ducks- Do they annoy you?


New Member
The only place that my family and I have seen an exceptionally large number of waterfowl is at the Flame Tree Barbecue. Since we don't feed them at all, they don't seem to get too aggressive, and they'll usually leave to go bother some other family willing to throw food scraps at them. One of my favorite family pictures from WDW is of my 4-year old son leaning on the edge of a water feature at Flame Tree, chin on folded arms, practically nose-to-nose with an equally curious duck, so I don't mind them much at all.


Well-Known Member
Love, love the ducks. In fact, my husband's favorite pasttime is to set up photos where the duck is in front of an icon, the castle, Spaceship Earth, etc., and take a photo so that they look like a tourist posing in front of the icon. Great photos.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
They'd bother me less if they stopped going into murderous, yelling rages at the slightest provocation.

And put on some pants, for goodness sake. There are kids around.


Well-Known Member
Disney World ducks are indicative of the problems that arise when people go feeding 'wild' animals because they are 'so cute'. I put 'wild' in quotes because the ducks at WDW are pretty far from wild.

It's fine if you consider any sort of wild animal cute, nasty, crazy, funny, yucky, or in my case tasty. Just leave it alone. We have some huge problems in Northern NJ with deer and black bears. People leave food out, and they get used to it. Next thing you know you have deer running down city streets and black bear that cruise neighborhoods knocking over garbage cans looking for food. I don't think people will ever learn that feeding a wild animal is doing it a disservice, not to mention that most of the crap people feed them is no good for them anyway.

To answer the OP, no, ducks at WDW don't bother me. If they get too pushy when I am eating something, a shove with my leg gets them out of the area.



Well-Known Member
They're only aggressive because people ignore the posted signs and feed them. Would you pass up the chance for free handouts if you were a duck? It's frustrating, since I'm sure all of that junk food isn't good for them (don't get me started on the turkey legs...) but I don't see people stopping any time soon. I have no problem with the large number of ibis, egrets and ducks but I'm a bird lover. I can see how people who don't like birds would be made uncomfortable, but the situation as it is presently is only a product of human influence.


Active Member
When I was a CM at BTM some of the funniest memories I have were standing in front of the stand-by or fast-pass entrance and watching some father with a video camera chasing after 3 or 4 ducks running along the sidewalk. My fellow CMs and I would always have a nice laugh saying "OMG we need to capture this" like they have never seen ducks before. To this day when I go as a guest especially in Frontierland I could always spot some dopey dad chasing ducks with a video camera.



Well-Known Member
Ducks aren't the only birds that shouldn't be fed at WDW. There are some nasty black birds near the sitting area for the counter service at Blizzard Beach that will come up on the table looking for food because they're used to being fed french fries.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love the ducks. I think it's great to watch them walk around, and just totally be relaxed and normal. My wife probably gets as much of a kick out of the ducks as she does the attractions. She could walk around Disney all day with her camera, and only end up taking pictures of ducks. :)


Well-Known Member
Ducks do not annoy me. Seagulls on the other hand make me want to bring a shotgun to the parks, Universal included (strangely, I've never seen a seagull at IoA...) and shoot them!!!


Well-Known Member
one thing i never seen in wdw is cockroaches.

Oh, they are there. Trust me!

Favorite duck incident I saw: While walking in with the huge crowds to AK one morning a few ducks flew over everyone's heads walking down the slope in front of the Tree of Life. One of the ducks dropped some unwanted waste into the crowd. As we got closer we found they had targeted 2 young boys...right in the face and they were crying.

Feel bad for the kids but it was still funny. :lol:


Well-Known Member
raven is correct, those are for rats, or more specificly, warf rats, which can be as large as a small dog up here in jersey.

one thing i never seen in wdw is cockroaches. although their are known as ____________ (rednecks,.. errr, i meen southerners fill in the blank) in the south, i forget the name, i remember when i was a ranger in the military on base in GA, they would come out of the bushes in the evening and be as big as salt shakers, hundreds of them.

P.S. Just kidding about the rednecks comment, i was born in tn and have brothers and other family in alabama.

I think you are referring to Palmetto bugs...look like HUGE cockroaches but bigger then F-15's LOL with the wing span ta boot!!!!:lookaroun:veryconfu

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